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Everything posted by ThaMac

  1. ThaMac

    Deaf players...

    Well, sorry to be harsh but what did you expect from a game where communication is key to survival... And why didn't you initiate contact with the mosin guy btw through typing?
  2. IMO the main issue is that they respawn to close to you. Its fine if they respawn. but make it 1 KM away from the player that killed em, and a short delay on when they become aware of their surroundings and start chasing people. Right now its a bit overkill when you have to spend tons of ammo just mowing down zombies that keep respawning right next to you. It's not very realistic. If you want to keep the dificulty then make them hear shots over longer distances so they will all converge on players shooting but at least they wont just pop out of no where.
  3. ThaMac

    Lets discuss what is 'Cheating' and what isn't

    To me, anything that is clearly not intended to give you a benefit is cheating and any 3rd party software might be considered cheating also. 1: Modding game=cheating (even singleplayer games but there no one including me cares, but you still cheated :P) 2: Changing visuals so you can see in the dark=cheating (its obviously not intended for you to jack up your gamma/brightness so you can see in the dark) 3: serverhopping=cheating 4: TeamSpeak=Cheating (its a feature that oters in the game don't have (talking while others can't hear you and talking over large distances)) But anything "Game" related that is a INTENDED mechanic in the game and can be used for a benefit is just gameplay imo. 1: Trading=Part of the online experience. otherwise they would not allow items to be traded.... DUH.... 2: Bandaging others is an intended feature. Having said all that, I have turned off postproccessing to be able to see further, jack up my Gamma like mad when its dark, change my FOV before sniping, use teamspeak etc. All those things I consider "cheating" I do myself . But they are not the way the game is "meant to be played" if you understand what I mean. And just having a global chat would fix my teamspeak argument because then people could all communicate :D
  4. ThaMac

    Doors - anyone home?

    When just looting some small town I usually leave them open so others can see the town has been looted easely and they dont waste their time. On Airfields, big towns or other dangerous area's i close them so I can notice others opening them if they try to loot. If i'm looking for some PVP i'd also close doors hoping others would come in to loot (airfields etc :P)
  5. ThaMac

    Let's talk about the Long Range Scope.

    Its still pretty common i still find them @ NW airfield alot. HAve 3 in my inventory right now (i dont leave them for others + some friend might need one. But I agree its to OP atm and I actualy feel they should be more rare. Only spawn in shit exposed areas (top of ATC tower for instance) or something to make them less accesable.
  6. You need the client version of TS3. server is for hosting your own, you need the client to connect to a server :D so client 64-bit should work if your PC is 64 bits. (witch it prob is with windows 8 on it)
  7. Holy shit you are completely new to PC and the game arent you :D 1)how do you type in sidechat if needed? left control (bottom left of your keyboard) is for voice chat. Everyone near you can hear that (you obviously need a microphone to use this). / is side chat, everyone near you can see this chat but some people dont read it and insist on using voice instead. 2) a message came on screen join our chat with some numbers and dots, how do i do that?. That was probably a Message Of The Day (MOTD) for ths server. and they where most likely letting you know their teamspeak server. (you can download teamspeak here http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads )Teamspeak is a VOIP program. it allows for voicecom outside of games, so you can talk to people no matter if they are near you or not. We at JustSmileGaming have our own TS and Game servers ( http://justsmilegaming.co.uk/server ) open for everyone, hop on there if you want some help, if i'm on ill gladly explain some of the basics and get ya started in DayZ. I'm usualy on between 19:00-24:00 GMT (themac) 3) a red/yellow tablet came on bottom/right quarter of the screen in half with some lines on it is that a problem with my PC? my internet or the game/ server? (it went red for counted to 89 then gone yellow then went back to server screen)Thats a "chain" yellow/red means you are getting desynced (basicly a connection issue with 9/10 is not your fault atm since the game is in alpha and the connection sometimes sucks for everyone) 4) I have no idea where i am lol. i ran along the treeline next to a road (someone shot at me, was a sitting duck cause i shit my pants and gone prone lol, they must of realised i was heading a different way and left me) and just after that i came to a big town. I came from the treeline down a hill next to road, ran along the roadside with a big wall on my right and turned right into firestation with a big tower next it (someone was watching it as again heard shots*may of been the lad from 2-3 minutes before*), there was also a chapel, shop and hospital (oh and two *maybe one* knobs watching the hospital surrounding area's) once i googled how to log out i tried to find somewhere save and ended up in a hut next to the beach and sea. To find out where you are : http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus is an online map, just open the link in Internet explorer (or another browser) to see the map, you can then use the key combo ALT+TAB to switch out of the game and look @ the map. Make sure you are in a safe spot and not in combat before doing this or you WILL die :P alt+TAB again to get back into the game. you can zoom in and out using your mouse wheel.
  8. TBH, your priority list is exactly that, YOUR priorities. I for instance would like them to develop more weapons and different weapons to combat the M4+Mosin supremacy that is going on right now. The only reason i ever pick up an SKS is because some clanmate might not have a gun. but as soon as i'm able, i go to the military bases and get an m4 + search for a long range scope for a mosin. I'd like to see different weapons, different scopes. Night Vision+scopes, granades, so much more to evolve the combat before even thinking of vehicles. With the current sprint mechanics vehicles are not THAT big a deal to me. (other then a combat chopper :P) I'd also love to see sickness, hunting etc in before vehicles but that is all my opinion, just like your's and it means nothing becuase the devs will have their own roadmap and some of my point might be on it and some of your might be also.
  9. ThaMac

    What's your average lifespan?

