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About stanlee

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  1. The site has been up for a few months now, but I'm still very interested in suggestions and feedback from the community, so let me know what you think I can do to improve the site!
  2. stanlee

    Question about SA server (GameServers)

    The commands are here, on the official BI wiki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Server_Commands
  3. Thanks for all the positive feedback guys! Glad you like all the hard work :D Could anyone tell me if they've had luck with the server banners? Added them recently but I want to make sure they work well. Thanks guys!
  4. You can use our search on my site and just type in whatever search term you want, and then see a list of the servers with those keywords in their description or server name. That should help you and save you having to make a script. Then, you could just use the report feature I made to report the servers to their providers, since I already find what providers a majority of the servers are hosted on and email them directly. Could you provide your server's IP so I can check it out? Thanks for the responses guys. keep em coming!
  5. I just finished completely overhauling the site over this past week. Now, the site design is much better and easier to navigate, and I've added a few features as well. Check it out and let me know: http://dayzserver.com
  6. stanlee

    Trick to find out, the GSP of a Abusive Server.

    Using BGP lets us see the name of the game server provider. We're not making any phone calls to information there, but instead are just using it as a hint into who the host is.
  7. Absolutely fantastic! Great to hear that we've confirmed that it works. Thanks a ton.
  8. stanlee

    Trick to find out, the GSP of a Abusive Server.

    I created a tool on my site to find the server provider hosting a server automatically and report them. Just look up the server at dayzserver.com and it should tell you the hosting provider automatically as well as give you the option to report the server.
  9. Added a new page to the site: http://dayzserver.com/country/ There you'll be able to see where every single DayZ server on our site is hosted and which country has the most servers.
  10. Can anyone tell me if they've had success with our reporting feature? Want to be sure it works for everyone out there.
  11. The automatic provider finder has been completed, and it's actually quite successful at what it does. Easy Reporting: Find Hosting Provider Automatically The script finds a majority of the server's hosting providers pretty easily by scanning the whois of the IP, and with 100% accuracy when it does. This should really help streamline the reporting process and help the server providers get an organized flow of information. It's now live on all the server pages, so check it out and let me know how it goes!
  12. I hope you've all been finding good use of the new advanced search feature. I'd just like to let you all know that I'm currently working on a system to automatically report servers to the hosting providers. Automatically Find a Server's Provider and Report It I'm currently in the early stages of developing a script to find a server's host just by plugging in the IP, requiring no work from the user reporting the server. All I plan on having the user do is providing a description of the violations, as well as a name and email so I can send their report to the server provider (no name and email will ever be saved!) Automatic host-finding report feature should be done by tomorrow. Let me know what you guys think! PS. I'm adding a list of features to the original post, to keep it organized.
  13. Thanks. Glad you all like the site so much.
  14. Good question. Right now the list queries the servers every 10 minutes, but I may make it quicker if the server load isn't too much.
  15. New Feature I added an advanced search to the site that should be pretty useful. Now you can make sure that the search results give you servers that are not full, not empty, located in a certain country, and on a certain map. As always, let me know how it works for you guys and if you have any more ideas/suggestions!