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Everything posted by KajOx916

  1. KajOx916

    L85A2 disabled? Reaaaly? DICE?

    Horrible change, there is little replay value associated with this game once you've "done it all". My best weeks have been since i got the l85 killing campers at various high traffic area's. I can say i made an impact on newbs play experience because i would kill snipers and give them the gear that i couldn't carry. Very sad day for the vets of Day Z. I haven't even upgraded and doubt i will.
  2. KajOx916


    I approve this message. Should add seeds that spawn around the island so they can play farmville too.
  3. KajOx916

    Are all ATVs buggy?

    ATV's are horrible, i flipped 5 in a weekend driving very cautiously.
  4. KajOx916

    bullet proof vest

    Body armor will be introduced at a later date.
  5. KajOx916


    Ghosting is when you use third person when your behind an object to see something you wouldn't be able to see in first person. Get YOUR terms straight idiot.
  6. KajOx916

    Trade NVG/Rangefinder

    I have the FN FAL with night vision scope i'll trade.
  7. KajOx916

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Any update on the patch? I've gone through the last few pages but been unable to find my answer.
  8. How do i edit CFG files? What program would u recommend?
  9. KajOx916

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    TLDR; I kill survivors.
  10. The fact is you CAN tell someone is a murderer by looking at them. Play the game a little and listen for heartbeats when you look at them. Faster the heart beat, the more they've killed.
  11. I hear it's gonna drastically improve frames and being on a lower end system i could use this.
  12. Maybe check arma holic
  13. KajOx916

    Helicopter crash sites

    Crashed C130's should be added...
  14. KajOx916

    Gamma and brightness

    Its crazy dark lol wtb NVG's $50.00 pm me dev's
  15. AC-130's, Nukes and god knows what else is plauging day z. It's frustrating to experience this when the whole server loses hours of game play to cheaters. Honestly 3+ deaths to hackers in the last 2 weeks losing day old characters hiders my motivation to re-grind.