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Everything posted by pillock

  1. pillock

    Campfire questions x2

    I think the lighting effects are something that the devs talk about fairly often - I'm not in the least bit worried that things like this won't get fixed in due time. The clothing degradation is pretty far from being authentic, I agree! But again, I think we'll see improvements somewhere down the line - I don't get the impression that it's as prominent in the devs' thinking at this point, though.
  2. pillock

    Least favorite game features

    The fact that you can change direction on a sixpence while sprinting flat out without any loss of speed or balance or anything. And the fact that you can run at about 40mph.
  3. pillock

    Banning for inappropriate behaviour...

    I think the most important thing is that DayZ and BI don't find themselves falling foul of any lawsuits. Whatever your personal beliefs on freedom of speech, it is illegal to use abusive language in the public sphere (racial, religious, homophobic, etc) in some countries - including the UK. Furthermore, people have been prosecuted and given custodial sentences for doing so on media such as Twitter and Facebook (for example). Therefore, the internet is deemed to be a public space where national laws do apply. This is a fact, whether or not anyone on this forum agrees with the rights or wrongs of it. I'm sure BI have adequate legal advice regarding this, but I wouldn't be that surprised if development studios or GSPs do face the occasional legal challenge over these sorts of issues in future. It's not something that should be ignored or dismissed, even if it is difficult to police. In fact the difficulty of policing the problem effectively makes it an even more important issue to discuss, I'd say. The apocalyptic scenario and depictions of violence in DayZ (or any other game) are utterly irrelevant to a discussion about verbal abuse between players via the comms - the violence and murder are purely fictional, while the verbal abuse is real. Personally speaking, I don't want to have to put up with listening to some moron spouting bigotry over in-game voice comms. It won't stop me playing DayZ if I do hear it, but I definitely think ways should be explored to eliminate it as far as possible.
  4. pillock

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    I like tin-pot dictators as much as the next man, but I couldn't eat a whole one. (especially not that flabby bastard)
  5. pillock

    Status Report - Week of 08 Dec 14

    Apologies if self-quoting is frowned upon - I don't make a habit of it - but I feel like I needed to retract most of what I said in the above post, given the latest update. Great job! Can make fire without matches in the 0.52 version, though?
  6. pillock

    Servers down?

    Hello? CHAINSAWS
  7. Throw away your rope and anything else related to crafting a fishing rod or finding bait. Then go looking for binoculars. Once you've done this, you're bound to find lots of fishing hooks.
  8. Animal guts in Experimental can be crafted into rope, I believe. But that leaves something of a conundrum: if you aren't relying on loot spawns for your kit, how do you kill the animal in order to get hold of the guts? You'd need a bow, for which you'd rope... for which you'd need guts... etc.
  9. pillock

    Clarification on "Base Building"

    If memory serves, Hicks talked about this in one of the Twitch streams. He said that players would not be laying foundations or building any multi-storey houses. Bases would consist of fencing off your campsite and maybe erecting some basic shelters made from scavenged materials. Which is what most people in this thread seem to want. The issues to resolve will be around how to prevent ghosting inside a locked/barricaded area on the public hive, and how to balance construction/destruction time/effort/equipment. The former would appear to be the trickiest to deal with, but I'd be pretty surprised if the dev team haven't already been considering the options. When the stamina system is implemented, there's no reason not to apply it to things such as chopping trees, building barricades and crafting in general - all physically demanding activity, and not just running.
  10. pillock

    Strength of Prison Door Locks

    I'd go with that. If you break open any door, you shouldn't be able to lock it again. (Maybe there could be a way to repair some of the simpler doorways?) As for jail cells, probably only sustained sledgehammer abuse should be effective without lockpick or key.
  11. pillock

    Crying Noises

    Yeeeesssss. It's probably just a glitch. It's better that you think that. F-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f
  12. pillock

    Can't find vechicles?

    There are only 3 trucks per server, and lots of other people doing the same thing as you. So they don't stay put at their spawn points for very long.
  13. This happened in Stable when they first introduced respawning and persistence. I looted Olsha completely, and piled up all the loot I'd found in one single house. I went back on the same server the following day (presumably after a restart or two), and all the exact same loot was back where it was before I'd started collecting it all together the previous day. I mean the exact same loot: same item, colour and condition, in every spawn location.
  14. pillock

    Crying Noises

  15. First one to chop down a christmas tree with the chainsaw wins a prize.
  16. pillock

    Classifying Bandits

    Green willies require medical treatment. Urgently.
  17. pillock

    One Year of DayZ

    I demand to know who was responsible for the sentimental background music: it sounds like a fucking Werther's Originals advert. They must be PUNISHED. [Looking forward to 2015!]
  18. pillock

    Shot while drinking water

    Still, do the tomato thing. For its own sake.
  19. pillock

    Social psychology

    I can't argue with that! Except that, personally, I don't usually go to PvP hotspots, so if you wanted to wait for me behind a tree you find might yourself having to camp out in the wilderness for hours on end without seeing a soul before you got lucky. But yes, I agree with you, and I don't think it would be a bad thing, either. The point is, different styles of gameplay should be rewarded, but have drawbacks. Coastal PvPing for those who want instant action, but with the disadvantage that, if you don't die of gunshot wounds first, your character will be weak from malnourishment and, probably, acquired injuries. Whereas, those who want to spend time developing the character's health and fitness (and abilities?) to a higher level, building a more permanent presence for themselves in the world, can also do so, with the drawback that it's less action-packed and there's always a risk that some bandit or freshspawn who's come into possession of a loaded firearm can take you out at any given point if you're not careful, thereby deleting all your hard-earned progress. That's my idea of how the game should be, and I'm reasonably encouraged that it's going in that direction.
  20. pillock

    Shot while drinking water

    You could have knocked him out instead! Or you can usually hide from people in very close proximity, then wait for them to go looking for you and slink off. I agree, you should feel guilty and atone for your badness somehow. How's this for an idea: set up a tomato stall at one of the kiosks in Svelto town square, supplied by a nearby greenhouse; you're not allowed to carry anything except tomatoes and related horticulture gubbins. And you have to wear all-red clothes and hat. And shout "GET YOUR LOVE-ER-LY RIPE TOMATOES HERE! THREE FOR A PAAAAAAND!" into direct chat. Do it.
  21. pillock

    DayZ has become empty and boring

    Er... yeah... but... Oh, forget it.
  22. pillock

    DayZ has become empty and boring

    I think the best 'meeting point' now is the town hall in Novodmitrovsk. Try hanging out there for a bit instead. Eventually, when more barricading options are implemented, you might be able to barrier-off the entrance to the ship and call it your home, if you like it so much there.
  23. pillock

    Gangrene or nail polish on our characters?

    I'd go for gangrene if I had the choice. Make a Poll! EDIT: Oh, hang on, I think I've misunderstood the topic.