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Butter (DayZ)

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About Butter (DayZ)

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  1. Butter (DayZ)

    A good use for pen and paper

    I have yet to find one server where a player has spoken to me before firing. so, I'll probably do this.
  2. Butter (DayZ)

    30 seconds is a joke, make it 5 MINUTES!

    Highest I got was 250 seconds!
  3. Butter (DayZ)

    Where to find SKS Rifle ?

    spawned and found one literally in 30 seconds.
  4. Butter (DayZ)

    Player corpses despawning really fast

    Apparently if people respawn or leave the server there body disappears? has anyone else had trouble respawning though? Like you'll press respawn and nothing will happen?
  5. Butter (DayZ)

    did they fix the military tent spawns in the new update?

    are they talking about the military tents near the airfield NW of the map? if they are, they didn't fix it. I was there today, searched every tent on an empty, newly refreshed server and nothing was in them. Although, I've notice a lot more things spawning elsewhere.
  6. Butter (DayZ)

    Personal Opinion.

    That's all I wanted to know is that they're working on the zombies! Thank you! Azurestorms, you are literally the biggest douche bag, game development isn't a hard thing to understand (harder to do). Its in Alpha, so therefore the game isn't FINISHED, I'm sure we all understand this. You just have to go out of your way to try and feel more intelligent then everyone else. IMO, get over yourself.
  7. Butter (DayZ)

    Personal Opinion.

    I wasn't trying to disrespect Rocket or anyone, and I didn't tell anyone to buy "Rust", I just said I'd invest in it, due to its play-ability right now. (but I would probably go onto a Justin Bieber forum and tell them to buy a Slayer album, honestly.) I do really enjoy this game whilst I'm playing it, you can easily combat the zombies by using sound so its not a major problem I guess, it only becomes one when you spawn in and your screen is black but as soon as it loads, it says "You're dead" almost as if its mocking you for something completely not your fault.
  8. Butter (DayZ)

    Personal Opinion.

    Did I not say "this is my personal opinion and I understand the game is in Alpha"? or did you not read the title at all? Hypocritical I know, because that's your opinion. I'm just making a topic to have a general discussion (like the thread intends) and to see other peoples opinion.
  9. Butter (DayZ)

    Personal Opinion.

    DayZ in its current state is a good game to play for a little while, I wouldn't say its a game you can currently get fully immersed into. Multiple times I've had a server restart without warning and as I've gone to join again, I've been dead. I know you're basically vulnerable for the first 30 seconds due to connecting and desync, but the fact that zombies can see you through walls and in turn run through walls makes it a little stupid when a server randomly resets. So until either, theres a ten minute alert or something on all servers and zombies pathing is corrected, I'd say don't invest in this game if you get frustrated easily. I've found myself fully set up with an M4 in hand and Mosin on my back (fully kitted out on attachments and ammo) to come back in dead and ended up almost breaking something. From what I've seen, I'd invest in "Rust" for $19.99 AUD. again, this is my personal opinion and I understand the game is in Alpha, but I personally think zombies being able to walk/see through walls is a pretty big issue, also if you've played the mod (EPOCH, I think) you have trader towns where you get invincibility inside the town, but you cannot shoot. I think something like this should be implemented (at least for now, whilst the game is still in development) for when you join in, or at least, as I said above, a message telling you when the server is about to restart. Cheers, Butter.