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Everything posted by voxzelz

  1. Hello guys, I have a idea for equipment which will hold your side arm (pistol) and your knife (combat knifes), im sure you guys know the holster thing that is at the side of your leg. The same thing for the knife but it would be a bit lower towards the feet and i think this would look pretty cool and would make for a better experience and charecter customisation Ok so another idea is a ghillie suit, like you need to have some sticks and depending on where you get the foliage from (trees, bushes, grass) will indicate what color it will be. You need to make the parts for it so that would be: Head, legs, arms and main body. You need sticks, foliage and some rope or ductape to make this. (maybe you can also put this on your weapons for camoflage?) On a side note, I noticed weapon silencers dont work. They have the seem sound when u shoot a gun without a silencer so I hope this will be fixed. Sorry for my grammar and i hope you guys like it! -Voxzel
  2. voxzelz

    Some ideas for equipment and more

    No need to be like that. BYEEE.
  3. voxzelz

    New maps?

    Hello, I just got a question and im not sure where to post this but when are there going to be new maps? or support for player made maps? id love to see the epoch map back and a snow map would be amazing! -Voxel