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Young Trotsky

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Everything posted by Young Trotsky

  1. Young Trotsky

    Servers with connection issues to central hive

    Lots of people have problems like this from time to time, this isn't the thread you want though, try here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/180399-waiting-for-host-session-lost-lag-and-desync-since-last-patch/ That is where people discuss this problem, hope you find a solution, might have to wait until next patch though. Edit: you probably want to skip to the more recent posts, suggestions from several months ago might not be helpful any more.
  2. Young Trotsky

    Calling fellow gardeners...

    I don't think it works yet, at least I couldn't get it to, tried holding it in hand but no option comes up when you point at a prepared patch of soil, seems like only the gardening lyme 'DRAKON' fertilizer works currently. I planted 9 pumpkin seeds with fertilizer and went away for about 30 minutes, when I got back 3 of the plants had good pumpkins and the other 6 had rotten pumpkins, I guess if I'd waited a bit longer they would've disappeared completely.
  3. Apologies if this has been covered, I did try a search first. I used to play this game a lot until about 0.42, never had a problem like the one I have now, same hardware and OS (i5, radeon 7750, windows 7 64bit). Tried to start playing again on 0.52 and now my game basically will not load without having one of -skipintro or -world=empty launch parameters, having either of those gets me into the main menu screen in about 15 seconds, 5 seconds if I also add -nosplash. If I have no launch parameters set I just get the BI splash, then the DAYZ logo and then a black screen for about 5 minutes and then crash to desktop. When I do get to the main menu screen, the 5 buttons all work fine, I can use the server browser and change settings with no freezing or anything, but when I connect to a server it takes over 2 minutes, sometimes 3 to actually load into the game, but once I'm in it's absolutely fine, decent FPS, no crashes. I guess this might be taking so long because the map isn't loaded on game start, but like I said I can't even get to the main menu without having -skipintro or -world=empty. If anyone has had similar problem and found a solution I would really appreciate your input. I have tried all the obvious stuff like reinstalling DayZ and wiping my steam folder to no avail. Like I said the game ran fine on this exact same computer back in version 0.42 and it runs fine now once I actually get onto a server, just seems like there is something very wrong causing it to take so long. tl;dr - game will only load with -skipintro or -world=empty, then runs fine but takes ages to get into server, tried obvious fixes.
  4. Young Trotsky

    Not enough experimental servers...

    Yeh all the new European servers they added a few weeks ago have disappeared so now there are only 8 EU servers and most of them just give me permanent "Wait for host" message when I try to connect, and the ones that you can connect to are too laggy to play on (not connection laggy, server performance laggy), presumably this is the bug Rocket mentioned on reddit. Hopefully this gets sorted soon because experimental is not really playable right now :(
  5. Thanks bro, I love this chat room <3
  6. Yeh, but when is the patch coming out and what number will it have? Are they just doing stable update or experimental too?
  7. Is the only reason you keep saying 0.42 instead of 0.38 because you saw that screenshot of the locked servers?
  8. I WANT EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW WHY ISNT IT HERE YET I PAID £20 FOR THIS!?!? Great job with all the patches guys, can't believe how fast this game is coming along! FKING ZOMBIES GO THROUGH WALLS, SERVERS ARE LAGGY AS SHIT, LIKE THIS GAME ISNT EVEN FINISHED YET! Appreciate all the feedback we're getting and the regular updates, looking forward to seeing what's next. THEYRE NEVER GOING TO FINISH THIS, IVE NEVER WORKED ON A GAME AND HAVE NO IDEA HOW IT WORKS BUT I CAN TELL BECAUSE THIS ONE HAS BEEN OUT IN ALPHA FOR LIKE FOUR FKING MONTHS THAT THEY WILL NEVER EVER FINISH! This game will be so epic when you guys are done I think, so excited! Just another day in the life of the DayZ community.
  9. Seems unlikely now that it's almost 11pm in Prague...
  10. obvious troll, called it first so i get to keep him! you're my wife now, warhousetv, but i'm going to call you dave.
  11. Yes but posting on here is more of an "official" statement, so I can see why it's safer to just post on social media. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to find the info, there's a devtracker right here on this forum for a start...
  12. I have starved to death once on exp 0.36, but that was before they added the extra servers (i.e. every server was 50/50), since then I haven't found a problem, I think you probably just got unlucky and were following someone who closed the doors behind them. I have not found any difference in the amount of loot between stable and experimental, nor have I heard anyone else reporting this. Try joining a newly restarted server (server time = 14:00 usually) and hopefully you will see there is just as much loot as stable.
  13. Half of the experimental servers are hardcore, it has been that way since I started playing about a month ago, thanks for your cool stories.
  14. The best place for this info is Rocket's twitter page or the DayZ sub-reddit (devs flair). For 0.37 there was an announcement on the DayZ tumblr account last week, it will be pushed to stable tomorrow (5th March). The Dev tracker sub-forum is also good for seeing all the posts by devs on the various social media sites.
  15. Well it's not a bad idea to get into the habit of avoiding rain, sounds like they will be adding effects soon (hypothermia, water-damaged gear), but it probably isn't worth putting off a trip to the shops just yet...
  16. Being soaked currently has no effect (except for the messages and the status on the inventory screen). Just making sure you know that :) P.S. I don't know if they removed the sound when you start/stop getting wet because I never heard it, it's controlled by the in-game music volume which I set to zero the first time I ever played. So anyone who is getting annoyed by that, just turn your music volume down.
  17. Man, if items really appear instantly when you drop them on the ground now that is going to be a huge improvement!
  18. Young Trotsky

