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About Boonshniggle

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Boonshniggle

    FPS Issues

    Try some more servers....I actually find that some servers I will for some reason get 5 fps. On other servers I will get 60+
  2. Boonshniggle

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    They block the building because they server hop all over and it better insures them that they won't spawn in next to other players and be killed. Getting rid of barbwire and tank traps just all together I think is a great idea, personally....sandbags, sure....but getting rid of the wire and tank traps would go a long way to deal with the server hopping issues. I've ran into many cases where I just can't get into the higher yield buildings AT ALL on some servers, unless I'm lucky enough to have run into a toolkit already. I've also noticed some ppl just put tank traps in doorways of really low yield places as well just to be a pain in the arse to other survivors just for the sake of it.
  3. Boonshniggle

    This game is becoming less fun.

    Don't think this game is for you OP, and those new players that rage-quit, good riddance I say. This gem of a mod (in the future it's own game hopefully) is not meant for mass appeal. It's meant to be a love it or hate it (more hate then love probably) niche kind of game. In other words it's tailored to us few hardcore gamers that want a really tough challenge, not the many. To those where the frustration, tension, and rage we feel when we die is what we consider fun and why we play. If a new player is getting turned off by having to die many times over at the start to learn how to play and survive, well they are playing the wrong game...it's not for them and possibly not for you. This is one of the few games that when an update comes out that makes the game that much harder, I'm freakin' excited. When the update got released that had us start with no gun, a flashlight, one bandage, and one painkiller....I respawned even though I was decked out just to start from scratch that way....and it's awesome in my opinion! That first hatchet or gun I find feels just that much more rewarding. I also think you along with many other players don't grasp the concept that this game is in alpha stage. Cause you bought a game to play this mod you for some reason feel you are entitled to a polished and nearly finished, if not finished game. It is far from that and I wouldn't say any design choices are bad choices during an alpha. This is when a developer should be trying anything and everything they want rather it seems like a good or bad idea, just to see how it works out. If you're not playing right now to test the mod out, be a guinea pig, and give FEEDBACK and SUGGESTIONS from your gameplay....then you're ignorant! You should be glad that in an alpha stage it's even as playable as it is.
  4. Boonshniggle

    You know you've played too much DayZ when...

    ...when you kill someone in line at the grocery store cause you saw them with a case of mountain dew...
  5. Boonshniggle

    Rocket, slow down.

    It's an Alpha, not a release. The time to focus on keeping things stable in an update is post-release. You need to learn that in alpha u just gotta deal with bugs, get used to it, or don't play until it's a final version.
  6. Boonshniggle

    Wife is gonna be so pissed, lol!

    ROFLMAO!! Yeah, that'll go over well.....
  7. Boonshniggle

    Wife is gonna be so pissed, lol!

    rocket's the one with the problem on his hands not me, I didn't develop it and choose to let ppl choose female or male and make 50 some odd Male faces and not one female one :P That's all him man, he's in big trouble man :o big big trouble ;) Actually seriously, one of the next patches, just put in at least a couple rocket... seriously.
  8. Boonshniggle

    Wife is gonna be so pissed, lol!

    Guess what, same problem still exists guys....you could always choose to be male or female on your first server join before (at least when I started playing a week and a half ago). All appearance choices and every thing I said in my original post is still the same problem, rocket, still hide, the rage is still coming ;) So, you can choose female, but you cannot look like one, but there are a TON of male faces to choose from...for you female profile :P Put 1 female face in before 12:00 AM EST (when she gets home from work) and ur safe bro, get to work! jk
  9. Boonshniggle

    Wife is gonna be so pissed, lol!

    Guys its 1.7.1 .... u can pick gender, but you cannot look like it at all, I am serious. *edit* nvm, I am blind you said ... thanks guys .... so its a future update then?
  10. So my wife asked me to setup her arma 2 and dayz while she was at work cause she bought it b4 she went to bed and had to goto work. After I went into a server and selected Female, I goto 3DP view and I am quite sure that's a male model. So, I go to edit her profile.....there are TONS of faces to choose from and not a single one is a female :P Goto speaker options, once again, all male. I know it's alpha, and she knows that. But to have like 50 some odd choices for faces, not one of them being female, and having someone choose their gender on their first server join. I guarantee her first response will be that rocket is a sexist :) lol! No offense rocket, not bashing you. She's in love with this game from watching me play it with my unit buddies, but one of her first questions was can she be a female character, cause she saw nothing but male characters everywhere the whole time she has watched me play. I said, "Of course, I had to pick my gender when I joined my first server", so she was excited. Not just cause she can be a female, but that she now felt like she was going to be the only girl playing the game. Now, she won't look like a female, and she can't be sure she is the only girl playing....double let down. ....rocket, hide, rage commin' ur way ;) jk! Im sure she'll brush it off but I foresee coming forums posts from her demanding at the very least a few female faces and one or two speaker options :P
  11. Boonshniggle

    Gun with 1 clip?

  12. Boonshniggle

    Gun with 1 clip?

    I dunno if no gun at all is the greatest thing. I admit I am posting this when the patch has not been out very long, really it's still the first day it's been out. My character has been alive a while and and got some good shiz I don't wanna get rid of, so I log onto my wife's who just bought the game and hasn't played it yet to see what the new spawn experience is like. At first I was in love the second I joined the server, freakin no gun, I was so excited. Kind of hilarious how when this game gets that much harder, I'm just like "WOOHOO!" lol. Anyways, my excitement ended when I went into elektro...killed b4 I got into a damn building. Went into cherno...killed before getting a gun. Went into cherno again, killed before I got there. These all happened on 3 different servers also. I am hoping this was just a case of super bad luck, cause I REALLY like the idea of no gun on spawn. However, if this is an issue others have had, would a makarov with 1 clip suffice? At least make those very few bullets super precious, and if someone is trying to kill you on sight, you have at least a chance of doing something other then running in zig zags away from them?
  13. Stop it with these suggestions please, they just will never happen, accept that, and move on. There will never ever be a mechanic to keep you from shooting ANYTHING, you're kind of missing the entire point of the mod here dude.