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About jasonreynalds2

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  1. jasonreynalds2

    Hard to hit zombies with melee

    That doesnt really help me.
  2. jasonreynalds2

    Hard to hit zombies with melee

    I dont raise weapons anymore. If i did it would just F*CK me over due to my FOV. and I cant hit a zombie with a damn banana! the banana is a gun not a melee weapon!
  3. jasonreynalds2

    Hard to hit zombies with melee

    I have an axe. sad thing is its still kind of hard to hit them with the axe...
  4. jasonreynalds2

    Why Are Servers 70+USD?

    Because of the economy of the United states.
  5. jasonreynalds2

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I know a way! In order to identify a hero they just dont shoot you. In order to identify a bandit wait untill you get shot!
  6. jasonreynalds2

    Official DayZ Meme Thread

    But who was radio?
  7. jasonreynalds2

    Hard to hit zombies with melee

    Its not a HUGE problem for me nor is it a bug post. i know where to post those >_< So... anyone having problems hitting zombies with melee? when i use a melee weapon my fists are more effective to hit zombies than with a crowbar....
  8. jasonreynalds2

    Fists are overpowered

    I kind of agree. But instead they should do this. Fists do the same damage as usual on zombies. But zombies / players should do a little different damage to players. Like this. Instead of getting easily knocked out. you should have %100 to not be knocked out on the first hit from players. %95. %90. ect per hit. If you dont want to be easily knocked out from all of those hits. you must win the current battle or flee. survive it and such. If you use painkillers the chance to not get knocked out gets added %20 per use. it does not stack. if you get to the max your wasting it. Helmets Help you. but the more damage they take. the higher chance youll get knocked out. Zombies should try and aim for the chest area or neck. if you move while thay attack and it accidently hits your head you will have a %10 to get knocked out. which re-enforces survival. strategys. and friends to help you survive.
  9. jasonreynalds2

    Weapon, Object, and Ammunition Ideas...

    Heres a few of my suggestions for weapons and such. I hope you appreciate the time I spent on this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE WEAPONS 1. Lead pipe. Medium damage. Medium accuracy. Medium firing speed. Common in industrial areas. rare in residential / millitary. Durable. 2. Noka-Cola Bottle. PHASE 1. Low damage . Fast fire rate. High accuracy. PHASE 2. activated when smashed on a wall. is broken. Medium damage. %2 to hit yourself and bleed upon firing. High accuracy. Medium fire speed. Not very Durable. Found anywhere. 3. Glass shard. Two fire modes. FIRE MODE 1 : Stabs someone. very slow. low accuracy. medium damage. FIRE MODE 2 : -400 blood if used on a player. smashes on player / zombie. damaging both. ruins the glass pane. One time use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CRAFTED WEAPONS 1. Lead pipe gun. ADD "Gun Parts" + "Lead Pipe". High damage. Medium accuracy. VERY unreliable. HORRIBLE durrabillity. Easy to repair. Uses "Scrap Ammo". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMMUNITION 1. Scrap Ammo : Add "Scrap" + "Any type of ammunition." Used with lead pipe gun. 2. Toy Darts. Used with Dart Gun. No damage. Used for Nail Darts. 3. Nail Darts. ADD "Toy Darts" + "Nails". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUNS 1. Karf Gun : Toy gun that fires toy darts. Uses nail darts. Low damage. Medium damage if used around the face. Low accuracy. Medium durrability. Common.