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About KissMyAxe

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  1. KissMyAxe

    Can anyone relate?

    ^ That's a good story. The game has a numbing effect like that the more you play it if playing solo. In groups the dynamics are usually a little more fun.
  2. KissMyAxe

    Bambi Haters

    bahhahaha Why Thank you for noticing :D The name gets a laugh in TF2 where I play Pyro predominantly. Very ironic xD
  3. KissMyAxe

    47 hours in game and I finally find one

    Having that random static noise when people are near by sounds VERY useful.. *want xD
  4. KissMyAxe

    47 hours in game and I finally find one

    Damn, i'd imagine if someone else on the server you are on has one... or if you and a friend could score another it would be great for setting up traps and the like... but then again theres Skype or Steam chat ect... for that. Still great to see something differn't ^^
  5. KissMyAxe

    video adjustment?

    I had an issue where all the grass was 'white'... disabling post processing has fixed this also.
  6. KissMyAxe

    Can anyone relate?

    I know exactly how you feel. Had great gear and the game decided to glitch on me, lost my m4 and good loot and back on the beach. It's healthy to take a break my friend xD
  7. KissMyAxe

    47 hours in game and I finally find one

    Wow, can't say I've seen one. Any radio chatter?
  8. I prefer Internode servers.... only because I'm with adam internet and get unmetered content with them on their servers. They are generally pretty good. In terms of players thoe... can't speak for every KOI a hole out there. Best to stick with the servers listed here by other players and try some out with fewer players. Suggested playing style would be to stay away from major cities and airbases until you get a feel for the game. You risk not having better loot however chances of bumping into someone who will kill you for the hell of it will also be reduced and just starting out it's probably best as it might put you off progressing within the game, have fun and welcome :D
  9. KissMyAxe

    Bambi Haters

    I respawned after 'the glitch' that everyone is having, lost my m4 and all top loot. Anyway this guy approached me so I started running right... He was chasing me and said he wasnt going to hurt me and had items to give me... so I slowed down and asked if he was friendly. he said yes then he axes me!.. Never going to trust a randy again.
  10. KissMyAxe

    How to fix FPS drop issue caused today 2/7/2014

    Thank I will, my partner has an account on there so no worries ^^
  11. KissMyAxe

    How to fix FPS drop issue caused today 2/7/2014

    Just found a simple tweak guide and walkthrough to edit your nvida 3d settings. Instantly fixed to smooth + looks great again. Try it out, hope you find it helpful: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=126076589
  12. KissMyAxe

    How to fix FPS drop issue caused today 2/7/2014

    Didn't read the OP thread properly. Deleted post.
  13. KissMyAxe

    What would you do?

    Axe them all to hell!
  14. KissMyAxe

    Close encounter with death today.

    Keep searching and best of luck with your search. It sucks balls that you got a broken leg but good in a way that you took care of a KOS player.
  15. KissMyAxe

    Bad community

    That is a really interesting point Thane. In game I had my first contact with someone who communicated and gave me supplies and went on his way... Before this however, I met groups of people who just shoot on sight. It seemed to me the ones that shot on sight were a lot younger and the friendly perhaps older and more mature. This leads me to believe that if society broke down peoples innate nature will come out. Not everyone has the same nature. This game gives the opportunity and freedom for people to be who they really are.... or just stuff around. It's brilliant.