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Everything posted by brumey

  1. or maybe make some "builds" and if you respawn you randomly get one! there could be a nurse, a trucker, or whatever.
  2. there is a green building which also never ever ever has loot. and recently my beloved yellow-green building also has no loot inside! NEVER
  3. did u immediately log out after getting there ? or did u sit down and looked around a bit for a while. maybe the server cant update your position to the hive this fast? so far i liked everything they brought with the patches! this log out timer adds new tension! I LIKE! real men log out infront of school in elektro with nothing but their trusty magnum!
  4. those ladders would kill too many people!
  5. its more tedious. u need to find food an so on. but u gots to enjoy the great graphics! so beautiful!
  6. brumey

    Hard to hit zombies with melee

    lol. zombies are not really a threat! easy to dodge and easy to hit! i fear the surprise attacks at night when i dont see em!
  7. brumey

    Items you'd like to see on DayZ

    more knifes i know. machete incoming! but we need more!
  8. i have my servers where i play. u can put them in your "favourites". i dont hangout too long on airfields. getting too paranoid there! never had a disconnect while looting the arifield. only thinking about having a disco there makes me shiver!
  9. brumey

    Bad community

    u know dat sheriff and his deputy smiley ?
  10. ye its over.... we are on the dark side again! dis one dude made my whole Team paranoid. they shoot everhting that moves now! GOD. killin thos 2 hoppers on the airfield gave me such a satisfaction! i gots to kill in this game!
  11. this whole telporting and ghosting reminds me of the lagstabs in dark souls!
  13. lol those guys we killed! we were all green, Khaki and beige! i had green beanie and M4 and hunter backpack my friend had green helmet , gas mask and M4 with mountain backpack and our social guy was looking like a fresh spawn (black trouser and black Shirt) but he hid a Magnum in his trousers!!! WE HELPED BAMBIS YESTERDAY. giving away stuff and Food..... til this one Bambi made all of us unconscious!
  14. then why would u reconnect on a full Server! and why not wait shortly for goin sure nobody is here! why the fck Switch flashlight instantly on and start looking for loot ? why not join a more empty Server and run out of the "danger Zone" there and meet with friends on a safe place? was he thinking he will not be heard if he spawns in with M4 reloading?
  15. i took no risk! we were Camping the Woods for weeks! sometimes we had a friendly Bambi reporting crimes from the City! sometimes its the bad bandits that got caught from us! i am not a native english Speaker! YOU MY SIR ARE A LEGEND! atleast we learned something from all this billshut! DO MORE KOS! EVEN THE BAMBIS! CHERNARUS JUST GOT ALITTLE MORE DANGEROUS!
  16. i see your Point now! but if u spawn in at the airfield switching ur flashlight on and immediately start looking for loot YOU DESERVE TO DIE!!!! dont care if u serverhop or not!
  17. it was fun. starting as a fresh spawn (get also more fps as a Bambi). GOD I LOVE THIS GAME! sometimes i just stand there and gaze at the sky! i start playing at 4:20 erryday!
  18. then why Server hop back on a Server that is nearly full?
  19. logging in ON THE AIRFIELD! i hate These Kind of People! greedy as fck! why would someone log out and back in at the airfield! ist so dangerous there! the only reason i can see is that those People want the loot!
  20. i just heard them logging in! i mostly stay on the Servers i Play!
  21. really dont wanted to sound that i am too attached to my character. i know that this is dayz (where death is around every Corner) and ALPHA (bugs glitches ... ). so u say these dudes had like a big bad ping and thus why we couldnt see him as he started running ? its ok... i wont let any Players come too near to me from now on. i also went to airfield immedietely and got fully geared in like 40 minutes! killed 2 Server-hopper there!