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Everything posted by Halsinki

  1. Halsinki

    why good samiritans irritate me

    Irony of that magnitude would probably bring about it's own cataclysmic event. So... who can we get to do that?
  2. Halsinki

    Bad community

    There is no *right* or *wrong* way to play DayZ. I personally don't care for KoS but it's not up to me or anyone else to tell someone how they should enjoy a sandbox game; which is all DayZ is at the moment. Over time as the community develops there will be both socially acceptable and unacceptable ways to play but that will be governed only by peer pressure. As long as there isn't an official DayZ bible with specific rules and target accomplishments in game it will be up to individuals to determine how they play the game and enjoy it. And that's the way it should be really. Otherwise it's just another game that leads everyone around by the hand. And if that were the case a metric crap ton of the current players would no longer be playing. I personally get enjoyment out of playing the lone wanderer type just trying to survive another day. The threat of running into some sociopath in nothing but his undies adds tension to the game that wouldn't be there otherwise. p.s. And no... I haven't found Vault 87 yet. I haven't found one anomaly yet either darn the luck...
  3. Halsinki

    Bad community

    I'm pretty sure that after a world altering catastrophe with zombies on the prowl the remaining survivors wouldn't simply gather up, hold hands, and sing We Are The World under the moonlight. In the best case scenario even the non-KoS people would be very leery of anyone they don't know personally; and that plays itself out in the game. I personally avoid interaction as much as possible in the game; probably very similar to what I would do during the real thing.
  4. Halsinki

    why good samiritans irritate me

    I would like to point out that when you play the game there is no quest/mission indicator that says "Survive for 72 days and you win the game." I do understand your initial point about being bothered by folks that basically force-feed help down a new spawn's throat. I don't care for it either to be honest about it. I've only got about 20 hours in game so far (just started last week) and I much prefer and do survive on my own. But seeing as the game is a true sandbox at the moment my own play style preferences don't invalidate anyone else's preferences at all. If someone wants to spend their time playing role-playing Florence Nightingale or Clara Barton then more power to them. Nobody here is right or wrong really. It would be better if the "subject spawned piss and vinegar" were to just play itself out inside of the game though as opposed to forums. If you're on a new spawned character and someone is trying to shove crappy beans down your throat and won't take "No" for an answer then just punch them in their damned nose. There really is no need for a forum discussion over it. Telling folks they are "playing the wrong way" should be something reserved for seven year olds on the school playground.