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Everything posted by FrozenLiquidity

  1. FrozenLiquidity

    The Unarmed Social Experiment.

    I suspect you'll be taking quite a few more rounds between the eyes before this experiment is over...
  2. FrozenLiquidity

    At this stage, DayZ is not playable.

    Ran into the first bit of hackers tonight. Everyone on the server simultaneously had their legs broken. I guess we're lucky that we had morphine on us and that they stopped at that.
  3. FrozenLiquidity

    DayZ Cold Nights, Calling For HELP!

    Sure, why not. I have comms and the keen ability follow directions, so this should be fun.
  4. YES, BUT Not sure how well the heartbeat mechanic would work. Perhaps a scroll option on the player for perceiving trustworthiness. Hmm...
  5. YES Though, ones' humanity level should drop obscenely fast if they kill an unarmed person. (or implement similar mechanic)