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About damagerix

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  1. damagerix

    Waiting for Server Response SONG - Quite hilarious

    actually this is a very good song
  2. damagerix

    Has DAYZ now peaked ?

    Yes this is , there is soo much hack on this game right now ,that you cant play on a server without not worring about dying or loose all your hard working stuff by hackers
  3. damagerix

    Canada2 Everyone on server killed at once

    Dam thanks good i wasnt there,This morning(eastern) we all loosed our inventory too on the same server
  4. damagerix

    Server Hacked on Dallas 29

    Happened to on canada 2 server this morning(Eastern) , but we didnt had a m197,we only loose all our inventory
  5. damagerix

    Can't find servers?

    type dayz and keep clicking tell me if u saw some red cross server that got away fast
  6. damagerix

    Can't find servers?

    same thing for me , u go to click the red cross server fast ,only way i can get in a game
  7. I dont understand why no body has ever made a thread on this probleme : WAITING FOR SERVER RESPONSE THIS HAPPEN ON EVERY SERVER I JOIN IT,AND EVERYBODY IN THE SERVER THAT IM IN COMPLAIN ABOUT IT,AFTER WAITING A WHILE(15MIN) IM IN A FOREST WITH NO GEAR ON I CANT MOVE AND AFTER THAT IT ,they say that is the forst debug but anyway,and I dont understand why when I join a server with just 50 ping , i cant get in the game always gets stuck at data and when i join a sydnez server it is fast download and i always get in the game for less 20 sec
  8. damagerix

    arma 2 oa

    bump ffs....
  9. damagerix

    arma 2 oa

    I need to know which ports I need to open for arma 2 oa, because I can see some servers but not all most dissapear after A refresh with Red cross(X)
  10. Please someone make a non steqm guide ffs!
  11. damagerix

    This game ....

    Btw i use the sprocket version
  12. damagerix

    So hard as a non Steam user to install.

    Im using the sprocket version too and i cant find any dayz server , look like this mod have not been made for us, @feelin like been black
  13. damagerix

    This game ....

    I ger the arma too and ive desactived my firewall ffs i really want to play this game :'( And i could see other servers too , after i wrote in mission dayz and red cross server appear then dissapear