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Olaf Beringson

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Everything posted by Olaf Beringson

  1. Olaf Beringson

    I'm Done

    I wonder, because at times of the mod no one cried about that. Must be all the new "hardcore-survivor". :>
  2. Olaf Beringson

    I ducking hate you bandits

    You had your "encounter". :>
  3. Olaf Beringson

    DayZ is dead to me..

    Dayz didn't even start. :thumbsup:
  4. "at least you can have fun killing people" Okay, that's why you play DayZ? :>
  5. Olaf Beringson

    Goodbye Dayz

    Who gives a shit?
  6. Olaf Beringson

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Still just experimental. Bad troll.
  7. Olaf Beringson

    Take Shots Like a Pro

    :D :thumbsup:
  8. Olaf Beringson

    I'd like to see the old " I'm Injured " Walk/run come back.

    Also: in the mod there was nothing like "healing". There was so much risk taking shots because you could die in another gun fight with 1 hit in the little finger because of low blood. At the moment this isn't a thing because you can heal yourself fully up by being well fed and hydrated. Im not sure about it yet, but i dont like it. I hope they'll improve the whole thing and adding more complexity.
  9. Olaf Beringson

    Take Shots Like a Pro

    I also feel like im not bleeding as fast as before the last patch. Zombie-hits, bullets, no matter what, my character just dont want to bleed. Im curious about that.
  10. Olaf Beringson

    To all of those who yell ALPHA at any sort of suggestion

    Instead of open a thread in the forums you/they should have a look at the bug tracker and should search and/or report their concern anf if already found upvote. It's that easy.
  11. Olaf Beringson

    food? Where is it?

    poor cats must be starving now :(
  12. Olaf Beringson

    Shooting in the legs

    Im interested in this, too.
  13. Olaf Beringson

    My favourite DayZ screenshot

    Not the choco. :(
  14. Olaf Beringson

    Ever did something in dayZ you regret?

    "PVE Server" :D
  15. Olaf Beringson

    Morgan Freeman needs a Boat

    Dude, i like your dayz videos and your voice. Very entertaining and exeptional. :3 btw first post!