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k3rMz (DayZ)

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Posts posted by k3rMz (DayZ)

  1. so i'd like to know how were ment to join the servers, 

    tried to join the server directly after a reboot, as you'll see from both these attempts , the server was NOT full but yet still getting connection errors.

    Ive uninstalled and reinstalled the game, verified the files, but cannot get into any server its frustrating  :(  :( 



  2. this has just happened to me and a friend whilst playing tonight, server did its 4hr restart , we both were well kitted and searching for a tent in the woods, after we log back in i'm still in the woods with all my kit and my friend is back next to the sea as a new spawn,  this has happened 3 times now  and its a bit meh knowing you've worked hard to kit up and go on a mission to only have your self reset after you leave the server or it reboots

  3. i recently spent some time playing another zombie mod for arma 3 that's in alpha due to how stale dayz has got with its road map recently, some simple things like spawning with a small axe and being able to group together would make some great additions to dayz.


    currently one of the pet peeves we have when we play as a group is how randomly you'll spawn, you'll always end up the other side of the map to your group when you die and have to spend 30/40 minutes hiking trying not to get killed by zombies or starve to death and hope you dont bump into kos players whilst trying to meet back up.  i really hope they add something that will allow you to spawn closer to people your playing with , even if its once camps/stronghold are implemented.


    the random server kicks , random  you are dead messages and glitching is as annoying but  we are all starting to shy away from dayz atm and playing other games, hoping that sometime soon an update will bring something a bit more exciting back to the game.

  4. i have found 2 crash sites so far and no ammo although the crash sites we found were not on any map's ' so call crash location '  they truely are random. 


    i understand having the gun spawn at the heli site's but the ammo should still randomly spawn at one of the military area's every reboot.


    on our travels we have found several akm's & mp5-k along with ammo, clips and various parts so why would you want to waste your time hunting the crash sites just incase you find something.  
