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oxymoron (DayZ)

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Posts posted by oxymoron (DayZ)

  1. they should stick to the basics, yes. i dont want this game to be a stealthy TF2/Left 4 Dead bastard. i want it to be kinda an antigame; hard surviving, rare loot, threat of getting shot, strong zombies in connection with a realistic gameplay, and some goals to achieve. simple, easy and good.


    cant wait for tents and vehicles tho. they shoulod be rare as fuck and hard to build up. but i guess it will take some time since things would all disappear when a server restarts. we can start talk about it when loot respawns and night will be more fun, so servers dont get restarted every 4 hours


    there are some things i thought about what players could do in the future.

    maybe players could invade a radio tower or something and send massages to everyone using walkie talkies /radios,

    maybe the possibility to build one or 2 draisine's to use on the railroad track on a railwaystation


    this would create some more ''hot spots'' for players to go and do something, instead of military bases only

    • Like 1

  2. alot of things stand and fall with respawning loot and removing hourly server restarts. and i think this will somewhat fix your point, when loot will be made more rare..


    beside that i think hunting should not become the main food source. people who want good stuff should take the risk of going into cities and meeting other players instead of running around in the woods and genocide rabbits

  3. i am having some kind of desync/lag whatever since a few months now, stopped playing and read about some hotfixes. so i couldnt interact with items, or doors, pull weapon etc. but appearently i could run around because i logged on where i logged off. and i get this connection issue again.


    most of the time this happend/ still happens at server start, but today i was running around with a friend and we played together like 2 hours, with a server restart, and everything was fine. as we were about to enter grishina mil base i got this problem out of nowhere again.

    there seemed to be another player close to us. i also desync/lag everytime when i carry boxes(ammo, medipack, yellow box) and occasionaly without them

  4. its nice to see that you are working on the zombies but how you make them fast as fuck when they can hit you from meters away, hit you from downstairs, spot your from kilometers away, see trough walls, run trough walls, hit you trough walls and completely ignore solid matter or any physic law is beyond me.

    furthermore they seem to be able to track down your exact position if you shoot your gun, ruining your pristine stuff with 1 hit and are autoaggroing you when they respawn. why dont you fix all that important stuff first and then make them stronger and faster, why dont you push it on experimental only if you are testing it, why, why, why

    this game would improve if you delete them right now.

  5. Zombie hordes I approve of. This game is way too PvP oriented right now, but hopefully will change later. I want to surivive and struggle, not have a PvP fest 24/7.

    what do you think those hordes would be good for ? serious question

  6. Personally I love the idea....crest that ridge, move to treeline, scope out the town.....WTF is that! a huge horde moves through the town and off into the woods.  orrrr....scoping out town, take a shot, the massive horde behind a nearby ridge that you didn't see hears the shot. Now a good 50 zeds come running down the hill strait for you like some old battle scene.

    i fear that this will be fun maybe 3 or 4 times but then it just gets annoying :/

  7. In my opinion hords would be an extremely exciting addition. But I do agree woth you that the single zombies in the game should be a bit more of a threat. Killing them with only one shot is far too easy and also the fireaxe is far to strong. If you think of the "classic" zombie, which I would like to see in the game l, the threat would be the number of zombies and not the single one. All in all they need to be more mobile, stronger and more. Yiu can easily say, they are unfinished buisness and I can't wait for the improvements ;)

    i think hordes will be like '' ohh come on, not again ''

  8. I'm was going to go with TL:DR but thought for the sake of a proper response I should read the whole thing, I should have stuck with TL:DR because the post was what my suspicions where and you owe my 3 minutes of my life back cos the post is sloppy and hard to read.


    Zombies are a work in progress, right now they are glitchy and present little threat unless there is 2+ and you are completely unarmed.  The idea behind roaming hordes is to make it feel that no-where is safe, that you must use your wits and awareness to survive as opposed to running YOLO everywhere.


    I understand the gist of your post but your criticizing something that is far from finished.  Imagine if you're in a car factory for a moment with me and you see an engine roll off the line, it has nothing attached to it there is no chassis or anything else of that nature and you say "that's a shitty car", this is exactly what your doing right now.

    im non native speaker so exucse my expression.

    well, if you say we should not talk about things that are not finished we could shut down the forum


    i know that zombies are bugged and stuff but i keep on reading about these hordes/ increase of zombie amount and i wrote down what i think of it. if you have more players hiding in the forrest you will have that danger coming from the player and not from the KI.

  9. I only read this and now I hate you.


    I only read this and now I hate you.


    From that single statement I know there nothing constructive in your post at all. Simply becuase you start of with hating on something with almost no relevance to the thread.

  10. i dont get it why you would like to have ''(roaming) zombie hordes'' in this game, like in the walking dead(which is a shit tv series anyways).

    increasing the amount of zombies that much is beyond stupid imo. zombies right now are kind of annoying but zombie hordes will be nothing but annoying, since they practically delete / make a whole part from the map impassable unless you want to run into them and play hack n slay with your friends because they are so weak and no, that does not require any kind of teamplay or great organization. to increase the number of zombies will not change the fact that you can fight 10+ of them easily alone because they do no dmg, are slow and they are onehit-able. i dont even need to keep attention to swing my axe and run in circles because they are no threat. the only reason why i would avoid a great amount of zombies is/would be the annoying sounds they make, which are giving me nightmares.

    zombies now are boring and bad and even more zombies will not change that




    tbh i want to have the amount of zombies increased but not into oblivion or have a village filled with 100 zombies. i want them to be more threatening wich will be better for the game than just an increased amount.


    zombies should have more life, do more dmg, be as fast as you and overall more dangerous, this will affect and imporve so much things in the game.


    think of kos-ing, spawnkillers etc. if you shoot a gun, you make every zombie in range run into your direction, but this time you cant just farm them or just leg it because they are tougher and stronger. this time you have to engage them and you will be risking your life because you can not onehit them, and you can not tank a bunch of zombies and get away with a minor bleeding. you will think twice if you shoot your gun in a city/ in range to zombies, and you may want to interact ( in a bandit or honorful way ) with a player instead of just giving them a bullet to their head.


    once zombies drop loot i think of being rewarded for killing zombies or taking the risk. you always have to put some effort in something to get a reward, clicking your left mouse button once, like you do now, with weak, shitty zombies, is not really challenging and does not deserve a reward. simple.


    well, if you spawn now, you just sprint from house to house until you find food or an axe, or not, and keep on running into the next big city. there is no need to walk into the forrest to hide from zombies or have any kind of cover. you do not need to team up to fight zombies, you can just run past them. with better zombies you have to take more care, like you should if you are newspawn, avoid them and head into the woods until you have somewhat of gear to get into the 'end game content' eg nice weapons, supplies etc.


    once you want to have these things you will need 1 or 2 more players to handle the better zombies or just risk it / be very careful if you run into the high value areas to get high tier loot. this requires way more teamplay than fighting 20 zombies at once



    i could possibly think of more but dont get me wrong i dont want to have a superzombie who bashes everything, make them any kind of overpowered, or make them be the greatest danger in this game, which should always be the human player. but they have to play their part and to increase their amount blindly will be anything but good for this game

    • Like 2

  11. Guys, please stop trying to relate the issue to specific places or items, it clearly has no relation to anything like that. Some people were even confusing this with the memory leak last week, and they're so different (visually and conceptually) it's not even funny. Rocket already said he had no clue because they can't reproduce the problem, so it's not getting fixed for now. Our best bet is to wait for a random patch to fix the issue, or for a random patch to break it even further so more people start experiencing it and it becomes common enough to be tested by devs.


    Yes, I know that both options suck. 

     i only have these issues when im carrying specific items and i can reproduce the desync/lag/whatever by carrying specific items, how is is not in relation to said items?

  12. uh there is a topic for this eh 



    so in my time playing the SA i am getting this horrible lags/desync/idk things when i log into a server. ping/bandwith/desync stays 0 or freezes at the current numbers, not always but occasionally. basically i am unable to interact with / move anything in my inventory, general interaction or pull weapons. i am not sure if i can run around or just sit in a corner and it just seems to me as running around. if i drag an item to my backpack, it doesnt appear in it, but after i relog it is in my inventory.


    i tried to check out why this happens to me and after focusing on items that could cause this problem it turned out that i only have these kind of lags when i am carrying a container like a protective box, ammo box or a medipack. i get this problem on different servers on the hardcore hive and it forces me to drop my boxes or look for a server where i connect for some reasons. i dont get these problems when i pick up boxes in a game. also the bug disappears after i drop my boxes




    i am online, carrying ammobox and protective case, and i get no problems on GB 1-11 hosted by multiplaygameservers.com

    but i am affected by it on                                                                                    DE 1-19 same host                                  

  13. I think you actually have to really reach the indicators now in order for them to ba able to reset.


    I was stuck on the stuffed indicator for two days before the patch, to get rid of it I actually had to get stuffed again, meaning you have to eat/drink until you will get the stuffed message on the bottom left of your screen.

    Then it will reset.


    I guess the same might be valid for the other indicators. So you might have to get energized and healing for real so they can reset.

     i'll try that. we will see if it works


    e:stuffed status gone . thank you alot

  14. here are some simple suggestions i thought about and think they could be really good for the game.



    1. i think the new logging system is shit. making you unable to move/act anymore if you click log out is just retarded. think about you log off in an area where you THINK you are safe but then a player pops up at the horizon and just farms you because you are unable to move/react. im not talking about combat log especially.

    you should be able to exit the log out timer and your characters paralysis if you move, pull out a weaon or interact with items, furthermore you should be able to look around with your camera and move items in your inventory. also the timer should be 60 seconds and the character enters this F3 sitting/resting stance.


    2. 3PP should be removed



    4. day night cycles. make a whole cycle shorter, like 32 hours ingame are 48 reality hours, so if you log on you always get a different daytime. this would add a lot of more variety into the game. the night should be brighter, right now its just fucking dark, way too dark. brighten it up a bit by making the moon and stars shine more. incluiding abusing gamma fix


    4.''telescope'' eyes. replace that crazy zoom -right mouse click- with binoculars, right now it makes me feel like a robocop and is also abusive as fuck


    5.sprinting, im talking about double tap W with or without fists up. limit the time you are sprinting like 20 seconds sprinting, then a regeneration time where you are only able to run normal or walk. it will make the world feel so much bigger and realistic. once vehicles are in there should also be a proper weight/energy system.


    6. zombies. make them way more dangerous, but not more in numbers. then, if they hear a shot in a city they all run in the roundabout direction, for a good time, where the shot came from. this will make the player be more careful with guns in cities and affect the annoying pvp kos everybody is doing. you will think twice if you want to shoot someone by risking a bunch of zombies chasing you and rather interact with the player. ammo should be more rare


    7.server changing. im not sure if this could work. but could it be possible that if you change a server(not relogging, or after a dc/freeze) you spawn in a spawning zone in the middle of nowhere, fairly away from everything, but not too far away. currently thinking about black forrest or the area north to kamyshowo. there are also a lot of trees to avoid getting camped too easy when changing servers. once every 30 min you should be able to log into another server without getting spawned in this zone, also if you join a friends server but only if you are close to him.


    8. character. make him more worth, like if you sprint a lot, he can sprint slightly longer, if he is starving long times, he should be able to survive longer without food and so on. not huge gamebraking effects but good enough to make them noticeable


