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Eddie Keeper

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Everything posted by Eddie Keeper

  1. Eddie Keeper

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    I know this is an older post, but VOIP is no different than ghosting. Coordinating meet ups is great, playing with a team is fine, but watch the videos of people using it and tell me how a dead or unconcious person telling their friends where an attacker is is any different than ghosting? You can't. In fact, I think an unconcious or dead person on a team giving away positions is worse than ghosting, because it's more immediate information, ghosters while they are still cheaters have to reload and are vulnerable as well as having targets that may have moved. It also seems exactly like a hacker that can use some ESP hack to see where people on the map are. What pisses me off is hypocrisy. The people that complain about someone ghosting or combat logging in video's and in play are at the same time giving away an opponent's location on teamspeak or skype or whatever and never understand that they are doing the exact same thing. Don't think you're a good or cool player for killing some other individual or group when you are basically using accepted hacking(VOIP).
  2. Eddie Keeper

    Character screen gone when I log in?

    Hitting the tab key usually makes it go back to normal.
  3. As much as I dislike them, I think the KOS people are an accurate protrayal of society and help make this game more real. I particularly hate the cowardly snipers that sit on a hill for hours and just kill others. But in reality, there are millions of 12 year olds that have no real concept of end of life, personal responsibility, or empathy and many adults with that same mentality. On top of which, millions more people only exist in society because they are medicated to control their psychotic or skitzoid behavior. These people would all be survivors in an apocalypse that we would have to deal with, making interactions with the sane and normal people even more chaotic or nerve wracking. Always act like a nice person and you face death with those you interact with. It is a reality and as much as I hate getting killed, I appreciate this game having this reality.
  4. Eddie Keeper

    Wrong caliber for Mosin Nagant

    Not really an error issue with game play so reporting it here as I couldn't find a listing for this. The Mosin Nagant is Caliber 7.62x54R a Russian rimmed round, not the 7.62x51 (.308) round found in the game. Mosin Nagants were never chambered in .308 (7.62x51) Probably a holdover from Arma II inventory. Not a big deal as numbers go, but a huge difference in the bullet size and shape and a really big deal in terms of reality and what will or won't work in guns