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About rabiez

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. rabiez

    Stuck at server loading screen

    I figured it out. Since the patch my firewall (Eset Smart Security) is blocking something. Normally it would popup and tell me if something new is trying to connect in or out but not with this game. It runs fine with the firewall disabled, so now I've added an exception in the firewall settings to allow all traffic in/out for dayz.exe and its still working fine. As for the resolution issue I had, I only just noticed that the user interface has its own resolution setting, that's what reset during the patch. I've changed it back to 1080 and its fine now. B)
  2. rabiez

    Stuck at server loading screen

    All of my settings are the same as before, but the resolution is wrong even though it still says 1920x1080. I noticed right away because the mouse pointer and the "Early Access Game" notification are much bigger. I've tried selecting different resolutions in the video menu but it doesn't change it at all. When it locks up in the server menu, it sometimes lets me back out to the main menu/title screen but then non of the buttons are clickable (play, character etc). I have to reboot the pc, you can't quit the exe in task manager.
  3. rabiez

    Stuck at server loading screen

    I get the same problem. Was working fine last night, then I got home from work today, installed today's new update (stable) and its broken. It also looks like the game loads in the wrong resolution, more like 720p instead of 1080p. I tried toggling that resolution setting back and forth and it makes no difference. Then I go into the server list and its empty. As soon as I click cancel it locks up, can still hear the sounds though. And like above, you cannot quit the process, have to force reboot the pc. I also tried everything powfeast did, reinstall etc, no change. <_<