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About kane2707

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  1. I use it myself, and is verified quite a lot by people in fault finding. If you don;t trust it don;t use it though, however I can confirm it works and has no viruses
  2. Did you try slimdriver, I posted above? it's great at finding drivers I couldn't
  3. You can roll back drivers in the device manager. go on start, right click my computer and select manage. Click Device Manager Navigate to the icon with the yellow triangle, right click it select roll back drivers, see if that helps
  4. Try Slimdrivers free, make sure you backup your drivers first. Although slimdrivers will back it up for you before making any changes :) http://www.fileparade.com/listing/123531/SlimDrivers%20Free?did=10844&pid=1&ppd=search,33422555060,slimdrivers%20free,e,,c,0,,,&gclid=CJSu_62ys7wCFYjLtAodB2AA6g It will find and update any drivers you're missing, when they're all updated, restart your PC and if the issue is still present we can look elsewhere :thumbsup:
  5. kane2707

    DAYZ will not load - blue screen

    Right problem solved, thanks for your help Byrggesen! :thumbsup: It was indeed resolutions that were causing an issue. I ended up changing the Resolution & rendering values in the DAYZ.cfg file to match my current screen resolution, below is a copy of the config I had and any changes I'll add next to it in red... language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=93750; Resolution_Bpp=32; Windowed=0; Resolution_W=1080; Resolution_W=1920; Resolution_H=768; Resolution_H=1080; winX=185; winY=30; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; refresh=75; Render_W=1280; Render_W=1920; Render_H=900; Render_H=1080; FSAA=2; postFX=4; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=1060167680; nonlocalVRAM=1341745152; vsync=1; AToC=0; SWLayersCount=128; PipQuality=0; PPAA=0; SAVE CHANGES PLEASE NOTE: 1) YOU MAY HAVE SAVED YOUR FILES TO A DIFFERENT DIRECTORY, IF SO NAVIGATE THERE... 2) WHERE I HAVE CHANGED THE VALUES TO MY PERSONAL RESOLUTIONS YOURS MAY BE DIFFERENT... 3) REPLACE THE TEXT ON THE LEFT (IN BLACK) WITH THE RED TEXT...
  6. kane2707

    DAYZ will not load - blue screen

    Ahh ok, I don't have a monitor, I don;t suppose you know the resolution of DAYZ? I can try changing my desktop resolution to that?
  7. kane2707

    DAYZ will not load - blue screen

    Adding the C++ 2008 32bit hasn't made a difference :(
  8. kane2707

    DAYZ will not load - blue screen

    It's a TV connected via HDMI, I'll get every C++ under the sun installed haha! As for the monitor settings I can't seem to find it for some reason, in all the display options it doesn't give me the option to pick, I'm guessing just whatever the default setting is? What are you thinking with the .NET frameworks? Just a note whether it affects anything or not, I don't have this issue with any other game so guessing it's less than likely to be my general setup unless there are specific settings for DAYZ to run properly? I appreciate your help by the way :)
  9. kane2707

    DAYZ will not load - blue screen

    Right first off it's a photo of the monitor as it completely locks my PC until I tab & alt out of it, it is like when you have your TV on but nothing plugged in...hopefully the pic will show: Drivers are all up too date and I have C++ 2008/2010/2012 installed, although not sure I'm supposed to have that many? C++ 2008 C++2010 x64 C++2010 x86 C++2012 x64 C++2012 x86 I have tried those commands, -winxp & -nosplash don't make a difference, when I use -window it loads the game fine into a window. It is perfectly playable on high settings at 40+ fps but obviously on whatever resolution that window is...
  10. kane2707

    DAYZ will not load - blue screen

    The game opens up and runs in a window, just not full screen, strange. Any ideas why this might be?
  11. kane2707

    DAYZ will not load - blue screen

    Hi thanks for the quick responses, just waiting for it to reinstall, details are below: Windows 7 SP1 64bit Pentium Dual Core CPU E5400 2.70Ghz 3GB of RAM Power Colour HD7750 1GB GPU driver version X4500 intergrated intel GMA (not used) Unsure of motherboard BIOS AMI P01-A1
  12. kane2707

    DAYZ will not load - blue screen

    Thanks, I'll give that a go just waiting for it to reinstall again
  13. Hey, I bought DAYZ yesterday and tried getting it to run however when I click on DAYZ it goes to a blue screen and freezes. I have to alt + tab to get to my desktop and shut it down. It's not a blue screen of death, the PC is still running ok, just locks onto it, until I alt + tab out. Being an Alpha version I thought it might be development linked but looks as though everyone else can get on, I've tried a few times today and getting the same. My Drivers are all up to date and have tried a fresh install. I've tried a few of my other games and they work fine Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks :thumbsup: