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wuffi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by wuffi (DayZ)

  1. wuffi (DayZ)

    Where do YOU go to find pvp?

    Cherno is usually the first stop for everyone who is looking for a gun. so in generall you will encounter the most people there.
  2. wuffi (DayZ)

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    LOL firing an m4 at 500 meters... Dude the standart assault rifle of today is build to hit a target up to 300 meters. Some rifles will allso hit a traget at 400-500 meters if you have a nice optic. But fact is the M4 is not one of them! The M4 has a short barrel and fires a 5,56 mm bullet so believe it or not but in real life an old mosin would have better accuracy at long range because it fires a larger calibre (7,62) and has a longer barrel.
  3. wuffi (DayZ)

    How do you dress?

    Do you dress your self "stylish" or do you dress strictly for camoflage. In personal camoflage is everything for me. (I even don´t wear the big red hiking backback because the smaller green one gives me more camoflage). But how about you? Edit: Oh and i never wear those payday masks ;) (btw. i love the game payday) because in think this mask crys out loud "I´m a BANDIT!!!" :)
  4. Towns held by clans where you can trade and enjoy (at least a little safety). Other clans who might want to take over the town ;) The "badlands" between the "civillized" areas where you can "meet" bandits and andventurers.... I know that something like this is not possible :( But this would be the perfect game (at least for me) Ps: feel free to post your view of the "perfect" apocalypse :)
  5. wuffi (DayZ)

    Thoughts on the SKS and B29

    Yeah the mosin got rare. For every mosin i find 3 SKS (and about 10 of the new double barreled rifles ) Same for the .45 pistol I allways find tons of ammo for it but the pistol itself became VERY rare- And even if you find one the gun will usually have no mag. And mags for this pistol are even more rare then the pistol itself.
  6. wuffi (DayZ)

    Walkie Talkie/Transmitter

    Well good to know because i play it in german and at the moment you can scroll between 5 empty slots ;) So whatever i may select (i allready figured out that the last one removes the battery :) is open to my personal imagination ;)
  7. I mean who doesn´t know the situation. Out of sudden you hear a gunshot and soon you find yourself laying on the ground. Sometimes (with extreme luck) you survive it and you are just critical wounded. But before you thank god that you got away this time you will encounter a serious ploblem. All the food and drinks you stored for a moment like this are gone :( So you have to run around nearly "blind" looking for food. (if you get hit in the woods this = death (it just will take a few minutes longer) because it´s impossible to find enough food out there when you are as good as blind. So whats the point in stocking up food when its gone the minute you really would need it?
  8. Sorry but the so called "protector case" gets destroyed too. I once survived a hit. (but it was pure luck because the building i robbed in had lots of supplies) But what has really anoyed me was the fact that this single bullet destroyed, my medi pack, morphine, 5 bean cans (i was loading up because i planned to take a long hike in the woods) my "protector case" and about 9 out of 10 drinks. So the only thing that saved me was this building. If i would have got hit somewhere else i would have had NO CHANCE to survive it. Oh i have no problem with dying but if you give me the chance to survive it then at least give me a real CHANCE! Because if not whats the point of "surviving" the hit for 5 minutes when death is invitable anyway because you don´t have the luck to get shot in a big city where not everything has allready be looted?
  9. Well as said i WOULD be happy if i had a REAL chance to survive this. btw. i would have no problem if the supply in the area i was hit was destroyed. But it looks like at the moment rifles shoot magical bullets that wander around your body searching for bean cans and water. the problem is outside of a town you have NO CHANCE to survive it!
  10. wuffi (DayZ)

    Rain makes the game unplayable.

    rain doesn´t affect my framerate at all. (btw. devs how can it rain when i dissabled all clouds for preformance improve :P ) Its the big cities that often ruin it. But the strange thing is somethimes i can run around in a big town and my framrate is exellent. But maybe 10 minutes later it drops to even 10-15 frames in the same town for a while...
  11. wuffi (DayZ)

    What do you think about TRUST ind DayZ ?

