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Everything posted by basinox

  1. basinox

    melee weapons and thier role as tools

  2. basinox

    How to open a can without Tools real life

    We already had this discussion, please use the search bar.
  3. basinox

    Casual Minigames

    I'm not even going to bother anymore.
  4. basinox

    Character Points

    I'm certain that it wouldn't fit the game. And on a side note they should allow people to delete posts.
  5. basinox

    Casual Minigames

    I mean oblivion and when you aren't able to see the pins it becomes at least the most realistic lock pick system.
  6. basinox

    melee weapons and thier role as tools

    I already made some of these suggestions in my own post but I do agree that the melee system needs a lot of improvement.
  7. basinox

    Casual Minigames

    There is a difference between a semi transparent menu and a popup window
  8. "Kill them all Charlly, Kill them all!" - Me riding this goat. Have my beans
  9. basinox

    Casual Minigames

    Obliviom style lockpick where you can't look inside the lock to see what you are doing. This one was actaully pretty realistic (and hard as balls) Also can you quit the sass? Its bad for discussions.
  10. basinox

    Casual Minigames

    It doesn't fit the game because you have to open a separate window for the minigame and the skyrim/falllout lock pick system is extremely unrealistic.
  11. basinox

    Having babies

    Or you could just use the woman
  12. basinox

    Casual Minigames

    This really doesn't fit the game
  13. basinox

    Which vehicles would you want to see in DayZ?

    Tractors have to come back with some changes. Way better defences (it was crap in the mod) + allowing people to sit on the wheel armor while using their guns. Lets make tractors the civilian versions of tanks like they actually are.
  14. basinox

    Loot temples (irradiated zones)

    Can we quit the radiation ideas? The game is not in a fallout setting.
  15. basinox

    In regards to Loot tents/Storage

    Character bound tents that can decay sound good.
  16. basinox

    Change in Backpack item storage

    More variation for backpacks sounds good. Same can go for the tall taloon and the wide school backpack
  17. basinox

    Oh Fiddlesticks!

    Unique idea, I like it but what happens to the metal side of the weapon?
  18. basinox

    signs of HUNGER

    What do you mean?...
  19. basinox

    Poisoning food with berrys and a syringe

    No to canned food but yes to poisoning opened cans and fruits
  20. basinox

    Door sounds

    Audio files won't be handled until later in the development but I agree, doors should make a sound and have the option to open it slow and quietly.
  21. basinox

    Improvised gloves

    Realistic and allows the Bambi phase to have more playstyle options. I like it
  22. basinox

    signs of HUNGER

    Always pro realism
  23. basinox

    More Britishness

    thought it was the English spelling. sorry
  24. basinox

    More Britishness

    I'm on about this one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand which name comes from this one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeeland
  25. basinox


    I totally missed the sewer part! That would make for such a interesting new part of the world. Where the overworld is ruled by mosins, the sewers get ruled by shotguns.