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Everything posted by gianni001
Every time the servers get 40+ people, players begin to warp and teleport around, animation states are not correct and interactions begin to lag. Thanks.
Leave it, I agree with everything he said.
New to the Dayz mod (Vanilla) throw me some bones!
gianni001 posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Hi all So, long story short a couple of years ago I wanted to get into DayZ after wathcing a certain youtubers videos.. anyways, at the time it was all too hard and cumbersome with the mirid of mods and variations I just couldnt be bothered, so I waited for Arma 3 / Standalone.. Arma 3 brought with it Breaking Point which is awesome and I enjoy it alot, Standalone brought disappointment. I recently found out Vanilla dayz was on the steam workshop and alot of people play it so I have downloaded it and jumped on some servers and had a play, it is a weird kind of refreshing I cant describe, a really good feeling of a zombie apocalypse that Breaking Point Arma 3 and Standalone dont give. I think I am lucky coming to the mod when it is in such a stable playable state. Anyhoo. Doing some research and looking at the change logs of the mod I am noticing some things, what is the town generator and how does it work? Does it spawn loot? As one thing I am noticing is the clear lack of enter able buildings and thus struggling to find substantial loot. I was running around on US434 and noticed some huge fort in elektro where some fellow aussies helped me out killing some zambies, anyways, that rasied the question of base building / crafting, what is inolved? I cant find much info on the WIKI outside of the change log.. can someone point me in the right direction? Other things I noticed in the change log such as permanent fire places for bases and stuff, I am really interested in the 'base building' aspect (I want to avoid EPOCH, I dont hate it but its not 'dayz') so, id love some information on the in depth crafting functionality and any general help, treat me as a "noob" which is the feeling I get when I log in, I feeling of struggling to survive which is really cool something I dont get from the other iterations of the game, and I am not bagging Breaking Point OR SA, they are just different to the Dayz experience I am getting from the current revamped vanilla mod! Thanks alot guys, appreciate the helpz! -
New to the Dayz mod (Vanilla) throw me some bones!
gianni001 replied to gianni001's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Thrilling contribution. Thanks. -
New to the Dayz mod (Vanilla) throw me some bones!
gianni001 replied to gianni001's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Made what great, I dont follow? I am finding loot on the door steps and stuff, I thought that town generator might spawn in loot though? Wasnt sure if I was reading it right or evne understanding its purpose for that matter! [New] - "town generator", which spawns litter/rumble/wrecks inside 500 meter bubble around the player. -
Please help me with my FPS (I know not to expect "great" FPS)..
gianni001 posted a topic in Troubleshooting
So, I really want to enjoy DayZ but the FPS is such a massive killer, I understand fully that expecting 50fps in cities is not possible, but I am sitting in the 15-20 fps in places like Cherno and from people I speak to they seem to be able to get a around 30fps at the minimum, which I would find playable. My PC specs are pretty high end (as far as I know) i7 4930k @ 4gighz. 16 gig ram SSD GTX780 In the ingame graphics settings the only, I mean literally, the only difference to FPS is gained when I drop the objects down. EVERY other setting makes no difference to frames.. I have taken a look at the config settings which seem to make little difference, I have had a look at the steam launch parameters but I cant work out which ones to put based on my PC specs, so some help here would be wonderful Other than that, is there anything I am missing? Thanks for your help in advance. -
noticed water pooling up on low lying areas, such as in the back of crashed utes
I wish this game would do away with the silly no UI shit and just give us a temperature icon, food , water, energy icons. Clean, small and effective. nope, we have.."I feel this" "I feel that" The mod had indicators, noone complained, they were good.
Hi guys wondering if this problem is limited to just me or others are dealing with it also, when I have post processing on, the game looks great and I really love the effect but from time to time the game goes very blurry, I cant pin point where, or how but it seemingly happens when something obscures our view slightly? Basically with PPA on the game seems slightly blurry anyways, but that is the effect, this additional blur almost takes the graphics down a resolution scale , its quite hard to explain. Anyone else get the same thing? I find my self turning off PPA but than i miss out on all the other cool effects like motion blur, bloom ambient occlusion (I realize some of you might hate them, but I like them) Thank you very much
Question on graphics - Post Processing please help
gianni001 replied to gianni001's topic in General Discussion
Should have noted this has nothing to do with low health. -
Not sure if anyone noticed this, but you get out of breath alot faster now when running with your weapon out as opposed to running with it on your back.
If I had one wish for the alpher right now it would be that they make the magazines spawn in civilian areas.
