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Everything posted by brumey

  1. brumey

    Tents has anyone found em

    maybe those tents are super rare! like the shotgun slugs, walkie talkie, grenades, acog sights or M4 ..... wait... awww yeah. heli crashes arent in at all!
  2. i can confirm! helicrashes dont spawn at all! they are making a new tech for the heli crashes! NO ETA! i am reapeating this in capslock for everyon to know HELI CRASHES DONT SPAWN AT ALL CURRENTLY (0.46 and 0.47exp). SO PEOPLE! STOP LOOKING FOR THEM! i already wasted like 300 hours looking for them!
  3. brumey

    Heli crash sites fixed after maintenance?

    hey there. couldnt test it on the Weekend! STILL NO HELI CRASH SITES! can anybody confirm? if not. i ll take the 5 hour trip today to chack all of the Crash sites! last Thing they said bout the heli crashes "Crash sites shoudl be on experimental" http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=13927 plz vote here!
  4. brumey

    The state of M4A1's

    M4's are exclusive to exploiter/duper Clans!
  5. brumey

    Is this the norm in Dayz now?

    plz find a Crash site (with the smoke) and take a screenshot ! plz. plz plz. i wasnt able to find any Crash sites for around 4 weeks now (stable, reg hc, exp, .... ) after every update on any build i make a trip from NWAF to balota! lasts around 5 hours and got me 3 Crash sites EVERYTIME i went this route! ist so sad! ANYBODY FOUND ANY CRASH SITES! (any build, any Server) ??????
  6. brumey

    Is this the norm in Dayz now?

    should be. BUT AREN'T! heli crashes currently dont spawn at all! we ve been trying on stable the last 2 weeks for 300 hours! this Weekend we have been searching them for 50 hours on experimental. NO HELI CRASHES SITES AT ALL!!! this is getting ridiculous! some info from the devs would be really cool. i wasted like 400 hours so far looking for something that isnt there! anyway there is an entry on the feedbacktracker! http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=13927 but it only has 10 votes! only 10 votes ?!? wtf even "Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF" and "bodies of players killed during logout timer disappear after 30s" has more votes! this si ridiculous. GUYS! VOTE THIS UP! plz. dont make assumptions when ur not 100% sure! i m sure, i would have found some in 50 hours of playing, if they exist! we have been 5 People solely looking for the Crash sites multiple times after Server restarts! all 76 Locations checked ! someone on reddit said they ARE on experimental! WHAT A WASTE OF TIME! SO SAD :(
  7. only 10 votes ?!? wtf even Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF bodies of players killed during logout timer disappear after 30s has more votes! this si ridiculous. GUYS! VOTE THIS UP
  8. brumey

    sawn off episode 931204

    i was so happy yesterday that i found a hecksaw to saw my shotty off. with a big grin in my face i was running through balota airfield! i was not able to kill all the incmoing Zombies before they could hit me. tough i hit them everytime i shot! i sometimes hit the Zombies at Point blank. blood spreads. but Zombie not dead! at the tentcity those Zombies ruined my jacket and high cap vest! shotgun Needs a buff^^
  9. brumey


    ist always vybor for me! lately ist Happening a lot
  10. brumey

    Can't hear gunshots at random

    the "eating Food"-sound is of the worst Quality one can imagine! so much Background noise!!!! as for the not Hearing gunshots: i Encounter this every time i meet People in dayz. some poeple hear the shots. some People hear nothing at all!
  11. brumey

    2 things NEEDED to be fixed in next update.

    nah. ist more NAVMESH WALKIE TALKIES HELI CRASH SITES RANDOM CRASHES RANDOM DIEING as Long as they dont fix These there is no Need to patch the duping glitch out!
  12. brumey

    MP5K - Just Bad Luck

    have you tried headshotting ? or just loadedd the mag into his backpack ?!? i kill a lot lately with headshots! (M4A1)
  13. the ATC Tower is pretty dangerous lately! nearly everyday one of our clan members died there last week on empty servers! we avoid goin on top of this building now!
  14. i remember finding some on 0.45. but since 0.46 i couldnt find any! maybe they are bugged. like shotgun slugs, walkie talkie and heli crashes!
  15. brumey

    American compounds in Chernarus

    not sure if i really want more american things in dayz! it takes place in chernaRUSSIA! would love if they remove the american flags from some of the tactical Shirts! i would wear them, but wont wear them if they have the freakin stars n stripes on them....ye i am somehow anti-american. not gonna put this flag on my clothes! they enslaved the whole world with cars that run with oil (yes the first car ever was electric). and the synthetic fiber industry destroyed a Basic Thing mankid was enjoying for thousands of years. SMOKING POT! now they are legalizing again! FOR THE MONEY! .... i can in no way Support murica! ist common sense!
  16. i wanted to dupe a blood test kit with the unconscious technique for the sake of testing this, but my friend just mike tyson'd me to death!
  17. no. Clans do the "beat him unconscious - wait for him to get conscious - wait for him to log out - take his gear"-GLITCH ! there is one glitch where u duplicate your char getting a "unknown entity" and one where u take gear in the process of the log out Animation! this is common knowloedge and can easily be discovered by playing the game for like 10 hours! !
  18. congrats u just doubled your ammunition!
  19. brumey

    Tents with wooden floors never have loot/gear

    you are not right about that! the first time this happened the tentcity didnt spawn any loot at all!
  20. brumey

    Instant karma? lol yep.

  21. brumey

    Tents with wooden floors never have loot/gear

    ammunition Clips dont spawn empty! its haz not spawned! its haz been dropped!
  22. brumey

    Heli crash sites fixed after maintenance?

    would love if there would be some word from the devs, wheter they are working or not. i wasted like 20 hours last week trying to look for Crash sites. time could have been spent better then! Feeling slightly trolled! also NO INFO BOUT BUGGED WALKIE TALKIE!
  23. brumey

    Logging out..?

    did you Login right after maintenance? not all Server get immediate Connection to hives after maintenance! therefore giving u a fresh spawn when joining! and overwriting your old character when the Server, where u spawned fresh, gets the coonection to central hive again! SEEN ?!?