Zhrike, that isn't helpful. Mythal its great that your taking the time to talk about the issues and your experience. Feedback is important in the development of a game. What isn't helpful are people who don't realize the value in when you don't have anything good to say don't say it at all. Like these trolls including the forum police guy. I am new to this forum and I even found that post a little insulting. Complaining about trolls has never stopped one and won't now, it just feeds their ego. Don't feed the animals! There definitely could be a lag issue there with the door not opening. I've experienced these issues where there is some sort of server lag or connection lag. It seems all to common with not just doors, but other players, the way zombies move, and even putting items on the ground and waiting for them to appear. All the issues so far just seem to be the way the alpha Dayz is. It is a fun game for a while, but when the problems start happening my friends always remind me that it is in early alpha. :) This latest patch addresses a lot of exciting changes. I am also excited to see the game change drastically before me which is part of the alpha experience I guess, or kickstarter experience. Like right now my character is dead and will not respawn and there isn't anything i can do but to be patient and have fun watching videos and reading about player experiences while I await a fix. THank you DayZ staff for all your hard work! Peace!