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Everything posted by brumey

  1. brumey

    Sporter/Blaze/Shotgun attachments?

    there will be a sawn off variant of the blaze in the future! SO MUCH STYLE^^
  2. brumey

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    is this some kind of rubber bullets not killing the target only making him unconscious ??!!?
  3. brumey

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    whats up with those green shotgun pellets?!? i got some from a dude that had an old character...... couldnt load them into the shotty!
  4. brumey

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    yeah BUT u can counterforce the force of recoil! People not always see shotgun shots coming, therefore not always able to Position their feet (mass centre)so they can counterforce the force of Impact!. seen ?
  5. brumey

    Infinite Mosin Ammo

    every Little cod-skript-kiddy me and my clan kill in berezino has those m4 Clips with like 40000 rounds in it!
  6. brumey

    This is why I HATE DayZ.

    u should have approached higher grounds before logging out + you can flee from the Zombie while bleeding! atleast some kilometres!
  7. brumey

    Auto-Run Toggle with a Corsair M95

    i have mapped combat movement to my 3dconnexion spacepilot . i just touch it and dude starts sprinting.
  8. brumey

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    we died to a random mosin dude! will look for a shotgun the next days .... edit: me and my buddy feel, that the perfect distance for shooting with the shotties is 5m with the sawn off and aaround 10m with the normal one! also couldnt load those green shotgun pellets.... darn it. i want to see people flying around when hit by shotties^^ they have those physics right ?
  9. brumey

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    i think i am into something. was shooting zombieswith my sawn off and a friend who had a normal one! the random spread is calculated already when the bullets leave the barrel and then moving in a linear line. NOT IN A CONE. needs more testing ..... this gun sure has style
  10. thats the spirit. have my beans
  11. brumey

    Stop With the "This is Russia BS"

    ermahgawd tactical shirt has american flag.....
  12. survival --- yes. loot must be scarce zombie --- yes. 1 headshot kills them apocalypse --- yes. look at berezino on the 100/100 server. thats apocalypse
  13. yeah. its only bits and pieces here and there sporadically vomited out!
  14. YES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE but there is no word from devs whether we are getting them back or not! i think i read somewhere that they want to test loot respawns on 40/40 Servers! i hope i am wrong and we get atleast 1 100/100 Server here in EU!
  15. i want to Play on 100/100 Servers again! This 1 EU Server was hilarious! berezino a deathtrap! the most fun experience ever!!!! playing dayz never felt so true! there were corpses everywhere! dayz sure felt different on the 100/100 Server! and i am missing that experience for 1 week now :(
  16. i want a sporter 22, checkered Shirt, any vest, no melee, improvised backpack and a Cowboy hat! i will look/be so cool!
  17. yeah. ITS ALL ABOUT STYLE! i enjoy the game most when my character looks really awesome! shootin the blaze sure feels baddass!!! and this reload Animation ... thats also what i did in dark souls when the game slowly began to "get old" ! i switched to Fashion souls! always having a good looking char is top priority! heck!!! in tf2 i only use Boston basher as a Scout! melee weapon sure is shit! BUT IT LOOKS SO COOL!!!
  18. dude Looks cool. have my beans!
  19. brumey

    Faster way to get military geared up?

    this is how i played on experimental! but my stable chars all wont die! unless i Play completely unaware of my surroundings or try to meet up with steam friends on high Population Areas! with the new buildings (Police stations, medicals) you really dont Need to go to an airfield for a gun! there is sks, mosin, blaze and shotguns everyhwere! and the "ammo houses" , as i call them, mostly spawn some ammo! really no Need to head Inland, unless you flee from someone or wanna chill some alone!
  20. brumey

    Whenever you use the realism card for DayZ...

    without the MP M4 parts ist just spray and pray!
  21. the lack of Information on this concerns me! why no Information that they were taken down?! why no information when they plan to bring them back? there is nothing in the "announcements and Information" there is nothing in the "dev tracker" section there is nothing on reddit there is nothing on twitter there is nothing on http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/ WHERE ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GET INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ?!!?!?!
  22. brumey

    Whenever you use the realism card for DayZ...

    would be cool if the m4 suits in a backpack by deattaching all the attachments!
  23. ITS silent. + u can kill People with a shotload of ammo. + u dont Need any melee (if ist really unheard by zeds)
  24. cuz Shooting the sporter is fun! i killed someone on stable at the Weekend with 15 sporter rounds! IT FELT GOOD also if People see u with this loadout they most likely dont take you serious!