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About sleight

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. sleight

    Can't load servers?

    Yeah its weird, every day i start steam i have to download an update. I asked my friends if they are experiencing the same thing, having to download an "update" every day and they don't, so idk.
  2. sleight

    Can't load servers?

    If i uninstall and reinstall will it wipe all my characters?
  3. sleight

    Can't load servers?

    I was playing the experimental last week with no problems. Just switched to the stable servers, and I've tried 10 different servers and im sitting at the black screen saying "please wait" on all of them. I've restarted steam and verified the game cache. Not sure whats going on, hopefully someone can help me out, I'm sure its something simple I'm over looking.
  4. same issue i had when playing with a friend of mine. Try dropping yellow cases and stacking them. Plus, go offline on steam when u guys are playing together, has helped me a bit. But, hope they figure it out.
  5. sleight

    The Unwritten Rules of Dayz

    At the end of the day, it's who's got the guns and the beans. The rest matters little.
  6. sleight

    No place is safe now....

    just gotta shake the can enough for teh explossssssion!! looool
  7. sleight

    Would you like a black backpack?

    Yeah, there needs to be a black backpack...and not to mention green gloves... Even though they're not in the game now, i don't see them staying out for long. We also need a balaclava... tired of seeing my face, and don't like the motorcycle helmet or gas mask..
  8. sleight

    Best place to find an ACOG ?

    Best luck i've had is in the hangers at North West Airfield
  9. sleight


    Yeah, i'm an avid hunter, so the whole tracking thing would be nice, and i think it could be implemented pretty seamlessly. Also, in past hunting games ive played, say you come across a blood puddle/spot, u could hit "F" to interact with it, and a little text would pop and say "Approximately 8 minutes old" Also the orientation of the blood, if its a circular puddle, you would know they stood there for a bit while bleeding, but if u see the blood starting to look more elongated u could get a bearing on the way they took off. I understand its Alpha, and there is a lot more pressing matters to take care of, but something for the future maybe.
  10. sleight


    Since i started playing DayZ, one thing has been in the back of my head regarding blood and bleeding in this game. Quick story: Today, I was at the North West Airfield and got into a firefight with someone up in one of the camo buildings. I had a mosin, plus a bi-pod and a LRS. The person in the window stood still and i shot, it was about a 400m shot. I saw the person, then sit down and log out, but, I'm sure i hit them, not sure how i could miss. But I'm not positive. So, something I've always wanted was to be able to run over to that building and see a blood spot on the ground, letting me know that I hit the person, even if the person is no longer there. The blood spots can despawn after 10 minutes or whatever, so u don't see spots everywhere. This also brings up and interesting thought about tracking a bleeding person, like every couple steps if they don't bandage they drop a couple drops of blood or whatever, but that's something for another time. Would like to hear you thoughts on it. TL:DR - Would u like to see blood spots on the ground where u shot someone?
  11. sleight

    Binoculars in SA

    No they are not currently in the game. Yes they will be at some point. We are not sure when that point is.
  12. sleight

    Static noise when logging in?

    Yeah I'm getting it quite a bit. I carry a mosin always, and get it about 1 out of 5 logins on regular servers. On Hardcore i carry both a mosin and a magnum and have had it about 10 out of 15 logins. I hope they are aware of it, it scares the shit out of me when i forget to put my headphone down to almost mute. Is it a sound that everyone can hear or just you?
  13. sleight

    Next time I will kill every girls

    Never trust something that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die my friend...