    TBH, i think if i wanted to I could survive indefinatly just staying up norht and becoming a forrest dweller. But on avarage i'd say around 6-8 hours. Then i get bored and start PVPing at wich i SUCK
  10. ThaMac

    Where is everyone?(Balota+NWAF)

    Yeah, there has been plenty of Berezino action on our server lately. NWAF is deserted, Baloto is sometimes great, sometimes boring and sometimes (still) combatlogger/ghosters paradise.
  11. Ahhh this explains alot :P i have an FX8150 and HD7850 wich usualy runs (new) games at medium settings 60FPS with no issues. But Dayz is barely hitting 30 when i'm lucky and mostly 20 fps while overheating my PCI slot and underusing my CPU. But yeah. optimization is usualy one of the last steps in development so no rush for me :D
  12. ThaMac

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    I always wondered why company's dont do the alpha/beta thing as much as they used to anymore (AAA titles BEtA is NOT a BETA 100% of the time last 5 years). But the more of these posts i see, the more i understand it... It's Alpha m8! everything is done in babysteps. And the pace at wich new content AND fixes AND changes to existing content is comming out is very impressive for a team this small and a game this big. And as for the "we are not testers" argument, you got the game cheap in early acces, so you DID get compensated for your testing work. and YES, we are testers. Untill the game hits at least Beta, you can log in, find bugs, report them (after checking if they have not been reported already ofcourse!!!) and if you have a good time while doing that, its a bonus. We are entitled to nothing, and honestly IMO the devs already created a product that works better then most alpha's i've been a part of in my life. (as in 20 years ago, when an alpha could quite litteraly ruin your PC) EDIT: And yes, realisticly it will probably be 1-2 years of development before the game is ready for a decent Beta test and release, and it will still contain lots of bugs and issues then and MAYBE 5 years from now, it will be stable and not being updated/changed so often anymore. If you cannot handle crappy builds, bugs, performace issues, exploits and other shananigans, then just check back in after 2 years for a more polished product m8. Edit2; for the OP: It's actualy Brashness to complain about a feature that does nothing... AFAIK, it makes you wet/soaked. but being wet/soaked doesn't do anything (yet) so it's just to test if you actualy get wet/soaked from being in the rain.... Next stepp will be, do you dry up from fire, being inside etc, The NEXT step is to assign symptoms to these statussus, (like shaking, coughing whatever when wet/soaked, healing again from vitamins, and drying @ a fire place... Or something else but you get my point...).BABYSTEPS!!!
  13. schools tend to have mosins, the piano buildings can have mosin/sks/dual barrel rifles and i've found guns in the hospital as well, AND firestations can have guns (usualy magnum/fnx for me) Basicly most of the "Special" building can spawn guns. You just gotta look@ the right places :P
  14. ThaMac

    Pants constantly ruined..

    I noticed my shirt gets worse when i'm crawling, perhaps pants get worse when you are crouching? I dont know, but noticed the same...
  15. If its about copying certain items if you have 2 of them.... Its a known issue and already in the bugtracker.
  16. ThaMac

