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Everything posted by Phreshsquid

  1. Phreshsquid

    Non-lethal weapons

    I haven't yet seen anyone posting about non-lethal ways of banditry. I have nothing against people that want to blow me away and take my things, (as a matter of fact I'm getting kind of a masochistic kick out of this game) but I think things like rubber bullet rounds, or gas canisters with knock out gas would be an amazing addition, and add some dynamic gameplay. I like the handcuff idea, but it seems like it would be difficult to pull off without catching someone off guard, or having a buddy. It would also make those pretty looking gas masks a little more useful. If I could, this would be the way I would bandit, as I dislike out right killing people unless given a really good reason. Let me know if this has already been discussed, or why you think this would be a really bad or really good idea. And post some more suggestions for cool non-lethal combat.
  2. Phreshsquid


    Is this making anyone else think of riot gear? Maybe some kevlar? I've seen police cars in-game, maybe the police stations start spawning riot armor, stuff that makes lethal rounds ltl. Super super rare of course, and realistic. If you take a bullet you're more likely to break something or be knocked unconscious than bleed out.
  3. Phreshsquid


    I personally don't understand that argument. "That's stupid, why would you use that?" Why not? Wouldn't you at least like the option? Anything that adds a play style and makes the game diverse and dynamic is an awesome thing. I'm hoping to see knock out gas canisters. Not sure if that would a little too op, but for people who run solo and want to incapacitate a group at once that would be sweet.
  4. Phreshsquid

    Non-lethal weapons

    Sweet, thanks man. I shall contribute my 2 cents there then. I'm glad other people are interested in screwing people over passively rather just killing them. so much more fun XD