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Regulator Sierra

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Everything posted by Regulator Sierra

  1.  Regulator Sierra

    Is anyone else finding crashing to desktop MUCH more common?

    Gotten more than one today, plenty of mates have the same problem to.
  2.  Regulator Sierra

    Patch tomorrow ?

    If they got it sorted out for tomorrow nothing would make me happier, but in all fairness i dont have much faith. Tell me im wrong Devs :) please
  3.  Regulator Sierra

    When is the next update?

    hoping for tomorrow, but im pretty sure im hoping in vain
  4. I understand perfectly what dayz standalone is atm, and i understand that ppl feel that they want more and that playing hours upon hours can get a bit meaningless in the end, and to some extent i can relate, Myself ive left around 300 hours in the standalone, and what makes me log in everyday is simply the guys i run with. The game to me at the moment is simply what we make of it. I still enjoy what is dayz and ill probably hang around for some time still.
  5.  Regulator Sierra

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    There are 4 exp servers up atm but sadly both are pass locked :( Update: and their gone :(
  6.  Regulator Sierra

    cheat that makes gun put away

    The exact same thing happend to me and 2 of my guys yesterday, we were playing on a german hc server and were hanging around berezino when 2 guys were teleporting around us. All 3 automaticly put our guns away and we couldnt put anything in our hands or raise our fists. The guys then asked if we were recording or streaming wich we wernt, they asked us by name where we were from and our age and said they were admins, and they were making us not beeing able to select any items. After shooting at us and saying a lot of crap in german they said we had to leave the server wich we did, I got the server info if someone wants to se this for themselves since this seams to be happening to several players. I know about the bug that makes you put away your gun and this was not it.....
  7.  Regulator Sierra


    for me he sounds like Peter Stomare in Armageddon
  8.  Regulator Sierra

    Police stations and Pistols.

    found a 1911 and a magnum in one this morning
  9.  Regulator Sierra

    Operation Sanctuary safe zone, Regulators, CQF. TMW and other friendlies

    a lot of confusion since this was our first go at a big OP like this, but im sure it wont be our last, and it will get more fine tuned as we go.
  10.  Regulator Sierra

    Waiting for Host

    Yes it is a porblem for most ppl and Dean has commented on twitter that they are looking in to it and "will fix it today"
  11.  Regulator Sierra

    Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.42.116002

    That kinda felt like a slap to the balls.
  12.  Regulator Sierra

    New City in the North on experimental

    This town is mine, anyone caugth tresspassing will gett a harsh talking to.......
  13.  Regulator Sierra

    3rd Person vs 1st Person?

    Kinda feel i could go both ways :) play both HC and reg and i like em both
  14.  Regulator Sierra

    M4 potency/accuracy

    The original M4 fires single and 3 round bursts, the later M4A1 is single and full auto :)
  15. in short he met some some dicks, they did some shooting, all hopped server and ran into eachother again and did some more shooting. Im sure this happends to 2/3 players everyday. Can relate to the frustration though.
  16.  Regulator Sierra

    another new town

    DONT TELL THEM!!!! djizzez when will you guys learn??? He is talking about svetlo ;)
  17.  Regulator Sierra

    [POLL] Do you regret buying the SA?

    Never regretted it one secound. i knew what i purchased when i bought it and ive logged over 200 hours, Still love it.
  18.  Regulator Sierra

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Dude just wants to go home, who can blame him?
  19. So i logged in yesterday and im getting horrible FPS. usually ive been running around 50 outside larger cities and mid 20s in cities. Now im down to around 10 everywhere. and it spikes to as low a 3 frames. Ive been "good" for the last 200 hours of playing but yesterday something happened, got some buddies who had problems to and in the end we had to log out as it was unplayable. Are more ppl getting this? I havent changed anything on settings and so. It started on Experimental with some light beams in the sky, tried to look at the ground a boom 60frames no problem.
  20.  Regulator Sierra

    I ducking hate you bandits

    Know that there are ppl out there that spend their ingame time countering all the KOS,ers and Bandits. There is a light side, hower faint it is
  21. i like it to, we got "swarmed" for a few mins yesterday and one even got knocked out by supprice, love it.
  22.  Regulator Sierra

    Most friendly people ever

    should never trust a player in dayz, doesnt mean you have to kill them tho.
  23.  Regulator Sierra

    Dayz current state

    I just love it when people feel they have to share their pitty meanings, but they are alowed to so here is mine. Dayz does NOT "suck" It is selling like no other and ppl are loving it. YES the game lacks a lot, and YES the game i flawed but dude They put out so many dumbdumb signs for you all to se out there that if you didnt notice them you can blame youself. Dean even states on the first thread on this forum And all the pissing and whining going on about Dean leaving. Dude wants to go home to New Zealand. but he said it wont be until the end of the year and he will stay until he is no longer needed. Him leaving in 10-12 month wont be a dealbreaker for dayz, there are still good ppl working on it. Myself ive logged about 200-250 hours and in all fairness i still love the game, pretty good value for my dollar there i would say.
  24.  Regulator Sierra

    can we get a statement on bases and vehicles ETA.

    Guys labeling any question on this forum as whines and begging and so forth pisses me the fuck off, people have the right to ask questions without dumbasses trolling them and telling them to "wait and stop whining". If you cant contribute to the topic or answer the guy then stay away and save the rest of the community for you bad mood. NOW. Dean said that they are not gonna use the Arma vehicles and that they are not gonne realese em until they are done right wich to me would sound like 2-3 months at least. He said though that they will be added in before the alpha runs over to beta wich is to be in 6-12 months prob the later. However Dean did say they were gonne add inn a bike earlier wich the pretty much got rdy just need to polish it a bit. for myself i cant wait to get some wheels in game.
  25.  Regulator Sierra

    can we get a statement on bases and vehicles ETA.

    wouldnt mind some wheels tbh :)