    Play dead

    It would just mean i pop every body a see in the head before actualy looting them :P
  17. Just thought i'd share a story of how yesterday went in DayZ. I was playing with a buddy on The NE Airfield. We set op camp on the hill overlooking the airfield to see what what going on and if there where people trying to loot OUR airfield. We spot 2 guys in the ATC, wearing the same gear and we assumed they where part of a 3 man squad from a clan we saw in the playerlist. we both have Mosin's with long range scope, but appearently our sniping skills SUCK DONKEY BALLS! as we both missed our shots numerous times. They leave the ATC, dissapear behind the prison and i'm asuming they are going to flank us from the left. So we move back and try to find a new position. My buddy lost me so instead of being smart, i start running on the road like a morron and asking him "do you see me now".... The other guys saw me 1st, a hail of fire all around me was the result and i was unconsious. My buddy still can't find my body. Another friend offered to help, i explain where i was and within minutes she was there sticking an Epi-Pen in my chest en bandaging me. (my 1st buddy still hadn't found me). My 2nd friend leaves, (scared of bandits) and the 1st buddy FINALY found me... I was still unconscious at this point and in need of a saline IV. a 3rd friend has some, he's comming over from the ship. After announcing his precence on TeamSpeak 3 times, and sayin in global chat "it's me, dont shoot, dont shoot, its me dont shoot" my 1st buddy spots him, says "OMG THERE IS SOMEONE LOOTING YOUR BODY" and shoots him in the head (dead). Obviously this guy needs to work on his communications skils lol :P After looting his corpse, i get the saline and wake up shortly after that.. My body is looted and screen black/white and blurry as hell but alive! YAY!!!! I guard the body of my dead friend while my 1st buddy decides he'd just wonder of and not help the guy he just shot :P (seriously, i think this guy needs to find a new clan soon :P) My 3rd friend returns, i give him what i can from his body and i keep his M4 (he had a SKS also). So almost dead, no food and water, no health and all i have is an axe and M4.... time to loot and rebuild the character. Fast forward 2 hours. A group is pinned down @ the NE airfield again, they are stuck in the prison with a guy on the top floor and 2 where already shot trying to go up the stairs. I join in with my M4 ready, check the guy out, see him unscoping for a second and BAMBAMBAM he's dead... My kill, so i get dibs on the loot :P after being unconsious for 45 min earlyer, later on the day i have an M4, Mosin, stocked on food and water and full health again :D these are the kind of days that i play DayZ for... Some action and exitement, teamwork and (near)death experiences :D TLDR: I was nearly dead, had no gear, and a couple of hours later i'm fully decked out again. DayZ rocks! :D
  18. ThaMac

    How I shat my pants over nothing

    I was on the other end of a similar engagement :P Yesterday near elekto i was practicing the new scope on my M4 (RDS scope). Just shooting @ a spot on the ground and checking spread etc.... Suddenly i see a fresh spawn RUNNING LIKE MAD and weaving all over to stop behind a bush (he come from another bush near where i was shooting... I walked over to apologise and check if he needed help... But apearently my walk lasted longer then 30 sec since he was gone :P
  19. ThaMac

    uncomfortable noise logging in

    Same here (with an M4 (and magnum in backpack)) It's ffing horrible,i have my gamesound turned up quite high.... so its deaffening :P
  20. ThaMac

    Is it right to avenge?

    There is no "Right" thing to do in Dayz. And even if you from a moral standpoint are trying to do the right thing (be nice, only shoot in self defence or only shoot bandids for instance. You STILL will get in situations that are not 100% crystal clear (like this) you may have shot someone that was defending themselfs.. you will never know :P
  21. FFS people, they should just remove access to the game for anyone complaining about "Why has X not been fixed yet" ITS IN ALPHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you do not understand what that means (and after reading the OP i can confirm that is the case.. DONT FFING PLAY IT! I'm getting sick of these people already and i've only been here for a bit over a week.... Your job is to report bugs when you find then. Thats it... If you have a good time along the way.. YAY, good for you! You have no say in the development of the game, the direction it will be taken in, the amount of bugs that are in it and haven't been fixed yet. You have nothing to complain about, not even if DayZ overclock's your graphics card and causes your house to burn down with your wife and kids inside it... That's what can happen in Alpha's...... Of course people will voice their opinions, and that is fine, but if suddenly rocket thinks "purple bunny's that make you blind on sight" will be a good idea to implement.. He and his team can do that and we can't do shit about it because the game is clearly stated to be in alpha and might change dramatically. As Byrgesen already explained. Developing an asset (new texture new weapon and even some coding) is relatively easy compared to bugfixing. There are usually different teams for graphics, (textures artwork etc), physics (weapons, movement etc) there will prob be an "engine" team and then there are bugfixers... who are dedicated to finding and destroying bugs. If the bugfixteam is working 100% do you suggest the other 3 go on holiday? You would halt production to find and remove 1 bug? And no, adding more people (aka throwing money at it) to a problem does not actualy fix it faster.... That just means more meetings, more conversations and communication (And miss-communication) and more problems while fixing problems.
  22. ThaMac

    1st encounter reassuring

    My current char (currently decked out in full cammo and an M4) was saved by a fresspawn when i started... I spawned on a looted coast and was almost starving when he gave me some food and thats the only reason i survived. Unfortunatly i lost him as we ran to elektro (where i later foudn the M4) due to a server restart
  23. ThaMac

    Starving, saved by my friend.

    Yup, and then you have no IDEA about your health status and die from 1 zombie scratch.... great advice...
  24. ThaMac

    Teaching friends basics

    Yeah, my clan/group thingy will be hosting an RP server soon. I hope people will abide by that and at least TRY to RP a bit (and being a badass lone wolf who shoots everyone on sight because he's paranoid they might be infected IS RPing btw ;P) But the rules say "no kill" is not allowed... So you can't blame people for shooting others when it all comes down to it.. If people want to have safe zones on their servers, they are going to have to enforce them with guns and ammo.
  25. ThaMac

    Starving, saved by my friend.

    takes time, make sure to also drink enough. With the new update you should be able to see in your inventory screen weather you are "energized" AND "Hydrated" if you are both, you should slowly be healing. (the color will come back 1st, then the blurryness will fade)