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Everything posted by pillock

  1. pillock


    That's the funniest thing I've seen all day. Sad life that I have...
  2. pillock

    persistent servers not being persistent

    If you didn't already have abundant ammo, you wouldn't have found the heli crashes. DayZ's Law. But I like the fact that you actually need to check apple trees and berry bushes when you area new spawn now. And when you do find something good, you get more of a rush of excitement. It's better like this than Supermarket SweepZ like it was before.
  3. pillock

    What is it that causes it?!

    It works better now, I think since .47. But it still plays up: for example, it'll do a slow step-over when I'm jogging and a running jump when I'm walking, stuff like that. And sometimes it still doesn't work at all without repeated button-bashing. But yeah, it is better than it was.
  4. pillock

    persistent servers not being persistent

    I actually think this aspect of it has improved the gameplay.
  5. pillock

    What is it that causes it?!

    When did they fix that? It's still bollocksed when I play.
  6. pillock

    persistent servers not being persistent

    This pretty much matches my experience. My server list comes up with about 5 or 6 first-person persistent servers, and most of them don't actually work (server time is permanently 14:00 and you can't join). There's a couple of Russian ones that work, but the pings are massive. There are lots of 3rd person persistent servers, though. I logged into one yesterday and stashed some spare magazines and food I'd found in a couple of backpacks, then semi-hid them, along with a crossbow, and logged off. Today, all of items were present and correct, including some ammo which I thought had vanished when I emptied it from a magazine. However, in the nearby spawn locations there were multiple exact duplicates of the mags and food items I'd stored. Nothing else had spawned.
  7. pillock

    zombies no clip - sorry if already done

    Nobody's told you about the melee hit detection yet, have they?
  8. pillock

    liking the game But....

    Indeed. Yet there are many people actually complaining that there is "no loot" in the persistent servers. I think it's great!
  9. Now that we have a police uniform, the most glaring omission is a police utility belt, with pistol holster, slot for hand-cuffs, slot for radio. Maybe a baton? Apologies if someone already suggested this - I'm too lazy to read the whole thread. EDIT: Oops! I think I posted this in the wrong thread! Ah well. Ignore me.
  10. pillock

    What's up with the axes/melee weps?

    I think it's getting better. It's harder to use at the moment, because the system is only partially finished, and we have place-holder aiming to mitigate the problem, but I think it is progress. The main thing I've noticed is the ranges of the various melee weapons is much more noticeably different now. I got the hang of using the axe fairly effectively to take down zombies, but when I tried the pitchfork I had to relearn the whole timing/aiming technique again - the same with shorter-range stuff like the machete. I think it will be good once the devs have got it working properly. In the mean time, if you aren't confident to use the melee weapons in their current wonky state, use a gun to take them down at range, or just run away or lure them into a building and trap them.
  11. pillock


    Seen one. Eaten one.
  12. By "British" I assume you mean "cockney". And yes, I did! I think it's to do with the profile picture looking like an aging London gangster. (Use of the word "bro" in the thread title doesn't really fit, though - should have been "bruv".)
  13. And it helps if you know about the magic kitchen which spawns invisible food.
  14. The gun culture of the Czech Republic has got nothing to do with anything. Whatever Chernarus's culture is is entirely up to the devs, especially given that there are glaring features of Chernarus that bare absolutely no relation to Czech Republic (see: the ocean; the cyrillic alphabet). But I agree: the prominence of deer stands suggests hunting was popular there before the "outbreak"; and the number of military facilities suggest that... there was a lot of military activity there. So guns, yeah... probably quite abundant. For gameplay purposes, though, I think the numbers need reducing. The majority of players you meet in DayZ have at least one gun, and many of them have several. I don't think this is good, because it encourages a single type of gameplay too heavily above others that should be as important if not more so.
  15. pillock


    We need to be able to shoot down other birds with the shotgun (or a rifle/pistol if you're really lucky). Have you tried using goat feathers?
  16. I actually quite liked it, to be honest. It felt more desolate, and certainly more of a challenge. On a completely unrelated note: My character got reset on the persistent server, afterwhich I got locked out of it and couldn't find another. So I went into a non-persistent server to muck about. Spawned in Olsha, drank precisely two cans of soda and ate precisely 1 full box of cereal. Then I walked to Svelto. By the time I arrived in the main square, I was healthy - not energised or hydrated, but healthy. What's going on there? (Note: I was walking, not running, all the time since I spawned.)
  17. pillock

    Weapon sway and repeated splinting

    I've started carrying 2 stacks of rags recently, because of this. Though perhaps not getting hit by zombies might be worth a try.
  18. pillock


    The only chicken I've ever seen was at Msta, on the grassy hillside on the north-western edge of town. How do you sharpen sticks, by the way? Knife or machete? Fireaxe and SKS bayonet don't work.
  19. pillock

    Spawn Areas

    Spawn points after death should be anywhere at random on any part of the coast, excluding within a town/city, including the little island. I reckon you should also be forced on to a different server from the one you died on as well, but that's a slightly different argument. Your position after logging in should be the same as where you left it on logging out, otherwise it's be bollocks.
  20. In.47 I spawned in Polana and set about picking up and moving every single spawned item in the town. I filled my pack with junk, filled backpacks on the ground with junk, threw stuff into bushes, left piles of stuff in sheds. Etc. I managed to persuade an SKS to spawn in the piano building. Tried the same thing in a different town on a persistent server, and nothing new seemed to spawn at all. I went back the next day, and some of the stuff had been taken, some new junkloot things had spawned, and the crossbow I'd left behind a wardrobe was still there. I repeated the loot disturbance procedure, but nothing new turned up - I even travelled down the road a bit to some out-lying buildings and emptied them as well, but when I got back to town - nothing. I walked to the next town: it'd been picked nearly clean already, and all there was to be had was crowbars, builders' helmets and chemlights. And the odd puffer jacket. And spanners. I think the respawn is much harsher in .48.
  21. pillock

    Player spawn is the cause of all evil

    Ah, I see now. Sorry for being slow. What I meant was that I like the idea of starting at the very edge, and then working one's way across, exploring as you go. It gives you more of a sense of direction and purpose.
  22. pillock

    Spawn Areas

    You didn't put "on the coast" as one of the options!
  23. pillock

    Player spawn is the cause of all evil

    I don't follow... What's that got to do with anything I said in the post you quoted? Edit: By the way, I hardly ever go to military bases, and when I do it's only to try and find pistol magazines. So no, gearing up as fast as possible with military gear does not enter my thinking when playing DayZ, and hadn't when I made that post.
  24. pillock

    7.62mm rounds now rare loot?

    I find it in houses, petrol stations, barns... Maybe try server-hopping Staroye instead of NWAF?
  25. pillock

    Player spawn is the cause of all evil

    Yeah but it would take a pretty long time to get to that situation, especially in combination with reduced movement speeds and a stamina system that stops people using sprinting for travelling the map. It'd be fucking cool to start with, at least, having everybody stumbling aimlessly about not knowing where they are. And maybe a game-menu grouping option so you can spawn near your mates if you like. This map has been in circulation for several years, so it's not surprising people know it like the back of their hand. I really hate spawning in-land. It feels like being given a head-start over starting out on the coast, then making your way towards the opposite side.