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Everything posted by Hrki

  1. Hrki

    You Are Dead

    hmmm once my friend was looting ship wreck and he just died... noone on server only us two 100% second one of my clan m8's drink pepsi and he broke his legs :D man its alpha or KOS <--- thats the answer
  2. Hrki

    Chernarus Building Inspectors

    your axe is more precise if you dont have "fists up"
  3. Hrki

    A short pvp compilation i made

    so if they are uncon they cant hurth you you just simply loot them and let them or kill with axe or one shoot head
  4. Hrki

    A short pvp compilation i made

    lol every kill 99999 bullets what a waste you just kill them because of kill not to eaven loot them... and that aim >.<
  5. i love when people say bambis are newbs (when i die and i got some ingame exp i am also bambi) so why shoudnt i die in progress of building up my char.... also i got a few situations in wich i killed fuly geard "solider" with some axe or eaven with fists...
  6. Hrki

    How i take care of babie killers

    and what happend when you woke up ?
  7. Hrki

    Cant find trouble

    edit: compleatly missunderstood :lol:
  8. I was checking the DayZ subreddit last night after we got done, and find this posthttp://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1 ... _just_now/ Reading it, I get to thinking, hmm- maybe this guy is part of the [FOG] crew, who's server we were on- and who happened to have a handful of guys in the server while we were there. He also linked his own twitch highlight, and it seems rather familiar- until I hear the gas station exploding, which told me without a doubt that this HAD to be the crew we were fighting. His own twitch highlight is here http://www.twitch.tv/fairlight_excalibur/c/3719870 So I replied and sent my own highlight of the fight, up until they finished me off.http://www.twitch.tv/therealmeatshield/c/3721980 Gotta admit this had to be one of, if not the most, epic battles I have been in so far. They were really cool about it too, and I am glad we were as well. Bandits can be bandits without being total assholes in the process. Well fought, Crew! Can't wait to do this again!
  9. Hrki

    What's your favorite town or part of the map?

    NEAF and all towns near it
  10. if you join "PVE" server - its lie you can KOS Kill and abuse other players if you join "NO KOS" server - also lie if you join "KILL = KICK | BAN | RESTART | - lie but if it happen report server and they are done with work also if you join "CLAN MEMBERS ONLY" - lie but if they kick you report and also BY BY SERVER
  11. Hrki

    KOS WTF?

    this is survival GAME and part of fun of playing it is dying / killing PEOPLE
  12. Hrki

    [KOS] vs [FOG] epic Solnichny battle

    i hope a lot batter things will go on :)
  13. Hrki

    [FOG] clan, nice battle tonight

    too bad no video or screenshoot ....
  14. if you are on my server i would go up to you and beat you with fists, that is most common place to watch over... its only bad bacause you can only kill fresh players who are new to this game :rolleyes:
  15. After several hours of continuous and sequential playing of dayz the player realizes (with the help of online maps that show exactly what house got what loot and what is the chance to finding it) individual houses lose their meaning. I want to say that it becomes monotonous (if you want an SKS or Mosin you will go to the red brick house or a house with a piano or possibly in the barn + sks on airfields) and if you want the M4 ... direction of a military base or airfield ... It becomes really monotonous (at least to me) .. So my suggestion is that loot spawns completely random? that in every house there is a chance to find anything, so it would be a lot of fun and "harder", if we compare this with the "RL apocalypse" I think there would be a chance to find the body of a dead person and a gun in the middle of a forest (or some abandom campsite in middle of a forest and there is maybe something usefull for me) .... Here's what you think about this?
  16. Hrki

    Why loot is not full random?

    Like is say there is a pattern of houses with loot (always is chance to finde excatly that loot in that building) no need to explore others... Yes encounter the players would be lot harder if they are all spread arround but that is also point of puting game as close to "RL" And yes full random loot ... like other guys say and many others. Its just like this people run away and let all items and stuff in perfect order... its kinda stupid... There shoud be random loot spawns and chances to see everything everywhere maybe not m4 put still why not... also batter chance to see military loot in military bases but still why some guy from army cant ecape orders and go full defend his family... also like one guy say "In the event of a zombie outbreak a school would make for a solid fortification. Lots of room for storage, heavily built structure, easy to secure, and a large refrigeration system in place. A school would end up being an emergency refugee location for survivors who would also bring weapons." Also random heli crash sites like in MOD or Abandom camp sites... idk for you but thats my oppinion... more random more fun and expolation and less camping airfields and few towns... after few hours of playing you know excatly what items do you want and where can you find it... so you enter town check 2-3 houses and go away or simply you go at airfields... so map is "populated" about 20% of it + some who lives in forest and is scared to death of loosing items... and after you died you rebuild your char in 3h + - depends of luck of server restarts...
  17. Hrki

    Why loot is not full random?

    maybe there was some baddass pope in curch who was armed to teeth.... and unfortunately died...
  18. Hrki

    Why loot is not full random?

    guys like you (probabbly server hoppers playing on PVE servers) will never learn
  19. Hrki

    Does my character look friendly?

    i sometimes run around naked and with a gun so will you trust me :D? what chances are that some naked guy has loaded gun ? :D
  20. Hrki

    NotFish the DayZ Pacifist

    bambi attack with OP fists :D
  21. Hrki

    Why loot is not full random?

    i see that your English grammatical sentences are very demanding, complex and complicated
  22. Hrki

    Why loot is not full random?

    yes it is residental buildings with military loots are: house with brick + piano house (and barns) offices = "schools" - also some weapon chances restaurants = medic + food other houses mainly food + cloth why i cant find in middle of street some axe of some guy who was too week to carry it or he paniced and he acidantly drop it... or some "abandom tents" in middle of forest.... you know that you will drop any unnecesary loot if you are getting weeker... also why all weapons are pristine... so i can find ruined, dmg or badly dmg, etc... cloth but there is always weapons witch are intact...