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Everything posted by fidelacchius

  1. fidelacchius

    Good bye cheaters! :D

    Ahh we fill finally have loot and no more ghost kills. Cya server/combat loggers 30 seconds to log out and a waiting time if you server hop :D http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Changelog#Experimental_Branch_.28Latest_released_patch_notes.29
  2. fidelacchius

    Kill on sight - newb advice

    I thought i would post my experiences learning dayz to help others. I got the game Friday and played for 36 hours over the weekend. I wanted to be mostly a PVE player and help others where i could. If you have this mindset going into the game you are going to be disappointed. Here are some of my interactions so far: 1. Executed by rednecks: One of my early life's i was just leaving the first town i came across. I had no weapon and already ate my food. Just my flashlight and a bandage in my inventory. While walking on the main road i got stopped by two people. They made me get on my knee's with my hands up (F2). They asked what i was doing where i was going. Then they told me to run away. Once i got about 100 m away they shot me in the back. 2. Saved my murderer: Once i got better at the game i finally got the fabled M4A1. I was so happy that i could now go anywhere face any foe. While walking along side the main road i noticed someone in the distance fighting a few zombies with an axe. Happily i shot one of them for him. I went up to talk to him asked him if he needed any food or water. He said he was thursty so i gave him a can of pepsi. We chatted for a bit. I was about to leave when he pulled out a Mosin and shot me. 3. Sniped while unarmed: Various times in my travels usually unarmed i get sniped from who noes where. Apparently flashlights are in a short supply. 4. Horded by unarmed players: Still trying to be a hero rather than a raider. I went back to the coast to try to help newbs out. Came with Rice and water. It seems however about half that i meet will try to attack me on sight. This is when I am clearly armed with a rifle and they have almost nothing. Lessons learned: In dayz i have learned NEVER TRUST ANYONE. If you can, avoid everyone in the game. If you cannot then kill them on sight. Even if they are UNARMED. This game will make you into an ass. Embrace it or you will die.
  3. fidelacchius


    Alpha I feel like dayz could start an alpha meme
  4. fidelacchius

    What type of item respawn system is planned?

    I don't believe that is being covered in this patch. It will be fixed eventually but right now we have to rely on server restarts.
  5. fidelacchius

    Good bye cheaters! :D

    The combat logging i assume you could get around by just ALT+F4'ing. But if you have a que to join a server if you disconnect within 30 mins is gonna be hard to get around.
  6. fidelacchius

    Exp. branch patch: 114926

    Are the servers updated automatically? or does the owner of the server have to manually update it?
  7. Server hopping will be over with the new update (assuming its coming out right now). This should mean a bit more regular loot without people switching servers to loot the same building over and over.
  8. fidelacchius

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    They are easy to pick out we don't need arm bands. This is how i do it. Hero: When you approach them they put there hands up. This make it easier for you to kill them and take their gear. They are also known as Bambi's. Bandits: They start shooting when they see you. They are also known as Survivors
  9. fidelacchius

    PVE/Friendly/NO KILL servers make me happy

    They are not. But the rules are loosely enforced.
  10. fidelacchius

    I can't see how 3rd person is helping this game..

    Play hardcore and stop QQing Note: The only difference between regular and hardcore is no 3rd person
  11. fidelacchius

    Ammo Container bugged?

    I had this issue with a box of cereal. Im not sure if its a glitch or i just switched it out when i was changing backpacks or something. Gonna keep an eye out though
  12. fidelacchius

    Good bye cheaters! :D

    Its gonna happen. You just have to belive
  13. fidelacchius

    No Servers appearing except Experimental

    I made the same stupid post >_< Its right at the top of the forum. Its maintenance for 3 hours
  14. Having a weird issue. I wouldent be posting but this is not the first time. I got D/Ced from a server that was restarting i think. :( Now when i try to search for servers i only get around 5 on the list and i cannot connect to them anyone else have problems with the server list?
  15. fidelacchius

    Sighting in guns

    I seem to have issues sighting weapons in i.e. 100m 200m 300m....700m pageup/pagedown Are their any tips or tricks to judge how far something is away. I keep guessing and my shots go high or low. Or is it just more practice? (kinda hard when weapons are scarce)
  16. fidelacchius

    Focus on the important things

    I think its a feature not a bug. Its easier to find scrubs to take gear from this way.
  17. fidelacchius

    Read first before you complain about other players

    Osama wants to take our guns in real life and in dayz http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2013/01/16/obama-urges-10-million-to-study-video-games-and-violence/
  18. fidelacchius

    Patch Comming out.... When? :o

    I know there is a patch coming out soon. I know i lose my character (thats fine). But i would like to know when it is dropping so i don't invest so much before i lose everything. Does anyone know the date/time? :/
  19. fidelacchius

    Kill on sight - newb advice

    Above made me lol
  20. fidelacchius

    Read first before you complain about other players

    I disagree. I find shouting "IM FRIENDLY IM FRIENDLY" very useful. Yesterday i yelled it and was able to close on a guy with a gun and kill him with my axe because he hesitated. Now i have a Mosin Nagant on a new toon with hardly any searching. See this is what the community needs. more teamwork.
  21. fidelacchius

    Need shopping advice...

  22. fidelacchius

    why good samiritans irritate me

    I have a feeling your the type of person that has a troubled past. Its not your fault. Let it out.
  23. fidelacchius

    DayZ Alpha will not run at 4k

    First world is hard man.
  24. fidelacchius

    Random 'You Are Dead' No gunshots, no warning.

    I saw you threw the window. Got you with my mosin. Was following for awhille. :D