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Everything posted by brumey

  1. brumey

    I have never had so much fun

    love the new patch. now the hoppers even coem here and rant!
  2. brumey

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    omg... dont let dem adhd cod kiddies Play dayz! this patch is wonderful
  3. brumey

    NO i dont want your help go away

    dude. then TELL THEM. just Standing there Feeling bad with no interaction at all from ur side wont stop that! not using your mic or ingame Chat wont let him realise!
  4. i tried loging into steam on my Computer with my Brothers steam account! and with the Family sharing beta i could start dayz with this account! NOW MY QUESTION: can i start playing dayz (on my brothers account on my own Computer) without losing my main steam accounts dayz-dude? would it be somehow "safe" to make a backup of the dayz Folder stored in documents before sarting with another account on the same Computer ? should i just rename my toon? i am scared of starting dayz and messing something up or losing my toon!
  5. still downloading... i play on a machine with 840pro ssd, hd7850, i5-3570K. never had any problems with performance. u gotta tweak it a bit which is awesome
  6. dat Magnum lets me go "HELL YES!" ITS AWESOME
  7. which rules are broken! isnt Family sharing meant to work like this ? i am afraid to start the game (as my brother on my computer) cuz it might mess something up with my current toon on my own steam account! there is something saved in documents Folder which is not connected with my steam account, but with my Windows account! maybe go the super safe route and even log into Windows as a seperate user ? COULD SOMEONE CLARIFY WHAT DAYZ SAVES IN MY DOCUMENTS FOLDER ?
  8. but it Shows up, when i log in with my Brothers account. there is a new section in the library called "brumey's library"! and there i could start it!
  9. brumey

    How can i play on another computer?

    i tried loging into steam on my main Computer with my Brothers steam account! and with the Family sharing beta i could start dayz with this account! NOW MY QUESTION: can i start playing dayz without losing my main steam accounts dayz-dude? would it be somehow "safe" to make a backup of the dayz Folder stored in documents before sarting with another account on the same Computer ?
  10. brumey

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    been doin this coin trick since the beginning
  11. brumey

    Bad community

    i am not into teamwork that much! played terraria. had some fun. what i did like about dark souls and demon souls. dayz makes perfect. its got a mic. an u can mess with paranoid people!
  12. so my friends and me were camping the Woods of solichniy! looking for Bambis to help and baddies to kill! when suddenly a Bambi is running on the street! 30meters away from us! then i he saw us and stood there watching us. just stands still for a while on the street! then next Moment he starts punching in the air on the street! the next Moment we all are getting unconcious! DUDE WAS MILES AWAY AND PUNCHED ALL OF US UNCONSCIOUS! we decided to head to elektro to catch our buddy cuz only 2 of our Group of 3 survived this! on our way to elektro we came through kamy where we again met a Bambi. we decided to talk to him and he suddenly starts running circles like mad! dissappearing through walls. appearing again through a wall. after a while he just stops running around and stands there on the street just punching in the air . the next Thing that happened. YOU ARE UNCONSCIOUS! we all lost our 4 week old toons to this billshut! can anyone explain! its not that we didnt try to kill him while he running circles but our guns just didnt hurt him! maybe this why lots of People kos ! ?!? edit: NEW TO THE FORUMS! HI ALL
  13. was he Standing like 30 meters away and punched like mad up in the air ? this is evern more annoying than lag stabs in dark souls! ruins PvP!
  14. things like " hey Buddy. wher u at?" or "dude. you stink!" or "dude. u have any Food?" or "are u cool, bro ?" or "Need help timmy?" or whatever i feel like asking. sometimes i ask for solving mathematical equations! some People just raise their fist and try to Punch me , when seeing me! i gots to kill them immediately!
  15. brumey

    why good samiritans irritate me

    why not let people play the way they want?
  16. brumey

    Stupid hackers

    so its also Happening with M4's. lost my toon on sunday because of this bullshit! dude was Standing there 30meters away from me punching wildly in the air --> you are unconscious --> you are dead!
  17. i do this all the time when my buddies dont have time to Play. creeping in a bush and shoutng at People comin by! then when they dont find me and continue their journey i ll follew them. just to shout at them again when they are in a house looking for loot! i once followed a guy from elektro to berezino on the coast! hilarious
  18. NO NO NO.... just look at my steam Profile screenshots! i never had a baret!
  20. like i said before . WE KILLED THESE GUYS! we were rockin greenish, khakiish, beige clothes one of us disguised as a Bambi with a Magnum one of us with a helmet, mountain backpack and M4 and me with hunterpackpack, M4 and green beanie
  21. brumey

    Killing filthy surrender monkeys..

    pretty much this. its sad. so sad.
  22. brumey

    Ghosting Deathsquad

    happenend to me twice in the first weeks i was playing dayz. blew full mag into someone. not a single hit.
  23. brumey

    Hard to hit zombies with melee

    with the wood axe i need 2 hits
  24. there is a green house too! it spawned things before the patch! but now it never spawns anything