you cant receive anymore messages by pm and your always on do not poke when i join your ts so i decided to post here i have recently set up a dayz epoch server and while i have been able to install a few plugins up until now i would like to now have alot more on my server to attract more players. side missions debug monitor admintools (infistar admintools/antihack or bluepheonix admin tools, both would be great!) tow/lift bury body self bloodbag suicide safezones auto refuel Air dropped care packages (Bi plane) take clothes burn tents Ai bus route suicide Animated C130 Crashes Animated heli Crashes fast roping evac chopper master key death messages Inland Sector FNG No voice on sidechat base building 1.2 + improvements zombie bait building snapping taunt zombie Indestructable Bases Cant tow/lift locked vehicles No Maintence for bases crafting and a way to spawn in a vehicle that dosent despawn after restart please pm me if you can help thanks The TRR Guys