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Everything posted by PinguAlmighty

  1. PinguAlmighty

    What would you prefer?

    What would you prefer the zeds to be like? Those crazy nightmare inducing ones like from I Am Legend Or hoards upon hoards of roaming, slow but relentless zeds like from World War Z Personally I would choose the slow ones, having a hoard of zeds on your tail at night while exhausted and slowing would make the game that much more intense, but I doubt that this will be implemented due to the physical demands of rendering and controlling that many zeds, so what is your opinion?
  2. PinguAlmighty

    What would you prefer?

    Should elaborate, by slow, i dont mean meandering zeds, i mean moving at a pace akin to a jogging human, or a tad slower than the current zeds but more of them.
  3. PinguAlmighty

    What would you prefer?

    True, but they were slow enough to outrun at a slow jog, just relentless. And i'd imagine that yes, they would need to add a LOT more zombies if they are slow.
  4. PinguAlmighty

    What would you prefer?

    So are they going to make zombies that completely break every stereotype about zombies? Gonna make hopping zombies? Huzzah! A great step forward in the zombie rights movement.
  5. So I was on an adventure to the NEAF, I had my SKS from balota and I was travelling with a friend. We were somewhere north of berezino and decided to go cross country to get to the AF seeing as i knew the land fairly well. We got there, were only off by about 100 meters. We start looting, usual stuff, about 12 m4 mags and no m4s >.> We go into the last jail and stupidly decided to have our lunch upstairs. All of a sudden, over the sounds of my mate stuffing his face I hear: *tap tap tap* someone slowly walking. I tell my friend to cover the stairs while i went behind to look into the computer room. I see some fellow pointing an m4 at my face, before I can move, BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM I am unconscious. Luckily my friend had a defibrillator and was able to revive me and i rolled quickly out of the way. I called out to the fellow, said "We don't want any trouble, just let us leave" He moved under the stairs so I assumed he was acceptable. I told my friend to leg it, and I did soon after. My friend had to log out shortly so we headed to krasnotav to find a spot. Logging in again 2 hours later I went back to the AF, the bastard ruined my favourite magnum. I am in 3rd person and am checking around the jail to see if anyone is there, out of the corner of my eye I see a player crouching at the corner inside. I start shaking, sweat dripping down my arms, the adrenaline pumping. I run away. I am a coward. I have no confidence in myself in a firefight, i prefer to rely on others. Then again, not everyone in the apocalypse is a leader. Some are born to follow.
  6. PinguAlmighty

    I am a complete coward in this game

    Well it seems to be working for me, I am still on my first life, 12 hours in. I've only killed twice, once when someone ran at me with an axe, and once someone asked me to end their misery as their legs were broken.
  7. PinguAlmighty

    I am a complete coward in this game

    I'd rather keep my heart vessels unburst mate
  8. PinguAlmighty

    I am a complete coward in this game

    Not so much shitty aim for me as a very big sense of self preservation
  9. PinguAlmighty

    So I just got the standalone

    And so far I'm liking it. I have a couple hundred hours in the mod so I'm no dayz noob. Here's what happened. Spawned somewhere north-east of elektro, couldn't find any food, probably because it was a fresh spawn area, ran to elektro checking the area around me for goods as I went. Found a backpack, splitting axe and pair of handcuffs in the elektro fire station, hauled ass out of there because I did not want to run into any hoppers. Ran to cherno and decided against going in because of the lack of loot and likelyhood of being shot, so I skirted around to the north and discovered the new high rise area. Couldn't be bothered looting that so I ran to balota. It was surprisingly empty and all the loot was untouched, I picked up an M4, couple mags, and continued on my way. I had heard a lot about the Kamyshovo Water Pump Massacres, so I avoided it like the plague, ran to kamenka to stock up on food and water and decided to make a run to the base north of kamenka, which i had heard about from a youtuber who you all seem to hate, you know who. Got there, still no player interactions at this point, both pleased and disappointed, no bonding time with my fellow survivors. At the base I found some basic military gear, starting to look operator as hell, decided to log off for a bit. Come back a few hours later and my stuff has reset, so I figured that it was an alpha bug and came to the forums again to find out any information I could and I found out via a thread that the character server was down, so I decided to write this while I waited. Anyway, I'm looking forward to what the future brings, and fingers crossed I don't get shot by some hopper. :D