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Tomorrow is Tuesday I think... Last week Rocket and Hicks were saying that updates to stable were going to slow down to a 3-4 week interval to reduce the risk of having a big bug slip in like the GPU memory leak in 0.34 (presumably experimental will be updated more frequently but they will wait longer to see if any problems come up there before updating stable), I would guess they will probably do another update to experimental this week but maybe not stable for another week or 2.
  19. Young Trotsky

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    People do read, they just stop reading before they get all the facts and then they go and post inaccurate details that get other ignorant people interested and soon you have a perfect storm of ignorance. Kids today... Back in my day we had to read every news story ten times through and then find at least 3 different opinions expressed by notable academics on the matter to form the basis of a 10,000 word thesis that we had to present to a panel of our peers before we were even allowed to give the article an up- or downvote on reddit.
  20. Young Trotsky

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    All they changed was the level at which you get the 'hungry' and 'thirsty' notifiers. They used to be 600 energy and 1800 water, now they are 1000 energy and 1500 water. You still spawn with exactly the same energy and water: 1000 energy and 1800 water. It still takes exactly the same amount of time to start starving as it did before, you just get more warning from the 'hungry' notifier appearing earlier. I assume this was done so that new players had more impetus to start looking for food straight away, in previous builds by the time you got 'hungry' you only had about 25 minutes before you started starving to death, now you have about 40 minutes from when you first see 'hungry' (these times assume you are constantly moving, standing still would mean you have longer). I recommend this video if you want a very good explanation of the hunger/thirst mechanics:
  21. Young Trotsky

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Yeh next patch they said. Bicycles this week then next week cars and trucks and week after that tanks, helicopters and harrier jump-jets, have to wait until April for the spaceships apparently, though.
  22. Young Trotsky

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Yeh maybe, I admit I am more of the "interesting interactions" kind of player than the "hardcore survivalist" type. If I have an hour to play DayZ I don't really like spending 55 minutes of it running around in a desperate search for a few cans of beans. I'd rather be able to get that done in 20-30 minutes and then go looking for trouble at the airfields or big towns. I think one of the biggest problems this game will face as it develops is the balance between players that are happy to invest hours and hours on the lone survivalist stuff and the players that want to actually play with/against each other more than the environment. I may be wrong but I would guess the vast majority of players are closer to the PvP end of the spectrum.
  23. Young Trotsky

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    I don't think this has been mentioned yet and I can't see it in the changelog but I just did some testing and it seems on 0.36 (experimental) that sprinting with your hands down is the same speed as with your hands raised now, so that's pretty good IMO, means you don't have to worry about the problems of sprinting with hands raised (can only do slow vault + dramatic slowdown when you hit gradient + have to drop your hands before you can crouch or go prone when someone starts shooting you). Apologies for time-wasting if everyone already knew this. P.S. In 0.35 (stable) you still run faster with hands raised. Edit: does anyone know how often the experimental servers get reset? Seems pretty hard to find much loot on them, could probably do with reset every 2-3 hours or allocate some more servers, it seems pretty popular!