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About thatdutchidiot

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. thatdutchidiot

    The C130 Accident

    The C130 Accident Last night I was driving back to base in my truck with the aquired gear over the weekend. As I drive close to my base, I hear an engine roaring and spot a C130 plane flying in the distance. Big black smoke clouds followed by a faint explosion and the message popped up "A C130 has crashed, be the first to collect its loot". I rush back to base and check the map. "Novy Sobor, only 2km south from here" I mumble as I quickly throw my cargo in the storage. As I drive off towards a vantage point, the weather changes. Thunder in the distance and fog starts rolling in. As I arrive near Novy Sobor, the fog made it impossible to see on longer distances. My vantage point became useless. I scout around and move around Novy, searching for my way in. As I move through the forest, I hear gunshots in the town. I am not alone here. Moving the the South side, I take cover behind a concrete wall and notice the bandits around the C130 dropping. Minutes pass and nothing happens. I sit there looking at the plane waiting for that player to appear. The distant thunder changed into heavy rain and as I think I am alone, I hear a engine starting. I follow the sound with my ears and to my left I spot a Humvee coming down the hill. Two players in it and they park next to the gas station. As I move around, trying to keep my eyes on them, a zombie strikes me from behind. Only one silenced shot, but that was enough to draw all the attention. I have only one advantage. I know where they are, yet they only know I am here. I follow the footsteps and peak around my cover. They drop down on the floor in panic to find some cover, but that was no use for them. Without thinking I shoot several rounds in both players. I walk to the bodies and grab the keys to their Humvee. Uncertain what to do, I decide to bring the Humvee back to base first. I move back and leave the Humvee behind and as I leave the base I see a Ural driving on the road. He moves offroad in the direction of my base. I fire a warning shot to scare him off. "Drive off, move away. Don't make a stupid choice now". He made the stupid choice. He drives off for what he thinks is a safe spot, not knowing that I am behind him. He gets out and I open fire. 20 DMR rounds straight in his body and truck and it goes up in flames. I can't let a player around my base.I rush back to Novy Sobor for that damn plane. On my way a player contacts me. I killed his brother and he was carrying several keys. I decide to play the friendly innocent guy and meet up with him in Stary Sobor. I told him his brother made a mistake and was on the wrong place. He agreed, but sounded sad that he lost a truck full of items. I know he will move to Novy, once I leave him alone. That would either result in me dying or him. I ask him if he wants to join me to Novy. Better a friend than a foe was my thought. Arriving back in Novy once again we hear gunshots. In the middle of the field we spot a guy. "400 meters, I got eyes". I let him take the shot and we move on. Around a high value target like this crash site, there is no room for talking. We all want that crate full of weapons. As we move in, my new friend nearly gets hit by in Vodnik that came to the scene. A few shots made him drive off just as fast luckily and we move in on the plane. Finally, we spot two big crates next to UAZ. We both take what we can pack in our backpacks and he takes the car. I rush back to my truck in the woods where I get hit by a bullet. I drop on the floor and roll to cover. My friend heared the shot and came back to assist me. I flank around and spot two ghillie guys next to my truck. Two easy targets, but before I can take a shot, my friend drives through both guys. Now I am safe, I grab my truck and head back home to log off for the night. This whole story took me about 3 hours and was one of the most intense situations I've been in. Especially the storm made the whole thing much more awesome. ThatDutchIdiot