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Everything posted by basinox

  1. basinox

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    I Think that they updated the Gvozdno Quarry. someone should explore it
  2. basinox

    Status Report - Week of 15 Sept 14

    COD and skillful close quarter combat? are you a Black Ops player or did you think of the wrong game when talking about COD. Also camping on a map like cherno is nothing bad considering its how you are supposed to use a long ranged rifle. Also he wasn't saying that COD and BF player will like the AUG because its unskillfull but because its more militaristic then most of the DayZ Rifles.
  3. basinox

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    That one must be mine mistake because they where shown on DayZTV so I added it to the undocumented. will remove it imidiatly
  4. basinox

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Its probably one of those cases where they accidentally mentions it wrong. We find those every patchnote
  5. basinox

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    So is the hunting knife really in?
  6. basinox

    Status Report - Week of 15 Sept 14

    3 things: Augs are used by a lot of armies in the area that chernarus is so it makes sense to find. Enfield Wouldn't make sense. And the bipod was removed from the mosin because it requires a rails to be attached and the mosin doesn't have a rails. They will probably add a bipod of rifles like the mosin in the future though.
  7. basinox

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Well everyone tell me when you find a hunting knife because that hasent been found in experimental yet
  8. basinox


    Stop, warhammer time
  9. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Just a tip: there are 3 crashes the team wants to fix before pushing this to stable
  10. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Ir would be cool if they did
  11. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    did under construction got its upgrade?
  12. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Helmet+Baton+uniform = Police brutality is in with this update
  13. basinox

    I need a Tent

    I know, but just let that sink in
  14. basinox

    I need a Tent

    I play this games for 6 months now and I still don't have a tent.
  15. basinox

    Status Report - Week of 08 Sept 14

    you are 2 days to early
  16. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Had that problem 2 it also appears like your char get wipped if you get disconnected by the server. really annoying lets hope these 2 bugs are part of the 5 fixes
  17. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Very quick question: do you guys know what causes servers to go into the endless reset loop state?
  18. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Never. Touch. the Tuna! In other new: you can't put pants inside other pants if the first pants already contains items. so no infinite backpacks anymore.
  19. basinox

    Why does everyone kill me?!

    Just kill everyone who tries to hide their face and you be save
  20. basinox

    Force inhalants.

    Realism: :beans:
  21. basinox

    All DayZ Standalone changelogs

    I know, Its just a suggestion for people who want some all around information about the updates
  22. basinox

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    We europes are heading into some bad times
  23. basinox

    All DayZ Standalone changelogs

    I made a ton of changelogs (including undocumented data) on the wiki