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Everything posted by basinox

  1. basinox

    Status Report - Week of 11 August 14

    I cant wait for the Rossi. HIHA!
  2. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    thats it, I'm ton. Like 100% ton
  3. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    check any official site with changelogs and you have it. Also I keep hopping that the persistence will be pushed to stable tomorrow...
  4. basinox

    Status Report: Week of 04 August 14

    Well you probably where giving very important feedback if some guy called Hicks hide it.
  5. basinox

    remove military bases and airfields

    Lets get rid of Players while we are at it. Those buggers do nothing but steal loot
  6. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I really hope the fact that the new update wasn't released to steam doesn't effect the next stable update.
  7. basinox

    Is DayZ going to have microtransactions/DLC?

    I have no problem with people selling items on their private server (just don't play on those) or DLC maps if they put any effort in them (Like a Netherlands based map with a lot of dutch based Gear and lots of water. *swoon*)
  8. basinox

    Renaming game modes is a bad idea

    Most roleplayers I speak prefer to RP in third person so that they can see what the are wearing and do combat in first person because the crosshair is totally messed up in third person (goes 2 feet over the place you aim at.). I know me and my friends for example would be a lot more PVP orientaded if first person was the only option. Then again I always play my ES and Fallouts in third person and go for the best looking gear (Police jacket over TTsKO everyday) instead of the most effective gear so maybe I'm just mad.
  9. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    But I want to see my character... that's how I play all my Bethesda games 2
  10. basinox

    Renaming game modes is a bad idea

    Sure you did. Because roleplayers are totally nonexisting in Dayz and you totally know what I meant.
  11. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Regular isn't that much different. Only difference is who is treating who as Second class. Hardcore by the devs and Regular by the community Edit: Example below
  12. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Strange that it where only the FPS servers and not the Third person servers
  13. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    You can always check the wiki for community made changelogs: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Changelog#0.48.124699
  14. basinox

    Status Report: Week of 28 July 2014

    You do know that the pig is made by an entire different studio than your desired mechanics, right? The animal studio isn't going to change their focus on servers or vehicles because that is not their job and isn't their field of expertise. Their job summarizes in: Programmers: Make realistic behavior for animals.Artists: Make Animals pretty like princess.
  15. basinox

    Renaming game modes is a bad idea

    This is actually an Untrue rumor from DayzTV. Multiple people have confirmed this to be fake. Literately the only diffrence between "Regular" and "Hardcore" is that some players call people noobs for liking to see their character
  16. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Untill you get geared and have to be da police
  17. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Makarov needed a mag to be loaded yesterday. They may have fixed this
  18. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    NVM. Cool addition
  19. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    They already did in experimental...
  20. basinox

    Status Report: Week of 04 August 14

    Yay Fixes, Fixes are always a good thing. But I'm still waiting for the moment that they are going to remove all those fake shoes in the houses and those fake pumpkins. I rather have some real pumpkins and a shoespawn.