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About Jimity

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Jimity

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hi guys, I'm Jimity, I've been waiting for the standalone so I could give this a go (never got round to buying ARMA 2). I'm an Aussie, 29 and I have, depressingly far less time to dedicate to gaming than I used to. Since I'm so new, I can't say with any honesty what sort of play style I'm looking for. I've only got in about 20 minutes, and that ended with my falling off a building for no apparent reason (except for the fact its alpha). You can find me http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970952104/home <here on steam. I 99% use steam to play games, not chat, but its where you can find me. If you see me around, I might say hi, I might shit myself and run, or I might shoot you. Time will tell. Cheers Jimity