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Posts posted by Clinton

  1. Here at AllGamer we have a three year track record of delivering high performance game servers and dedicated solutions. We've been playing and monitoring DayZ since May and decided we'd throw our card in the hat and offer hosting.

    Right now we're still polishing up our control panel to work with DayZ and we're looking for feedback on what we could do better and how users feel about our servers. To do this we are offering two free servers for anyone that wants them. All you need to do is respond with why you want the server and agree to keep us updated on how the server is running and provide feedback. The duration of the free server is undetermined and we reserve the right to terminate it at anytime. If you like the server enough we would be willing to work on a discounted service for you to keep it.

    So far we have these features:


    File manager to view log files

    Console to the server

    Server status and current players on the server

    If you're interested in getting one of these servers respond and let us know.

  2. Spartan did the right thing by aborting.

    I can confirm that it was Dan. He was teleporting to every group and person on the server and had a ghillie suit with a silenced mp5. He killed most people with satchel charges and killed the others by running around them taunting them and shooting them (He had god mode). After my group of three died I was playing in Elektro when satchel charges started going off everywhere and I survived in the woods. I then went into Elektro right after I saw Dan disconnect (After killing every single person on the server) and I was the only person on the server and as I entered everything was being nuked and Elektro was leveled.

    All the buildings were in ruins and it killed me again instantly.

  3. After riding ATV's for a while now here are a few things to remember. I've done all of these things more than once with catastrophic failure.


    Don't go over bridges

    Don't go through buildings

    Don't go on or around docks

    Don't ride sideways down a hill

    Don't go too fast down roads that have any sort of angle

    Try to stay on the left side of the road

  4. I definitely agree with this. It would make it easier for server providers to get donations for providing a stable server. It would also protect the players from server hoppers. All in all I can't think of any negatives for it.

    Everyone depending on the hive can become troublesome if anything starts happening to it as well. If you want to start over without losing what you have you can go join another server to start fresh and when you want to go play on your geared character you can do that.

  5. It has happened to our stuff as well. It's not really under our control. Sometimes when the server is restarted vehicles tents aren't there so we have to do another restart. Without having global chat we can't really ask players for feedback on whether or not it's just our stuff gone or not.

    I'm pretty sure from what I've read another restart will fix it hopefully.

  6. Ok, so you can't flood a server in a 5 minute interval correct? I've been in administration for years and it just doesn't work that way. Dropping traffic for a 5 minute interval isn't going to stop a real flood.

    The rules say nothing about having a 5 minute lock. It says no locking servers. Period.

    That's like speeding and going 80 in a 45. Sure officer I know it was illegal to speed constantly, but I only sped for a 15 seconds...

  7. Alright so just to be clear it's ok to blatantly break the rules that are laid out for ALL servers? It seemed like those rules were very strict and didn't allow bending when I asked.

    I'm just curious at this point and would like to mention this server also locks and has a password at times which is also against the rules. Is that an ok rule to break as well?

  8. I was the friend that was banned. I didn't get a warning and didn't know why I got banned until after my friend told me.

    I've read through the server rules and as far as I can see this is abuse.

    - Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

    - You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel). But you may not kick due to race or language or because the person does something you do not like.

    Read Here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1429

    I have not ever been disruptive and have not even said anything in chat since I've played on this server. As far as I've seen the admins abuse their powers because they like acting immature.

    As far as the tag itself. I have been using =AG= ~AG~ for years now without problem. We aren't impersonating anyone.

  9. BrandonL' pid='104640' dateline='1339654248']

    No message received is the Server Crashing' date=' as for server reset it was announced 30 minutes earlier that is was going to reset at the mentioned time of 12:30 Dallas time. Whatever happens in game to me as an Admin doesn't mean anything to me. Only thing that matters is the administration end of the game, and the gaming community of Dallas 1.


    By the way when you idle in lobby for too long, it kicks you to make room for other people that want to play. That is not my doing.

    So in the screenshot it says 11:30 is when the server restarts, but in this post you say 12:30. As a server administrator myself I don't see how you can make a mistake like that on a maintenance date. I can also confirm when the server went down it was not 12:30 (I live in Austin) it was around 12:40 ish on my clock. I will shut my mouth on that if you can provide a link to the server log for that however.

    I also like how the server seems to crash everytime an admin/AG-1 member on the server dies. Just admit to admin abuse and cut it out. You've had your fun.
