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Everything posted by pillock

  1. pillock

    When to kill?

    Give them 10 seconds
  2. pillock

    There Are no Vegetables in DayZ.

    Farming is going to be introduced soon. However, it probably won't lead to us being able to eat vegetables, since they probably ought to take some significant time to grow, before which they will doubtless have been wiped by dodgy persistence mechanics that don't work yet, or else vandalised to destruction by some fucker who happens across your seed patch before it's ready to harvest.
  3. They've said that the .49 update will arrive at the end of August. They usually implement updates on a Wednesday. The last Wednesday in August is next week. So that's when I expect the .49 update to be implemented. There's no information to say otherwise. I don't really get what this poll is for, except for the OP to imply a lack of confidence in the developers, for whatever reason. It's a bit silly, really. I didn't vote. EDIT: Hang on, I've just read this post above mine: Are you seriously comparing Cellini's sculpture with DayZ? What fucking planet do you live on? Might it perhaps, just perhaps be possible that some people don't regard the development of a video game as the defining purpose of their entire existence? He was only off climbing the world's highest fucking mountain, after all - anyone could do that any day of the week. I really hope you are taking the piss, and that I've spectacularly failed to pick up on it.
  4. pillock

    There Are no Vegetables in DayZ.

    That's a good point. Cows and goats are in the game - we should be able to milk them. Maybe even the pigs? Not the deer, though, or the rabbits. Or the zombies. And eggs from chickens!
  5. pillock

    There Are no Vegetables in DayZ.

    I've never eaten a vegetable outside of DayZ either, so it doesn't bother me. I exist entirely on pizza, Monster Munch and Fanta.
  6. Whereas, I died four times this evening so couldn't give a toss!
  7. pillock

    Raiders Leather Jacket vs Zombie

    Sorry, but if any of my clothes had fucking bullet holes in them, I'd consider them to be ruined. That said, a ruined clothing item is rags - by definition. I don't see why we can't use a "ruined" shirt to make useable rags. And we need to be able to make rags out of a bigger variety of clothes.
  8. pillock

    Raiders Leather Jacket vs Zombie

    There's going to be a heavy duty sewing kit to fix things like riders jackets and raincoats. But yeah, they should be stronger in the first place.
  9. pillock

    Can I somehow shoot myself?!?

    I wouldn't be that surprised if it was the zombie that killed you. Those crawling bastards are so glitchy, I've had one double-hit me before. I've had them break an arm or a leg in one hit as well. It doesn't sound far-fetched to me that either it did in fact 1-hit kill you, or some glitch caused it to score multiple hits all at once.
  10. pillock

    "Vehicle component design"

    As I understand it, that won't be possible. The main public hive will not allow passworded servers, while the private shards will operate inside their own loot distribution system. You won't be able to carry a character or any loot between the two. That's how I've interpreted the information, anyway.
  11. pillock


    Chickens need to be more common, or Msta is going to become a PvP deathmatch zone with people battling over chicken carcases. I like the idea of feathers spawning in chicken coops, too.
  12. pillock

    Too Much Work For One Man

    What would be bestest is if Exodor had arrived back at his camp and found Jubei there, lobbing his kit over the cliff.
  13. Yep. From now until .49 drops, I am going to war.
  14. pillock

    Character wipe on disconnect/server restart!

  15. pillock

    Has dayZ succeeded in being a different type of game?

    The fact that zombies are in DayZ means that they will not always "suck". They will be significant, because DayZ is advertised as a zombie-apocalypse game. It's fully funded now, backed by a major publisher, getting a lot of press exposure. Whatever the mod was and continues to turn into does not particularly matter in terms of the Standalone - as you say. But if BI finish the game (and we have to assume that they will, especially given the PS4 announcement), then zombies will necessarily become a major factor in the gameplay - otherwise the project and the studio will be seen to have failed to produce what they promised.
  16. pillock

    Has dayZ succeeded in being a different type of game?

    It isn't that all loot needs to be rare: what needs to happen is that the balance is shifted so that food and ammo are rare, and the loot tables are filled up with "stuff" instead - stuff like crafting materials and tools. Abandoned towns, farms, industrial sites and military facilities would be chock-full of junk - immediately-useful things would be rare, but things that you can modify to make useful would be all over the place. Crafting needs a big kick up the backside. As for hunting and zombies, there is apparently a whole studio of people working on this - we'll get to see the fruits of their work in the coming months, I'd guess. Updates have increased in frequency quite a lot since about July.
  17. pillock

    Character wipe on disconnect/server restart!

    The servers I've been playing on (1PP; persistence: on) appear to run from 14:00 in-game time, and reset after a couple of hours back to 14:00 again. If you try to join the server at 14:00, it will make you wait for ages, then wipe your character; if you wait until it says at least 14:01 before you join, you're ok.
  18. pillock

    Hunting ideas and discussion

    Yeah, but that surely won't be the same forever. The game is crying out for some more in-depth health/injury/nutrition mechanics. I cannot believe this will be neglected in the long run. As for hunting, I believe there is an entire studio working on animal behaviour and hunting-related stuff for DayZ? This, also, is sure to get MUCH better. To be honest, it's pretty ignorable at the moment.
  19. pillock

    What's your favorite clothing?

    The other day I was thinking about how there really aren't a lot of just shirts in the game, it's almost all jackets. Would like to see more variety on civilian shirts that aren't jackets. I would like to be able to wear jackets over the top of shirts, over the top of T-shirts. Also, there should be woolen jumpers. And the ability to put chest holsters underneath jackets. And put sawn-off shotguns/obrez inside a jacket somehow. And store other small items besides fishing hooks inside hats, like matches and pens, and not only in boonie hats at that. Oh, and I want suit jackets, trousers and ties. And bowler hats. And top hats. And football shirts - people wear them EVERYWHERE in the world.
  20. pillock

    What's your favorite clothing?

    Bandana cap, Striped Tshirt, short canvass pants, bare feet. Machete (cutlass), or Obrez (pirate pistol) if I'm lucky. Sadly there are no eye-patches to be found, yet.
  21. pillock

    Character wipe on disconnect/server restart!

    It's happened to me as well. But I think your thread probably got deleted because there has already been at least one previous topic on here about the issue, and the devs are aware of it. There's another patch due with a couple of weeks, so hopefully it'll be fixed then if not before. Don't panic, everything will be ok.
  22. pillock

    What should and shouldn't open cans

    I think using an inappropriate tool like a crowbar or a knife to open a can should run the risk of your character accidentally cutting a lump out of his hand.
  23. pillock

    R.I.P Tent City.

    To be fair, it isn't really cheating: it's just "using persistent storage".
  24. pillock

    Weird Unexpected Death. Can someone explain?

    Nor me. But I have once had my legs broken by one of those hay barns with the wooden stairs at each end.
  25. pillock

    trust person was kill me and my frend

    With friends like that, who needs enemies?