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Posts posted by Goey

  1. I usually just hang them on the wall while daddy have his gametime :D


    Back on track ...


    I do also have kids ... and .. after bedtime I have a pretty well scheduled setup :D

    Clean up after the kids .. toys .. food etc..

    Put on a fresh pot of coffee...

    Go out for a cigarette while waiting for the coffee!!

    Get the coffee .. and have some relaxing time infront of the computer, playing some games or watch movies!!!


    If one wakes up, I will tend to them ... and if in DayZ .. I will log!!

    Now ... due to this Zombies wallhacking, and my char is on a 30 sec "remember to vanish" quest of a lifetime ... I might be a) Alive, B) unconscious or c) dead!

    Don't like that ... but .. nothing I can do ... I will not let the kids wait ... a game is just a game ... but .. annoying ..!! Hopefully they can come up with a middle way ... ie. no logout timer if not in combat or close to other hostile.... and then rather put the 30 sec on logon :D


    Still haven't figured out if I will get a penalty if I get DCd  from a server ( the pesky BattleEye problems )


    Sorry Bro, but this is the stupidst argument that i ever read.


    Im officer at the Berlin (Germany) police, i have a small daughter and also a wife.

    I defently know that you time is valuable, but these 30 secs wont destroy it!

    I think 30 secs are the best solution. Not to short but also not to long.

    And im sure, your kids can wait for 30 Secs - my little girl can - expect she is on fire. But in this case i have other problems then my gear in DayZ.




    This is awesome! I never wont be sorry to pledge a game like DayZ SA!

    The way of updating and involving the community you now go, is defently the best solution!


    May you read that, in a bigger german hardware magazin was a thread about DayZ SA.

    And they wrote: "The Warning about the Early Access could be removed. Some AAA Titles a not so finished, then DayZ is yet."

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