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About Alyais

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    Medieval History, Full Immersion LARP, Medieval Combat, Survivalism, Appalachian Trail.
  1. I never cooperate with other players that try to scare me into submission. The moment someone tells me they have me surrounded they've made an enemy. I'm always friendly and if someone tries to use intimidation to control me I always try to fight. Something in me tells me its just right.
  2. Alyais

    How can I fing my GUID (SA)?

    I can and do. However, it is impossible to have a mea ingful roleplay server without.
  3. Alyais

    How can I fing my GUID (SA)?

    They need to allow whitelisting for the sake of all that is holy
  4. Alyais


    The DayZ RP server claims they have a whitelist and they're all discussing it and it says it's working. I wonder how they're doing it.
  5. Alyais


    I've encountered a server that whitelists. I thought this was against the current TOS? Has something changed in the new patch? If so, how does someone create a whitelist?
  6. Ape seem's to know what he's talking about. Even if there aren't negatives I still stay out of the rain at all times if I can help it.
  7. Alyais

    What has the standalone become ?

    I have never encountered hackers in the game and most of my experiences have been positive, though not all have been friendly. What makes the game enjoyable is the risk that the next survivor might just be the last one you encounter. I always remind myself when I play, "today could be the day" and it doesn't feel like shit when I lose my gear.
  8. My initial feedback to the undead changes were negative, but I've revised my opinion. I've been playing the game a lot and have to say I prefer these changes. I've also bought many copies (for myself and friends) of the game. The new animations, both for our characters and the undead, have made the game wholly more enjoyable for me. The speed of the undead has also increased my enjoyment of the game and, though the undead respawning system is not perfect, the idea that there are so many undead that using my gun isn't advisable is something I love and something I feel will greatly improve my immersive roleplay experiences! However, the following would still improve my experience: 1. The undead should never respawn in my line of sight. Period. The game's developer's value immersion as much as I do however and so I am certain this will be corrected. As it stands, this breaks my immersion. 2. The undead should hear my gunshots, melee combats, and voice. They should not hear me when I'm sneaking and should not hear me when I'm walking. 3. The undead should not ever clip through buildings or terrain. I should be able to use the environment to my advantage more than I am able to do currently. As it stands, I cannot shut a door behind myself and pray. 4. At night the presence of the undead is terrifying, however I should have to worry very little about them seeing me. Currently they come sprinting from wherever. This makes nighttime play less satisfying since I am not rewarded for being careful. 5. WOBO posted an excellent video on how to understand the undead animations and predict their attacks, which I imagine is a skill many of us had already developed. THIS SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE. I cannot stress enough to the development team that the more predictable the Undead become (due to animations, etc) the less enjoyable they are to encounter. It becomes very "gamey" and less realistic and immersive. To clarify, I enjoy that I can predict things like pathing but I do not enjoy that I can know if a zombie will strike or leap simply by the way he runs. I do not mind being able to predict this based off of his actions right before he jumps or hits, but not while he is in motion. Its simple...randomize whether they leap or attack. I am confident all of these issues will be addressed.
  9. This server has kicked myself and my two friends twice in the last hour. We aren't cheating or breaking any rules. Isn't that against the TOS for the server? How do I report this officially? Thanks for the help!
  10. Usually I don't play much on days where I work. If I am off though I'll power game for 3-10 hours unless my girlfriend wants to watch a movie or something. Love this game!
  11. Alyais

    SKS or M4?

    I'm not sure what it is, but the SKS just always feels better to me than the M4. Its long barrel implies it is more versatile for the way I play the game and its look means that I look less military and more civilian- which is becoming more important to me since I've noticed it changes other players default reactions. That being said, I do like the ammo capacity of the M4 because its a necessity in some very dangerous situations. I should note though, that I would never take an SKS over an M4 if I didn't have a pistol as backup for inside houses, etc.
  12. I agree and I think Rocket and Co. are making the right moves for the game's development. This is a long and tedious process and you shouldn't have to be reminded both every time you join the game and on the forums that the game is an Alpha. I would like to see Rocket announce they've hired a bunch of new programmers with all that money- but I don't think he has an obligation to do so.
  13. Alyais

    Water from rain

    This is one of those features that I always think, "The devs have to be implementing this!". It makes a lot of sense.
  14. Alyais

    Radio and playing music

    I'd love if the music was in Russian, too. Ha ha.