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About kaylo

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. kaylo

    Correcting SA ballistics

    would be nice to see, but i got really mad at your autism awareness profile picture. please change it
  2. kaylo

    New Deaf player

    what languages can you read besides english?
  3. one of the few good servers that stick to what dayz should be about
  4. kaylo

    Third person vs First person view

    when standalone comes out with a slider for fov which stops 99% of the whiners problems, they will still play in 3rd person because it gives an unfair advantage
  5. kaylo

    What is the problem of Dayz?

    Id say the problem is too many people dont want to play a game where you have to survive; they would rather play a game where you start out with half the tools already and a good weapon in a server with over 300 vehicles. allowing third person and side chat ruin the immersion in the game, and the abundance of unfitting guns (dmr,as50,m14,m107,mk48) also fuck it over. the zombies are currently complete shit, but they will be hopefully fixed for standalone. the character animations are also really bad along with the inventory system and loot spawning system. i really hope that in standalone the surviving aspect gets to the point where its nearly impossible to live, and only the best players will become well geared
  6. theyll blame the bad fov, which can be adjusted, and when standalone introduces an easily changable field of view slider, the people who support third person will find a new bs argument. they use 3rd person to get an advantage during firefights, but they tell everyone a different reason
  7. sry i was in a bad mood from not doing cardio for 3 days. keep it real
  8. i love seeing people like you that try their hardest to come off as an educated intellectual when in reality youre stupid as shit. stop using grammar because your iq isnt getting any higher, and you can eat my ass
  9. used it, didnt find anything besides foreign servers. eat my ass
  10. thanks for taking the time to post in the thread but not actually answer. smart ass prick
  11. his name itself is a reference to that god awful little kids show; if you reference his name, you reference the show and shitty memes that nobody outside of 4chan wants to see
  12. I'm tired of seeing all these shit ass servers that have 400 vehicles with starting gear comboed with bad admins and side chat. Do any private hives exist where the game is actually hard and there are people playing all the time?
  13. holy man nice job on them. the only advice i have is to not use shitty internet memes like herp derp my little pony references or anything of that nature on the products
  14. kaylo

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    would it be fair to wallhack and aimbot if everyone could do it? there are not enough populated 1st person only servers to play on because people need to have unfair advantages when they play