Hi guys, So I have noticed that sometimes the weapon sway is out of control and it was always after being hit by a zombie, so I applied a split even though I had no notification of broken limbs and what do you know? It worked. So I did some more testing and it seems zombies / players can break your arms but a notification does not appear to tell you. So in short, if your weapon sway is very large, apply a sympathy splint and you will be right as rain
For those with really bad weapon sway, please read
gianni001 replied to gianni001's topic in General Discussion
It will apply the splint regardless of weather or not you have a broken arm, but you can easily tell by your weapon sway being very large and random. -
Wondering if these mags will ever rightfully spawn in residential areas?
DOF Effects Based On Entities When Aiming
gianni001 replied to hells high's topic in General Discussion
PPA in DayZ drives me nuts, on one hand I love how awsome the game looks, but the buggy bluriness, nup. Running through a forest every time you look at a tree or bush it goes blury clear blury clear... does my nut in. Wish this was fixed, as PPA makes the game look so pretty, withuot it the game looks like ... well arma 2... -
nice video, very comedic, had me in stitches. Im with you, I kill any armed player that has their weapon out and not holstered.
nice work man, always good to see kiddies getting owned in berezino
The 'friendly' pose and how I am dealing with bandits
gianni001 posted a topic in General Discussion
Hi guys, *Disclaimer - I enjoy people shooting on sight, its what makes the game great, this is not a KOS whinge. So recently I have been putting more and more time into Dayz as the last few patches have made the game quite playable for me and not to ignite another KOS argument this is just my take on how I am dealing with players from here on in due to some shitty experiences and maybe a trend could start. I enjoy player interaction but ive been burned too many times by people with weapons. Basically, my own set of rules will be very simple - If you have a gun out weather its raised or lowered, you will be shot on sight. Its not full proof, but its what im going by, so if you play on any of the AU hardcore servers and your friendly, holster your weapon! Now for a funny story - Was on the TOG hardcore AU server last night and ran into some chaps at the new town NW of Svet, had a chat, they seemed cool, we all had guns ( I had a sporter.. yay) than as expected one of them just shot me in the face. Whatever, no big deal.....spawned at Svet petrol station, legged it to where these douchbags were picked up a SKS with 10 rounds and exacted revenge.. was pretty fun. So, from this, anyone with a weapon out is hostile as far as im concerned! For other 'friendly' players out there, do you have any rules you guy by?? Im curious See you in game! -
DayZ Standalone - Ep10 - Airfield Ambush HD
gianni001 replied to TheModernGamer94's topic in Gallery
none of your reasons justify using a hacked item. The right thing to do would be scrap the M4 and use what is available. I honestly cannot believe you are trying to defend it lol -
The 'friendly' pose and how I am dealing with bandits
gianni001 replied to gianni001's topic in General Discussion
Pretty simple answer really, I am the judge, the juror, I am the law. If your carrying two guns, ill shoot you. Your just twice as threatening to me. -
The 'friendly' pose and how I am dealing with bandits
gianni001 replied to gianni001's topic in General Discussion
Well, lets talk about that form a second. Why do you need you gun out? You dont need it for zombies, arguably you need it out to defend your self from other players, but I think in most cases having your gun out isnt going to help if you are ambushed, on the odd occasion you may pull off the ol twitch shot but more often than not you'll leg it to the nearest bit of cover , in which case you have time to get your weapon out anyways. The way I see it is simple, having your weapon out you are 0.5s away from getting a shot on me when im trying to befriend you, having a weapon holstered I have that extra 1 second or so to either put you down or run. This rule of mine is my way of extending my life while trying to still be somewhat friendly, holster your shit and I wont shoot you. -
As far as im concerned camo does not really matter. Your biggest hope of not being seen is to remain still. You will be surprised how many people will walk right past you if you are standing still, especially in DayZ, peoples minds are trained to see objects moving against a still back ground, stand still and you will rarely get seen. Remember, people are only looking for you if they know you are there. Next time your in a busy town, find a bush or scrap pile and just sit there for a while and watch how many oblivious people stroll by .Being stealthy helps alot.
The bow is extremely inaccurate as well, arguably it should be. But , seriously inaccurate..
Hi guys Wanting to use the crossbow for immersion purposes , I know it isnt the best weapon but its wat id like to use. Can you give some advice on where to find the freaaaaaaaaaaaking bolts? Am I just that unlucky? Also I heard .22 mags are spawning in civi areas now, I havent found any, is that the case?