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About DougQuade

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  1. DougQuade


    Buscus, it really is time to grow up man. Having a mole in our teamspeak and reporting our positions to you, is lame, and a easy way to do it. Try being a real bandit for a change and bring a challenge to us. You never were a good player to begin with and since you were discharged from our clan, you have been acting like a baby. You are just one of a long list of names of people who couldn't hack being a CQF member and got the boot. So get over it and move on already. None of us are sweating you. You are the only one sweating anything. Best of luck in your life and everything you do but growing up is going to help you in all areas of your life. Not just in a virtual gaming world. Peace
  2. DougQuade

    DayZ Pimpin Ain't Easy !

    Homie had to smack a zombie !!
  3. DougQuade

    Bounty on Brad

    Trolls will be trolls unfortunately and as usual there are always haters. I am sure some group will hound him and kill him enough so that he stops posting Dayz content on youtube. Which is sad because the more Dayz players the bigger and better the community.
  4. DougQuade

    Hive offline ?

    Yeah , servers are not connected to the hive.
  5. DougQuade

    The coolest item in the game.

    It would be cooler if it was a Swat helmet, or a OD Green with a Red Cross on itl.
  6. DougQuade

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    The progression is with the person playing the character. I think that is the point of survival. You progressm you stay alive longer, find better loot, meet new people, form alliances etc.... To have a character leveling system is not needed in a game like this. Maybe for BF or COD, but not this game.
  7. DougQuade

    If you like dying, come to BEREZINO.

    Not a fan of people preying on bambi's. Personally I find it lame. Wish bandits would have the guts to pursue people that are kitted out and can put up a proper fight. Where is the challenge? Also I find it troll-like to pretend to be friendly assist a player, then kill them. Just KOS if that is your intention. I understand that everyone has their play style but what you are doing only helps foster the KOS mentality. Good luck trying that with my group :) Chances are if you see only me, you are missing at least 4-8 other people that are rolling with me :)
  8. DougQuade

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    I had the same issue yesterday. Logged out in a second floor room behind closed door and when I logged in a couple hours later, I was in the middle of the first floor. I am sure it will be fixed soon. I think a lot of people forget that the game is still in alpha and probably will be for quite some time.
  9. DougQuade

    The coolest item in the game.

    Meh, I think that helmet is fugly. Even though it is not released yet my favorite thing in the game is the ATV. I love roaming through the countryside on one of those.
  10. DougQuade

    Choose your Logout Locations Wisely

    I have to agree with the logging out in a 2nd story building that is low traffic. This is what I used to do in the MOD, so it would make sense to do this now that the new update has kicked in. Definitely making people choose more selectively when and where they log off.
  11. DougQuade

    my first oh s#@t moment

    I still have those kind of moments from time to time. Gunfire tends to do that to people. It does help motivate me to find immediate cover though :)
  12. DougQuade

    Regarding Burlap Sack on head

    You should try and see if you can handcuff someone and put the burlap sac on their head. Would be a possibility for a good roleplay scenario of hostage taking etc...
  13. Just use the clouds for navigating. I play on day only servers so that is the easiest way. The move West to east. Easiest way to learn north :)