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Everything posted by ChickenMan (DayZ)
what do you think of the current inventory block system?
ChickenMan (DayZ) replied to Wookieenoob's topic in General Discussion
The Hud system idea that Stiello created is great! Totally Brilliant. Please Dayz Devs, do this. It would make so much more sense. Good job Stiello this is absolutely awesome. The Devs would be smart to implement this idea as the new storage system. The percentages idea would also create the ability for storing items in cabinets and other like objects more easily from the developmental side of things, at least I would think. -
are people trying to make the SA to friendly?
ChickenMan (DayZ) replied to dgeesio's topic in General Discussion
I kind of accidentally stumbled into this forum. I had a suggestion I wanted to make and was searching the "List of Suggestions" to make sure mine wasn't already there. In the list I found a Biiiiiig forum about KoS and an idea to help with this popped into my head. What if there was a "Sanity" stat. I wanted to post this in the forum i found but couldn't for it is now closed because a bunch of lil babies turned it into their own personal argumentative grudge match instead of an open discussion about REAL solutions to a problem that faces DayZ. For those of you who don't think so, KoS really is a problem. I'm not saying it should be eliminated. It's a thing that happens and I'm totally fine with it, shit I've done some KoS-ing myself. There just needs to be a way to make it a little less frequent and to create more interaction between players. Lets look at what DayZ was meant to be, It's supposed to be a Zombie Survival Simulator. This means it should be as close to a real life zombie scenario as possible (for a game). Obviously its a game and should be fun to play, and everyones play style might be a little different. Thats all well and good, but this game IS meant to be Ultra submersive. Thats what made me like this game so much back when it was only a mod for Arma II. Yes killing on sight happened way back when too but it honestly happened far less. There was a lot more role playing from other players and for those who didn't role play there was still a lot more interaction before people started shooting. Lets look at this touchy topic from the standpoint of what people would do if a real life zombie apocalypse actually happened. Its all about survival. Most people would be trying to get or find help from any person or group of people they could. Most people would feel safer in numbers and thusly form groups. Some people would be trying to help others, some people would be trying to control others, and some people would be trying to cause harm to others. As people attempt to survive in the zombie apocalypse they would all have different experiences that could/would change them and their reactions to others. Due to possible hostile interactions with other people/groups some people might resort to just out right attacking others out of fear and self preservation, this would be an example of KoS within the game, totally legit and realisitic. Others who might be hostile themselves, whether alone or with a group of other hostile people, might attack anyone they see simply for the sport or out of protection of what they've gathered/collected for their own survival. Again this is another example of KoS within the game being a legitimate and realistic thing. That being said, for both those scenarios the person or people would not be totally sane in order to commit these actions. The person who kills out of fear and self preservation would obviously be under a lot of stress, they would not be thinking concisely and probably be a little bit crazy. Same goes for the hostile thug with his thug brethren. They've lost all sense of their goodness and humanity(if they even had any to begin with) and therefore themselves are not entirely sane. This is how the "Sanity" stat could be helpful in a more submersive DayZ gameplay that encourages people not to KoS to preserve their sanity/humanity. For those who don't care then they delve into the crazy and KoS all they want, but it comes at a price as it would in real life. The way I see the "sanity" stat working is like this... As one approaches another player, if they speak or interact with the player first and then happen to kill the other player, no negative sanity would happen. If one approaches another player and kills them instantly with no other character interaction then negative sanity would be applied to said player. After a determined amount times/sanity lost then the player would begin to see moving shadows on the edge of the screen or out in the foreground. The player would maybe sart randomly muttering nonsense from time to time, possibly making themselves known to zombies or other players. I think this could be a cool implementation that would help reduce the amount of KoS that happens, but also make the game more interesting and submersive for those who do want to KoS. Also one more thing, I've been away from the game for about a year because my computer broke down. I just recently built a new one and started playing again. Before, when it was still in the beta they had just implemented hordes that would appear from time to time. Usually in the middle of the woods. Are there still hordes in the full release? If not this would be great to see again (sorry if its already been posted but it goes along with my reducing amount of KoS happening). Hordes would be attracted to sound and for those who shoot on sight all the time, they would be increasing their chance of being over run by a horde of zombies. This could also possibly help reduce the amount of KoS due to a greater dangerous out come. -
Pretty sure this has already been planned for the future whence the game is closer to completion. Option of choosing facial hair/ hair cuts and possibly growing beards/scruff over time. All has been discussed before and like I said, pretty sure the Devs will be implementing closer to game completion.
Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251
ChickenMan (DayZ) replied to Hicks_206 (DayZ)'s topic in News & Announcements
Amen brotha! -
Yes for REGULAR but only from player to player, not the whole server No for HARDCORE
Backpacks and clothes + other containers should spawn with a chance of loot.
ChickenMan (DayZ) replied to franzuu's topic in Suggestions
Agreed! to all before me. -
DOORS: Noise depending on opening speed?
ChickenMan (DayZ) replied to Gonzo84's topic in Suggestions
Yes, yes, and most definitely yes. -
"Mandatory" trading zones I don't like. Though on the note of trading zones... A group of people being able to stockpile by keeping a large amount of things in constructable containers in a zone they can barricade and protect, and then that group creating a trading zone themselves that they "govern" would be cool. Others could chose to go there and trade, or others might go there to try and take over by force. This here could create a lot of interesting happenstances.
Actually, I think that could be a cool idea. It would take parts to build a working train, only one on a server obviously. Whom ever controlled the train, like say a group of people, would have access to building a large homebase where a train depot might be, using the future barricade/building system. they could load the train up from town to town and build a large stockpile. Thus creating an area they might control. They could be good guys and give stuff out for free. Or be bad guys that coax you in with a radio message and then murder you after taking your stuff. Or even thirdly, they might create a trading outpost where all could come to trade! They would need a large enough team to police the area to keep it safe... though you never know what might happen... It would create a really cool aspect of realism on multiple accounts. As well as creating new ways for role playing, which is what the True Day Z gamer is looking for. Also (but not necessary), there could even be hand crank styled "train" trolleys that you might build to travel through to the main towns a little quicker. But if you come across another or even the real train, and shit suddenly gets real.
Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.42.116002
ChickenMan (DayZ) replied to rocket's topic in News & Announcements
Man alive!!!! Whats with all the idiotic haters and complainers. If I could meet some of you in real life I would yell in your face until I turned blue as to what an imbecile you are (only making an imbecile of myself but it would be so worth it). Do you not realize how hard it is and how much work goes into creating a game? Especially one that has so many options of things you can do in a completely open multiplayer world hosting MILLIONS of players. Some of the best games out there have taken multiple upon multiple years to create. It doesn't just MAGICALLY happen with the click of a button. Yea there's some random small items that they keep adding in instead of the big stuff we all want to see, but before they get to the big stuff they need to make sure all the other game mechanics are working properly. Make sure small bugs and big bugs alike are stomped out. That way when they DO get to the big stuff, there will be a lot less problems for them to face. Also... have you COMPLAINERS never seen the notice that you have to Accept before purchasing the game, and that comes up every time you launch the game where you must click "I UNDERSTAND"? In case you haven't here it is. WARNING: THIS GAME IS EARLY ACCESS ALPHA. PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE IT UNLESS YOU WANT TO ACTIVELY SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF THE GAME AND ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE WITH SERIOUS ISSUES AND POSSIBLE INTERRUPTIONS OF GAME FUNCTIONING. The dev team has been working their asses off trying to add new content and fix bugs as fast as humanly possible. I think they're doing a damn fine job and I say Keep up the good work fellas! If you haven't maybe check out the devblog so you can see some of the awesome stuff they're going to implement. Freakin physics for items!!! Hunting coming soon! And a most likely fix to zombie AI and the way they like to walk through walls. Plus new looting system. Remember folks, this is not a full release game yet. It is still in Alpha, and if ALL this is what they have so far in just an alpha, then damn!! I can't even imagine how awesome the full release will be. I'm in it for the long haul. Thanks Rocket and crew for an amazing idea and all your hard work.- 2645 replies
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Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.42.116002
ChickenMan (DayZ) replied to rocket's topic in News & Announcements
Yea me too. Also crazy desync. Usually the most i've seen it at was like 10000 but lately its been going up to 70000, even as high as 100000. then randomly will pop back down to 0. Luckily I've heard that they are working on ways to solve this issue so way to go DayZ Devs for gettin on it! Even through frustrations of glitches I still love the shit out of this game. Every new update they do brings in new items, new fixes, and just more awesome stuff. They do a great job of working with the gamers to isolate problems and add in things we want (when able to and within reason), so keep up the good work fellas! -
Day Z Dev Team did a great job when they implemented being able to swap weapons while moving and not being forced to come to a standstill. There just needs to be one last tweak to that Mechanic. The Problem: When pulling out or swapping weapons while at a standstill, you cannot move until the action is complete. This is horrible and has caused many deaths and damages. What would be great to see in the near future: The ability to swap or pull out a a weapon while at a standstill, but still be able to move around while the action is being completed. This would make things more realistic and much more fluid for the player. One more Suggestion: Being able to walk and eat/drink. (I have done this many times while backpacking/hiking IRL)
WARNING for the new berries that are soon to be implemented!
