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James D. Jones II

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Everything posted by James D. Jones II

  1. James D. Jones II

    Will standalone get new forums?

    I dont see why not i just hope that the ones of us on this fourm get something cool for the new one if there is going to be a new one such as a nice tag or somthing
  2. James D. Jones II

    Cool guys never kill. A true story.

    It is vary fun to do is it not
  3. James D. Jones II

    Life of a Hero

    this is true well good luck helping players without players like your self than the game just wont be as fun for me lol
  4. James D. Jones II

    How to Become a Bandit

    To be a bandit all you must do is kill anthing has a hart beat and your huminity will soon go in the the negatives and there you have it a all out bandit you are (it takes about 3 to five killed players to do this)
  5. James D. Jones II

    Life of a Hero

    You mad bro?
  6. James D. Jones II

    Parachute stuck in tree

    So me and some buddy's of mine are in a chopper and we see a URL so me and a buddy jump out well I make a grate landing and he well not so much his shoot gets stuck in the tree we try shooting it out and parking the URL under him and after about 15 min. He gliches out and land nice and neat good thing to cuz we were talking about shooting him I have this on video and will hope to upload it on YouTube soon never the less I thnk that you need to have the option to cut your self out of the shoot and I think shooting the shoot shood make it start to fall faster and increase the chance of braking a leg what do you think
  7. James D. Jones II

    Parachute stuck in tree

    You know it.
  8. James D. Jones II

    debug monitor

    I'm thinking that that took it out but there is a script out there it's called crazy monky debug or something the hackes us it a lot
  9. James D. Jones II

    So I just found...

    It's good for large masses of zombies not to good for PVP and you can get mags at hunting stands and choper crash sites hope I helped but if I were you I might just go back for the kobra it's a grade A gun
  10. James D. Jones II

    Join my new Namalsk Server!! Alex is God.

    Sounds cool I will take a look at it but as of now I do a lot of my Namalsk on Doorman is god server with a steady 20 pop server out of 45 I think
  11. James D. Jones II

    RP Groups?

    Is there any hard core RP groups out there that might be looking for a player? Cuz im looking to start role playing in DayZ. Thanks :D PS. I do have a mic.
  12. James D. Jones II

    New Zombies

    So is there any plans to make any new zombie models any time soon or are we stuck with the wons here on the game untill standalone
  13. James D. Jones II

    (RP) Groups?

    Is there any hard core RP groups out there looking for a player? Cuz im looking to start role playing in DayZ thanks. :D PS. I have all the maps and I have a good mic as well as teamspeak.
  14. James D. Jones II

    (RP) Groups?

  15. James D. Jones II

    Don't logout in vehicles

    you log in were it was last at.
  16. James D. Jones II

    Why do Clans train?

    OP you must not (RP) Role Play a lot
  17. James D. Jones II

    Blood: Let's get this right

    This is the best fix I can see and I like that you have taken time to make a good post thanks you for your input and hope that they use it.
  18. James D. Jones II

    v175 beta: meat issues [solved] [old]

    Let's all take time and say thank you to this man for being just a nuther forum rager.
  19. James D. Jones II

    Didn't die, yet character got lost?

    check and see if the server you made your character on was a privet hive server if it was odds are they wipe the server every hour or so
  20. James D. Jones II

    Personal Hygiene

    I hope to see personal hygiene in the standalone such as the need for deodorant why you might ask well if you smell like a nasty streat side bumb than well I can smell you sneaking up on me is this not true but than agen if you smell like flowers and sun shine zombies will know somthing just ain't right so I say add this in to the game if you use it that zombies will smell you closer than if not and if you don't than a player might start sniffing the air around him if some that smells like a bumb drops by for a quick kill or even a quick swim might help out for a short bit of time let me know what you think
  21. James D. Jones II

    Personal Hygiene

    thank you for the one supporting post you are a good man
  22. James D. Jones II

    My least favourite part about Dayz is the Zombies.

    yes all that you have said is true and I think most of all that the animation for the zombies are really bad and the monky zombie just drop that one pleaz you can never get a head shot on that one NEVER
  23. James D. Jones II

    Silenced Makarov

    If your going to fail. Fail like a BOSS!
  24. Ok so here it is im runing a 512 slot teamspeak server so come and join at any time and chat it up with some of the most hard core players and player killers so here is the info ts3clones.servegame.com
  25. James D. Jones II

    Authentication timeout

    ok good new i fixed it here is the problem well im using a westell moden that i got form bellthouth to connect to the internet and i have a belken wifi routher and and then i was runing a hard line for the belken to my laptop ok cool well i took of the belken and hooked up straght to the westell moden i got from bellsouth and bam it worked so even thow i was useing my belkin with the ports forwerded and i set it to be out side of the DMZ it was giving the this error but i dont know whay nover the less it works like i have it setup so long story shot connect straght to your moden and i bet you it will work