    Well as long as i´m not fully geard up i allways try to solve an encounter in a none violent way. (Of course i die a lot at this stage because as said most people here would simple shoot you in the back after you spared their lifes) But for me it is still more fun to play the game this way. In personal i think a BIG problem is allso the fact that you find so much different outfits. So it can happen that you encounter someone who is as peacefull as you + has earned your trust... But 10 minutes later you may encounter the same guy again. Would be no problem if both players would be aware who is crossing their part. But with the constant change of outfit it´s impossible to sort out the "friends" from all the foes.
  12. wuffi (DayZ)

    I think I need blood - need help/advice

    Here is an update. I just got sniped 20 minutes ago (on a PVE server btw.) The shot left me unconscious for about one minute. (then of course the bandit who was looting me took 15 pistol hits before he realised what was even happening ;) I spend the next 20 minutes running around near blind shooting at everything that moves (even if it was just a traffic sign :) and drink and ate everything (even rotten thigs)i got into my hands. I guess about 10!!! cans of beans later and a dozend drinks i´m back!!!! So keep eating!!!
  13. I mean i stocked up Bandages like crazy just to find out that you no longer need them because you do not bleed anymore if you got hurt. (Btw. i liked the bleeding feature)
  14. wuffi (DayZ)

    I think I need blood - need help/advice

    Well since the last update you don´t bleed anymore :( (I liked it) Right now its all about food (I guess) because when i get hit by a zombie the autoheal kicks in as long as i´m healthy. So eat all you can (so the autoheal starts to kick in)
  15. Happened to me too today. (Btw. i died 5 minutes later even i was not bleeding and eating like crazy after i was shot)
  16. Nope i´m not a killer. I guess i played about 50 hours right know and only killed 3 people. 2 were shooting at me and one was simple begging to get shot ;) The guy had an axe drawn when i encountered him so i pointed a pistol at him. Hi quickly raised hands. So i greeted him and did move on. As soon as i turned around he started running at me with is axe in his hands again. And of course raised his hands again when i draw my gun ;) i gave him a last chance and told him that i will shoot him next time (i even fired a warning shot) But what did he do? He tried it a 3rd time :) (i had a big fat smile on my face when i slowly aimed at his head (while he raised his hands again) and pulled the trigger!
  17. Am i the only one who thinks this way? I mean serious if i want to play a game where i have to kill everyone the moment i see him i would play COD. i mean is it really this hard to at least say "freeze" if you are a bandit instead of shooting everybody the moment you spot him? I mean shooting people got really out of hand. Now it looks like everybody is firing first just because he fears that if he doesn´t the other one will kill you. I mean i know its a survival game but even in a post apocalyptic secaniro most people won´t shoot each other just for fun. Ok im shure there are some real soziopaths out there but in general its getting really frustrating that everyone shoots bevore opening their mouth.
  18. wuffi (DayZ)

    Can't wait to go on hunting trips up north!

    Well maybe i will stalk you :) Today i followed a player for 20 minutes without being noticed ;) Was fun watching him constantly trough my crosshair while he was "carefully" looting houses. When i finally got bored i waited untill he entered a house again and then i sit down at the front door waiting for him to come out again Of course he shot me without warning but it was really fun.
  19. wuffi (DayZ)

    Todays Fix Erased My Character

    I´m glad that i commited suicide (sks,magnum and 45er gone ;) just minutes before the update. So i don´t have to cry like a little girl after the update because my character is gone ;)
  20. wuffi (DayZ)

    I'm sick and don't know what to do

    Yep the same happened to me. Cleaning your wounds will make you ill :)
  21. Well more zombies would definitely mean more thrill. Because once you have the axe z are no longer a problem. But there is one problem. How would you survive long enough to get an axe when you respawn?
  22. wuffi (DayZ)

    The Fun of Clans?

    Well i guess a group of 10-12 men does not need to be stealthy ;) (but i have never seen such a large group) because everyone who attacks them commits suicide.
  23. wuffi (DayZ)

    Did everything just go down and not come back up?

    From steam: 7 February 12PM GMT, the stable branch network will be taken down to deploy the update. Please note: it can take game server providers up to 30 minutes to drop their servers. Players who are connected to a game server while the central server drops, are at risk of losing their progress. ------------------- So you will have to wait for a few hours just like the rest of us ;)
  24. wuffi (DayZ)

    Character reset

    From steam: 7 February 12PM GMT, the stable branch network will be taken down to deploy the update. Please note: it can take game server providers up to 30 minutes to drop their servers. Players who are connected to a game server while the central server drops, are at risk of losing their progress. Looks like you are the first "victim" ;)
  25. wuffi (DayZ)

    Can we please have guns hitting where we aim at?

    Sorry but that is simple not true. (If we talk about real life guns they definitely do not hit exactly where the sight is all the time) You have to consider bullet drop and wind. If lets say there is strong wind that often changes direction you will hit absoultely NOTHING with (just for example) a scoped hunting rifle at 300 yards.