ChickenMan (DayZ) replied to crazykage's topic in General Discussion
I get the feeling that charcoal tabs are gonna come in handy trying to discover what berries are edible or not. tehe -
Swapping item Mechanic needs one last Tweak
ChickenMan (DayZ) replied to ChickenMan (DayZ)'s topic in Suggestions
I would agree as well, though you have to keep in mind the "hotbar" for items. So if you have an item hotbarred that is in your backpack i would say no, you shouldn't stop/not be able to move. It would be like placing something strategic in your bag that's reachable while moving. That's why it's in your "hotbar". -
The Community's List of Suggested Weapons for Dayz Standalone (Version: 1.29)
ChickenMan (DayZ) replied to alexeistukov's topic in Suggestions
ummm... P 90 anyone? You like? No Like? -
Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.42.116002
ChickenMan (DayZ) replied to rocket's topic in News & Announcements
(Didn't see this til I made a post) Yes, please do. I have problems with this all the time, My buddy and I will be trekking or searching, and all of a sudden he(or I) just won't move anymore or will be running in place doing magic tricks with his(or my) weapon. We just keep running and eventually he(or i) will reappear. And its not because of wifi connections, My friend and I are both hardwired in with cable highspeed interwebs. -
Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.42.116002
ChickenMan (DayZ) replied to rocket's topic in News & Announcements
Keep up the good work DayZ staff! I look forward to every new update you guys do! One thing though that I'm slightly concerned about. The not being able to wear masks with helmets thing. It makes perfect sense for the motorcycle helmet but for opened faced helmets as well? I really feel that you guys should consider an adjustment to what helmets can or cannot except masks. -
Mental Constitution - Social/Survival Mechanic for Immersion
ChickenMan (DayZ) replied to dubghall's topic in Suggestions
Love the Idea! Would leave a lot of options open for making the DayZ world even creepier. I can imagine it now... You start out, you have nothing on you but a flashlight, you don't know where you are. You find some stuff, but zeds start attacking! You run into the woods, its dark, and your're all alone. You hear movement around you. is someone really there? is it a zed? or are you just hearing things? Quite sometime goes by, you now have more gear; a gun, water, food, etc. Only one thing... you're still alone and rarely make camp, always staying on the move and getting very little sleep. once in a while you'll hear things off in the distance. Children's laughter, but there are no kids. a woman crying, yet no one is there. and then that day will come when you accidentally kill someone who surprises you, or maybe you knew damn well what you were doing when you decided to murder them. More time goes by, you still lead a life of solitude. still on the move, still rarely sleeping and making camp. Seeing flashes of a face, or maybe a shadowy figure off in the distance is now a common occurrence. Even creepier noises echo through your head. you haven't slept in so long that things start to change color and look almost psychedelic, warping and moving. you are insane! More time passes, you now find yourself with a group of people you have met while out on your struggles to survive. You travel with your group, eat with your group, and make camp with your group (maybe rob people and/or murder them. i.e. Bandits). the strange noises, feelings of paranoia, and visions have ceased. You are now more keen on what is going on around you, and how to handle situations. you can keep your focus on what needs to be done.