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Posts posted by Qritz

  1. I think the most useful tip I've found was using the sun as a reference point for directions. It definitely speeds up my ability to find good loot areas after spawning or becoming disoriented.

    Also how the heck do you use the compass? All I seem to be able to do is open and close the cover.

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  2. I'm not a huge fan of the mechanic you describe because of how it would force players to read. That's just too big a departure from the nature of the existing game for most people to enjoy it.


    Maybe if reading buffed you temporarily? As in reading satiated your mind which slows down your hunger and thirst for a short period. That way the devs wouldn't have to create a whole new mechanic and players wouldn't have to read just to survive. Afterall, you don't have to read in the real world if you don't want to.


    Also how feasible would it be for people to submit their own short stories for publishing as in-game books? That would be cool.
