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About acerenegade6

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  1. acerenegade6

    Streaming DAYZ RIGHT NOW!

    just watched and seriously....you and a friend just died a randomly for no reason, and you were so worried about a hacker yet your playing with one. he can just spawn you crap like he did those motorcycles. but seriously screw off, your just as bad as a hacker when hes assisting you in killing players with ESP.
  2. acerenegade6

    us353 hacker killed us

    NOBODY IS NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT THIS HACKER. he is still on there and even a clan member of the server owner came on and did nothing. really pissing me off. i understand that this might not reach the server admin but damn this is bullshit. he can just stay on and killing and nothingbe done about it.
  3. hacker named (COUNTER HACKER) TRICK teled to us when on a atv going to base fixed our atv and then droped a unguided bomb on us. and then teled to our base and destroyed all our stuff with more bombs. then continued to kill everyoneelse on the server.
  4. acerenegade6

    disappearing weapons

    so i had a l85a2 befor and just one day i loged out and came back in 10 minuts later and it was gone. i had all the ammo and all my other items just the l85 was gone. i said no big woop must have been a bug but i just found another one today and was all like FUUUUUU YEAH!!!!! but i loged out about an hour later and come back in to find out that it has done the same thing again. i had everything else but just the l85a2 disappered, so i wondering what the hell is going on if its a bug or something else. and i really dont want to keep loosing l85a2s or anyother main weapons.
  5. i logged off 5 min after geting a kill with the l85a2 to calm down cause i was pumped. first kill with that gun. and come back to the server and its gone i still have the ammo for it and all but the gun was just gone i had everything else.
  6. so befor anyone tells me i should have searched the forums i have, and none of them explain what happened to me. so me and a freind were east of stary heading north when i noticed something in the distance (dark but still had monlight) on server de #35 and it was a player and so i watched him with my l85a2 thermal and see if he was a threat and he looked to have night vision so i watched him and i thought he had saw us cause he was crawling right at us so i killed him. we ran to loot his body to findout he didn't. so we ran north and i was so pumped from it i loged as soon as i got to a forest and got something to drink to calm down. i come back and my buddy had found another server cause he didnt want to play night time anymore and we hoped on to de 167 which is hosted by aroturus, and as soon as i come in my l85a2 is gone and i had not joined any server between the time of aborting and joing the two different servers, nor did i switch guns nothing. never gave it a reason to loose my l85a2. so im kinda pissed but if a server has it disabled or something? and that is how i lost it or was it something else like its a bug or something. i only had one kill on that character and with that gun and it was the above kill. i have had the l85a2 for more than a few days
  7. acerenegade6

    Zombie Survival My A***

    me and one other person i play with, got killed. no big deal, respawned and just booked it into cherno full well knowing we were going to get shot but we had hatchets and were going to fuck with people. we started climbing up the ladder to the tallest building and ofcourse a sniper was shooting at us, missing like crazy, and so the two of us decide to fuck with him and dance on the roof. after about 7 mags of dmr shot at us, he still kept shooting finally got my freind, so i kept the show going and the sniper shot another 5 mags at me. my freind was going to track him down. while he is doing that the sniper ran out of ammo and just unloaded a pistol at me still trying to kill me and another sniper killed me right after that. my freind told me there was about 5 other players comeing after him with hatches, he killed them all including my freind. persistent little fuck
  8. acerenegade6

    1.7.2 found a L85

    hmmmmm sorry i did search for anything on this but got nothing, must have been my wording. and i find one of those posts. amazing what scrolling down can find you.
  9. acerenegade6

    1.7.2 found a L85

    so me a 3 others were heading into the nw airfield for shits and giggles, and found a crashed heli right on the tarmack right next to the south barracks. so we cautiously loot it and there was a m107 and a pair of nvgs. i also check under the heli by looking into the heli cause loot spawns under there. and viola a l85A2 AWS. so i was dumbfounded, recently heard that it was removed, tried to loot it and i was rushing cause we were finally being shot at by a sniper. so i tried pressing g on it with the gear symbol poping up. wouldnt show up after a few tries of that i scrolled down to "take L85A2 AWS" and after that it disapeared. seeing that i procceded to shit my self because the sniper put his sights on me. made it out ok because he was a very bad shot useing whatever rifle it was. so my question is has anyone else found a L85A2 AWS and was able to pick it up and use it? or is it just like the ghilie suit and rocket is testing it or something?
  10. sent a request on steam. (DEMO MAN_ace)
  11. acerenegade6

    looking for a group

    uhhh ok?
  12. acerenegade6

    Looking for friendly players

    ill join you. was in a group but they disbaned and moved onto other games. so im a loner looking for a group to play with again. sent a freind request on steam.(DEMO MAN_ace)
  13. acerenegade6

    looking for a group

    whats your time zone and when do you usually play? cause i play late till 6am here in EST. (granted job lets me)
  14. acerenegade6

    looking for a group

    eastern standard time
  15. acerenegade6

    looking for a group

    i am looking for a group to play with as all my other group seems to have moved on to other games. i tried soloing ever since then and i have a good amount of time played.(does not show on steam cause i go through sixupdater) after dieing today at berenzino hospital by falling off the latter (fully geared) i thought its about time i find another group and have fun again instead of being paranoid crawling everywere. i have a mic and i play it safe, i also play most of the day and late into the night and im on the east coast. steam: DEMO MAN_ace dayz: acerenegade send me a message through steam or a pm through this website if your interested.