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Everything posted by Hookmcracken

  1. Really strange issue here that's been happening since I started playing (~ 2 months ago), but it's starting to get annoying. When entering the game, I can see the list of servers just fine. However, if I click on refresh a few times (usually 3 or so), my server list will suddenly stop populating AND (this is the craziest thing) I will no longer be able to browse web pages using any browser. I know my bandwidth is still there because I can still talk over Razer Comms to my friends. After waiting for about 4-5 minutes, the issue will temporarily go away (at least until I click on refresh a few times again). Any ideas on this one? Anybody experience the same thing?
  2. Hookmcracken

    Dead on Server Restart

    Was near the NWAF, server restarted while I was in the forest, logged back in, waited for "wait for host" message for about a min, and suddenly when I'm logged back in I'm dead. I saw a message indicating I had broken my leg before I died, so maybe I fell through a floor or something? Maybe someone shot me while I was on "wait for host"? Anyone else have this happen?
  3. Yes, similar thing happened to me. I was up on what I think was a new tower in Cherno, started reloading my gun after shooting a zombie, then I suddenly get the message that I'm dead... no gunshot at all. It's possible that someone hit me from wayyyy out and I just couldn't hear the gunshot, but you can hear a mosin shot from a LONG ways away. I suppose it's also possible that the gunshot sound glitched, but every other time I've died I have always heard a gunshot. I have a feeling it's related to desync, and/or falling through the floor, but it's tough to say for sure.
  4. Hookmcracken

    Bullet having better AI than ZEDS?

    What I would love to see from the devs is a bit more openness on what some of the technical challenges are in implementing some of these things, because to the average observer OP has a very valid point. Why does something that would seem so obviously easy to us be so challenging? Why do walls stop players and bullets, but not zeds? Loot respawning is the other challenge I'd really like to understand a bit better. I keep hearing that the big challenge here is that the solution would impact server performance, but I have no idea why. Is the way loot works going to be fundamentally changed?
  5. Hookmcracken

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    Great work... thank you! Was there any mention on how close loot respawning is? Considering it's been a top priority for a while now, it must be a pretty significant change.
  6. Hookmcracken

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Pretty sure it was shadow details.
  7. Hookmcracken

    So where is Chernarus meant to be?

    The topology of the land is almost identical to a region in the Czech Republic between Prague and the German border. The ocean is actually a river in real life. Here's a really good post discussing it: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/48159-chernarus-in-real/
  8. Hookmcracken

    Server List empty after refreshing 2-3 times

    I tried increasing the ping to a huge number, but my server list still returns empty. I occasionally get a couple of servers that do return, sometimes with good ping, but usually I get nothing. The most useful piece of information here is the fact that I cannot browse the internet until the problem clears itself up (as I said, usually it takes about 4-5 min). I'm looking up threads on other forums that outline issues with ranging requests/responses sent between some ISPs and some routers. Such issues can result in disconnects, and it sounds very similar to the problem here. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with problems like this? Somebody else out there must be experiencing similar behavior.
  9. Hookmcracken

    Server List empty after refreshing 2-3 times

    Great idea - I should have thought about doing this. Will test this when I get back from work. I'm also exploring the possibility of an issue with my router: http://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/1/648814841623765673/